Thin-skinned and small-fisted guys can't be bothered at all. For example, her sister Uehara Mie asked her to ask for debts. It must be meat buns and dogs that never return. Maybe they will be caught directly by the other party and filmed Tokyo is not too hot movie too!

After finding the phone number of the original contact person, Miss Miko called.

"Hello?" A deep male voice sounded.

Miss Miko asked, "Is that Mr. Jiro Tanaka?"

Tanaka Jiro seemed to have just woken up, and his voice was impatient: "It's me, what's the matter?"

Miss Miko said calmly: "I am Miyuki Uehara's friend, please pay Miyuki the other half of the promised remuneration."

There was a slight silence on the other side: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"You know very well."

"Oh, boring."

"Who is calling?" A woman's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"It's nothing, just a call girl." Jiro Tanaka replied casually, and then hung up the phone directly.


"That guy actually said he didn't know me?" Uehara Miyuki shouted angrily, "Surely he wanted to deliberately default on the debt?"

However, from the perspective of jurisprudence, there is no reason for the debt of the father to be repaid by the son. With the death of the person with civil capacity, all the debts during his lifetime will also become invalid, and the other party has no obligation to repay the debt to the female ghost.

Although Miko Liuli didn't speak, frost condensed on her pretty face, and an invisible aura spread, causing Miyuki Uehara to subconsciously close her mouth.

"Sister is really angry." Lolita stuck out her tongue, hugged Hua Ye's hand, and whispered, "When my sister is angry, her face will be expressionless. At this time, you must not provoke my sister, otherwise you will be considered a little girl." Brother Ye will definitely be taught a lesson..."

Nonsense, being deliberately called a call girl, even the best-tempered Wei Nai will definitely be angry, right?

If your sister is smiling and not angry, it will make people scared instead!

Miss Miko called again.

The phone rang twice before being hung up by the other party.

Miss Miko's face remained unchanged and she continued to make calls.

Hang up again.

After calling again.

"Are you annoying?" Jiro Tanaka answered the phone with a rather harsh tone, and said directly, "I have the money, but I won't give you a hundred yen!"

"Damn bastard!" Uehara Miyuki couldn't help clenching her fists and shouted, "You did that to me, and you wouldn't even give me a hundred yen!"

Mei Hui whispered with some embarrassment: "Sister, don't talk..."

"Where are you?" Miss Miko asked coldly.

"What? Want to come to see me?" Jiro Tanaka on the other end of the phone was slightly stunned, and then sneered, "I'm at the seaside hotel, just come here."

Miss Miko didn't bother to say a word, and hung up the phone directly.

"Hua Jun, let's go?" Qianye Liuli looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."

"That..." Uehara Miyuki said in a low voice, "Although the Seaside Hotel is not the best hotel here, it has a strong background. There used to be a congressman's son who got drunk and made trouble in it, and was thrown out with a broken leg... ...Should be the property of the Society of Truth, right?"

Miss Miko asked back: "Then you mean you don't want the money?"

"That won't work!" Uehara Miyuki shook her head resolutely, "The money must be returned!"

"I mean, it's better to follow him secretly, and then take advantage of the other party's order, and cover it with a sack from behind, and then the chicken smells, crunchy... Bah, I was wrong, do you want him to return the money to me?"

You have watched too many Hong Kong movies!How can there be so many dark alleys for you to ambush now!

Miss Miko pursed her lips and looked at Hua Ye: "What does Mr. Hua mean?"

"It's too troublesome." Hua Ye said casually, "Go directly and beat him to death."

It's too troublesome to be stalking, following, and preparing sacks. Sure enough, it's the most satisfying to go directly to the door and kill him.

"Yeah." Miss Miko nodded, "Then let's go."

Chapter 536 Ai-chan is still full of resentment

"Hinata, you..."

Miss Miko turned her head to look at her younger sister. Just as she opened her mouth, Lolita shook her head and hugged Hua Ye's hand: "Don't stay! I want to go with Brother Xiaoye!"

"What are you going to do?" Miss Miko frowned slightly.

This time, she must have done something in the past, and she didn't want her sister to be exposed to too cruel things.

Lolita hugged Hua Ye's hand tightly, and retorted: "Then just leave me here alone, what if, what if the other party suddenly runs over and grabs me, and then does something terrible like this... What should I do?"

"That..." Uehara Miyuki raised her hand and said, "Even if someone breaks in, they should grab Meihui and have sex, right? You are so young, no one will be interested, right? You can take the opportunity to escape... "

"Sister, what nonsense are you talking about!" Uehara Mie, who was implicated innocently, blushed immediately, and glared at her sister with embarrassment and anger, "Am I a bait?"

Uehara Miyuki spread her hands, her face full of innocence: "But my sister is a ghost now, even if she wants to be slapped instead of you, there is no way."

"Sister, don't talk!" Uehara Mie blushed, "If you continue, you will be mad at me!"

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