Uehara Mie hurriedly stood up: "I'm sorry, I'm going to prepare breakfast right now!"

"No need." Miss Miko shook her head and said, "It's been so long since you guys have seen each other, you must have a lot to talk about? Let's just go out and eat."


After the three of Hua Ye left, Mie Uehara turned her head to look at her sister, and tears fell instantly.

"Sister, you..."

"Don't cry, don't cry, it's fine." Miyuki Uehara smiled brightly, waved her hand, and said, "Actually, it's fine for me, it's just that I can't eat, but watching TV and watching dramas is fine, and I don't want to eat anymore. I won't get sick anymore, maybe many people will envy me, ha, ha ha ha..."


Uehara Mie didn't speak, just looked at her sister, tears dripped down her cheeks, and quickly wet the shirt on her chest.

The dry laughter faded until it disappeared.

Would it be fun to be a ghost?

of course not.

I can't go out during the day, I can't communicate with others, I can't eat food, I can't pick up things, I can't even hug my crying sister... Even if I don't have my "heart", it still hurts.

Uehara Miyuki raised her hand, wanting to help wipe away her tears, raised it halfway and put it down again, and said in a low voice: "Don't cry... things have already happened, after all, we have to look forward. When parents pass away, you Didn't you say that you will never cry again?"

Mei Hui raised her hand and wiped her eyes: "I didn't cry, the tears fell by themselves."

"Don't worry, my sister will never leave again."

"That..." Mie Uehara hesitated, and asked, "If other onmyojis find out about my sister, will they kill demons?"

The smile on Uehara Miyuki's face stiffened suddenly.

"No, no way?"


The two sisters looked at each other, speechless.


Walking on the sunny street, looking far away, you can see the blue sea in the distance, gently stretching the waves in the breeze.

"Hua Jun, what shall we eat?" Miss Miko asked.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Let's eat ramen."

"Okay, okay." Poor Loli raised her hand in agreement, "Although my sister's ramen is delicious, I always feel that the ramen outside tastes better."

Walking into a ramen restaurant on the street, after a short wait, three bowls of eel ramen were served.

The ramen bowl is very big, the soup is thick and white, the surface is a piece of eel, there are sliced ​​marinated eggs, green lettuce, snow-white scallions, etc., and a strong fresh fragrance hits the face.

"Well, it looks delicious...I'm starting it!" Poor Loli took a disposable bamboo chopsticks and took a bite of the noodles, "It's delicious! No wonder there are so many customers in the store."

Miss Miko also nodded: "The ramen tastes good."

Lolita turned her eyes, looked at Hua Ye, and asked in a crisp voice, "What do you think, brother Xiao Ye?"

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "It's okay."

It can neither make people burst into clothes, nor is it a dish that will shine, nor can it be considered "delicious".

"Then after the commission is completed, let's have a good time here, shall we?"

"How to say?"

"Look." Hyuga said with fingers, "I may only come to this city once, and I don't think I will come again in the future, so you must try all the delicious and fun things, so as not to leave any regrets. .”

Hua Ye squinted: "Eating too much will make you fat."

"No, no way!" Poor Loli felt a little guilty, "I'm the same as my sister, I can't get fat no matter how much I eat!"

Hua Ye said calmly: "However, now you..."


Before she finished speaking, Lolita looked over with her eyes wide open, her cheeks puffed up, with an expression of "I'm angry, I'll cry for you".


After breakfast, return to Uehara Mie's home.

"Thank you very much!" Uehara Miyuki clasped her hands together, "Please help me get back the remaining money, and according to the agreement, half of it will be used as a reward for this commission."

"Sister, why don't you forget it..." Mie Uehara whispered, "The money now is enough for me to go to college, and I also have a part-time job. Although I don't earn much, I live a fulfilling life every day. I don't need money." That much money."


Miyuki Uehara refused straight away, and said with awe-inspiring manner: "It's only natural to pay back the debt! Even if I die, even if I become a ghost, I will cry out with a decayed voice, and give me back my money!"

As a result, in the next second, the hot-blooded girl lay down in front of Liuli in the position of Tuxiazao, and begged, "Leave the rest to Liuli!"

Your sister, you just said it impassionedly, wishing you could roll up your sleeves and hit the door, but in the end, you kneel down without hesitation in the blink of an eye, what's wrong with you!

"Okay, okay." Poor Lolita's eyes sparkled, and she waved her small fist, "I've only seen it on TV, and I haven't tried to ask for debts myself yet!"

Do you think getting debts is easy?

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