"That woman's voice is very nice, I wonder what she looks like?"

The woman at the front desk nodded and said, "Very beautiful girl."

"Could it be prettier than you?" Jiro Tanaka's voice was tinged with teasing.


The woman at the front desk bit her lip and said nothing.

"Have you told them the address?" Jiro Tanaka's voice returned to calm, as if he wasn't the one who molested others just now.

"Well, according to Master Tanaka's instructions, I have already told the other party." The woman at the front desk whispered, "They are looking for you now."


Tanaka Jiro sneered and hung up the phone casually.


The woman at the front desk let out a long sigh of relief, and hurriedly put the phone away.

Although Tanaka Jiro is not a greasy middle-aged uncle, and he always smiles and talks easily, but since he saw the other party smiling and interrupting other people's hands and feet, and licking the blood splashed on his face with his tongue , she was full of fear for that man.

When Jiro Tanaka called before, she was really taken aback. Fortunately, Jiro Tanaka just ordered that if a woman came to him, she should tell her the address directly.

Although she didn't know what would happen, the woman's intuition told her that it must be something very bad.


Although I winked at that girl, it's a pity that's all. If I dare to talk to persuade her to leave, I will definitely be punished horribly afterwards, right?

The woman at the front desk prayed silently in her heart.

"I hope, I hope you can come down safely..."

Chapter 537 The correct way to open the base seat

In the bar on the second floor of the hotel.

Jiro Tanaka sat on the sofa, gently shaking the cocktail in his hand.

He naturally remembered who Uehara Miyuki was, she was just an ordinary girl suffering from a family hereditary disease, not to mention dead, even if she didn't die, he wouldn't be afraid.

As for paying back the money... Why should I pay back the money I deducted by my own ability?

He took a sip of the cocktail in his glass and ordered:

"Sawai, take someone out and 'invite' those three people in, don't let them disturb Lord Igarashi."


A black-clothed bodyguard standing against the wall silently bowed and led people out of the bar.

Not long after the three of Hua Ye got out of the elevator, they saw five bodyguards in black walking towards them. It was obvious that the visitors were not friendly.

The leading man with a scar on his face said in a deep voice:

"Are you here to find Master Tanaka?"


"Then come with me."

"it is good."

Sawai suddenly felt something was wrong.

If ordinary people see a group of black-clothed thugs approaching, it is inevitable to be nervous, right?

However, among the three people in front of them, except for the nervous and curious little girl, the other two didn't feel nervous at all.

Scarface Sawai shook his head, getting rid of the strange feeling from his mind, turned around and led the way silently, while the rest of the bodyguards dispersed, surrounding Hua Ye and Miss Miko indistinctly.

A group of people quickly walked into the bar and formally met with Jiro Tanaka.

This is a middle-aged man in his thirties, wearing a suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and no tie. The first two buttons on his chest are also unbuttoned, revealing his regular exercised muscles. The smile on his face is quite standard. , but because of the standards, it makes people uncomfortable to watch, as if they have practiced deliberately in front of the mirror for a long time, even if they are smiling on their faces, there is no smile in their eyes at all.

"Welcome the three of you to come over as guests."

Jiro Tanaka shook his wine glass. When he saw Miss Miko, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "I like you people who keep your promises the most. Now there are so many talkers on the Internet, but it's a pity that most of them only It's heartbreaking to be there just talking but not practicing, throwing away the traditional virtues of promises and gold..."

Miss Miko said coldly:

"Aren't you a good talker? Otherwise, why don't you pay Miyuki the rest of the salary?"

"Of course not." Jiro Tanaka shook his head and said with a smile, "At least I've kept my promise in some respects, such as...'kill his whole family, kill his whole family'."

"Wow!" Ruo Li grabbed Hua Ye's sleeve, looked at Jiro Tanaka with big black and white eyes, and whispered, "The big villains in TV dramas all speak in this tone! He is the big villain, right? "

Hua Ye looked away from the phone, raised his head and glanced at the other party, and said casually, "Actually, it's a miscellaneous fish, right?"


"How could the villain appear at the beginning?"

"Hmm..." Lolita nodded earnestly, "What brother Xiaoye said makes sense."


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