"OK then……"

Miss Miko was also speechless, but she knew that the other party had such a reckless personality, and she often spoke beyond her brain, so she didn't care, but the anger in her heart dissipated a lot.

She looked at the dirty loli, and was about to speak, but Kohinata wrinkled her nose, and said, "Children are not safe, right? There are more and more lolitas now! When I was in school, there were people who blocked me Ask me how to sell silk stockings on the way..."

Miss Miko narrowed her eyes, and a cold light flashed in her eyes: "When did it happen? Why don't I know?"

"I kicked him and ran away..." Lolita stuck out her tongue, "I haven't seen him since then."

Seeing that her sister was moved, Lolita hurriedly said, "Recently, Turkey has passed a bill to legalize rape and rape of underage girls. There is no lower limit in the world now! For example, there are left-behind children every year. As for the violation incident, those who broke the news are just the tip of the iceberg, and I don’t know how many have not been announced!"

Hearing this, Miss Miko also hesitated.The reason why she dropped out of school was because after her grandfather passed away, only her ten-year-old sister was left in the family, so she couldn't let go of her anyway.

"Brother Xiaoye, what do you think?" Poor Loli looked at Hua Ye pitifully.

Hua Ye said casually, "Then let's go together."

"Yeah, brother Xiaoye is my favorite! (*^▽^*)"

Miss Miko pursed her lips, as a tacit consent.

"That..." Uehara Miyuki scratched her head, "Why don't I go too? Seeing you go to collect bills, I'm not feeling well at home."

"No need." Miss Miko regained her composure, "You can just stay with my sister at home, and I will take care of you when I go."


Uehara Miyuki squatted to the corner to draw circles.


at the same time.

The second floor of the beach hotel.

The SPA hall, which was originally full of customers, was empty today, and it seemed extraordinarily quiet.In the huge space, there is only one creature between a girl and a loli.

The reason why I say this is because no matter in terms of body shape or breast volume, it is not up to the standard of a girl. It belongs to the standard loli body shape, but it clearly has a weak feminine allure in every gesture.

"Those bastards in the Presbyterian Church are really disgusting! They should have enjoyed the sun and private swimming pools (not going to the beach because they are afraid of being hurt by other people's critical attacks) in summer, but they sent me to the Antarctic to catch snow monsters..."

"That kind of guy covered in white hair, what research value is there! It's neither as powerful as the snowman in "Metal Slug", nor as cute as the snowman in "Snowman Brothers"... I thought the penguin was cute, but it turned out to be almost After getting in touch with them from a distance, I found out that those penguins defecate and defecate everywhere, and I immediately didn't like it!"

"However, when I was catching the snow monster, I met a crew making a movie. It seems to be called "Love in the South Pole", and it is also the first film to be filmed on the spot in Antarctica... The problem is that the male lead does not wear snow goggles. You must have snow blindness, right?"

Just as Lolita was lying on a special spa bed, revealing her snow-white delicate shoulders and slender back, but a white bath towel was covering her buttocks, her rose-red eyes were full of dissatisfaction, and she was thinking about the experiences of these days.

Behind her, the best masseuse in the hotel is scrupulously giving massages, eye to nose, nose to heart, unresponsive to legitimate loli complaints.

"When I disembarked yesterday, I met four girls at the port to travel to Antarctica together. I really don't understand what's so interesting about that kind of place, except that the snow is cold, and there are snow monsters and penguins who defecate everywhere... Anyway, Antarctica I will never go to that kind of place again!"

Just as Loli finished chanting, she said, "Okay, let's stop here for now, I want to drink black tea."

"Yes, Igarashi-sama."

The masseuse saluted and stepped back respectfully.

Another maid wearing a maid outfit stepped forward with small steps and served black tea at a suitable temperature on the tray.

Igarashi picked up the teacup, drank his favorite black tea on weekdays, and subconsciously showed a happy expression like a cat getting dried fish, so that his big eyes narrowed, but for his majesty, the happy expression It quickly dissipated without a trace.

She said lazily: "You all go out, I want to rest for a while."


The maid and the masseuse stepped back respectfully and left the room lightly.

After the two left, Ai Igarashi sat up, looked at the steamed bun on her chest, and couldn't help but gritted her teeth: "Damn, hate, hate, hate! Why don't you grow up? Drink milk every day, and papaya also I eat it often, and I have eaten other foods, why don't I see you grow up!"

Looking at the Xiaolongbao who will never grow up, Igarashi is full of resentment.


the other side.

Hua Ye and Miss Miko had already taken a taxi to the door of the beach hotel.

After getting off the car, in the sound of "Welcome" from the two welcoming ladies, they went directly to the front desk.

"Hello, is there anything I can do to help you two?" the front desk lady asked politely.

Miss Miko said, "Let's find Jiro Tanaka."

"Huh?" The woman at the front desk was a little stunned, hesitated for a moment, and quietly blinked at Miss Miko, then whispered, "Master Tanaka is at the bar on the second floor..."

Miss Miko smiled and said, "Thank you."

"No, you're welcome..."

After Hua Ye and Miss Miko left, the woman at the front desk raised her hand and patted her chest, took a deep breath, then picked up the phone and dialed Jiro Tanaka's number.

"Master Tanaka, someone came to see you just now..."

Tanaka Jiro on the other end of the phone asked casually:

"A woman?"

"Well, there's also a man and a little girl."

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