The smile on Tanaka Jiro's face finally disappeared, because Hua Ye's evaluation of "bad fish" can be said to hit the nail on the head, making it impossible for him to refute.

Although he is one of the prominent figures in this hotel, he is accompanied by bodyguards when he goes in and out, eats delicacies from all over the world, and as long as he beckons, women will naturally fall into his arms, but he understands very well that in the Society of Truth In front of those big shots, he was just a pug wagging his head and tail.

However, Jiro Tanaka doesn't think there is any shame in being a watchdog for the Shinrisha.

Since the establishment of human society, classes have existed, and the superiors rule the inferiors, from ancient times to the present, nothing more than this.Even if it is extended to the natural world, similar classes can be seen everywhere.For example, the seemingly inconspicuous ants, don't they also have queen ants, soldier ants and worker ants?

In Jiro Tanaka's view, the class in human society is actually similar to the food chain in nature, as small as a class or a company, as large as a city or a country, it is simply unimaginable without class.

According to the "law of human food chain" that he summed up, Jiro Tanaka positioned himself as a "wolf" in the food chain.After so many years of drilling, he has evolved from a herbivore to a carnivore. Ordinary people are herbivores such as hares and voles, while those big figures in the Society of Truth are cheetahs, lions, and tigers. The upper layer exists.

In nature, a wolf will hunt a rabbit when it sees a rabbit, but it will naturally retreat when it encounters a tiger.

No matter where you are, follow the rules.

This is Tanaka Jiro's rules of life.

When you meet a roaring tiger, you should bow your head honestly when you should bow your head. When you meet a hare with bared teeth, you must let the other party see the sharpness of their fangs.

"It's okay to ask for money, but first you have to satisfy me."

Jiro Tanaka narrowed his eyes and looked at Miss Miko: "Well, come and have a drink with me, and I'll give you the money when you're satisfied, how about it?"

Drinking is just an excuse, testing the bottom line is the purpose.

If it wasn't for being uncertain why the three of Hua Ye dared to walk in swaggeringly, he wouldn't have said so much nonsense at all, and let someone directly take it down.

"These two people suddenly barged in without changing their expressions. Is it because newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, or is there a powerful family behind them?"

"It seems to be relying on something..."

"But I'm a member of the Truth Society now, so it doesn't matter if the other party is the daughter or son-in-law of a councilor. If you come to a hotel to make trouble, you're throwing trouble at the Truth Society. In nature, tigers never let other creatures pluck their hair. If you personally want to use family power to suppress me, then you have miscalculated."

"Of course, there is one last possibility..." Jiro Tanaka touched a dark ring on his hand indiscriminately: "The other party is an onmyoji, relying on his own strength."

"However, the possibility of this kind of speculation is very small. After all, it is only a few million yen. Those onmyojis sitting at the top of the food chain will not pay attention at all? ... Even if you are unlucky and you really meet, five Master Shi Lan is here, can they still be the opponent of Lord Igarashi?"

This kind of thinking is a long story, but it is actually between the turning of the mind.

"Brother Xiaoye." Lolita tugged at Hua Ye's sleeve and whispered, "He's trying to pry into your wall!"

What is prying my corner?

Your sister is not a corner at all, okay?

"But enough nonsense has been said." Hua Ye put away the phone and walked towards the other party.

After the bodyguards came in, they fanned around Hua Ye and Miss Miko. Seeing Hua Ye walking towards Jiro Tanaka, one of the bodyguards immediately raised his hand to grab Hua Ye, but he hadn't touched Hua Ye yet. He felt a sudden lightness in his body, and he flew upside down in the air.The person was in the air, his eyes suddenly went dark, and then he felt an unspeakable pain spreading from his chest...


The rest of the bodyguards also came back to their senses and started to fight one after another.

With a flick of his wrist, the man with a scar on his face threw out a butterfly knife as thin as a cicada's wing from his sleeve, and stabbed directly at Hua Ye.

He has not only received formal fighting training, but also has the fierceness honed in street fighting, and his shots are extremely fierce and merciless.

However, the feeling of the blade piercing into the muscle did not appear.

On the contrary, it was as if the arm was controlled by someone and lost control. In the next moment, there was a sudden coolness in the chest, and then the severe pain spread suddenly.

Scarface looked down in disbelief, and suddenly saw that the butterfly knife had been inserted into his chest. The next moment, a strong sense of dizziness suddenly hit and swallowed it.

Bang bang bang!

Bodyguards flew out one after another, and crashed into the screen headlong, and there was no more movement.

Another man in a suit in the distance was shocked. He quickly reached into his arms and took out a pistol. Unfortunately, before he could shoot, a black shadow flashed in front of him, but it was caught by Hua Ye just now. An electric baton hit, like a jumping arrow target, right on the forehead, and then the man in the suit simply fell down with a "plop".

On the other side, Miss Miko also summoned a shadow shikigami to subdue the other two bodyguards.

Battle time: 8 seconds.

Record: Destroy the opponent without any injuries.

"Brother Xiaoye is indeed the most powerful!" Lolita's eyes were shining, and her eyes were full of admiration.

Otherwise what do you think?

If it takes two more chapters to fight paramecium, which is not counted as miscellaneous fish, it will definitely be sprayed to death!


Jiro Tanaka's complexion finally changed, and he suddenly found that the guess that he expected to be the least likely had turned out to be true.

"These two guys are definitely onmyojis!"

"Crap! Since you are an onmyoji, why didn't you say it at the beginning? Is it interesting to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger! You just need to explain your identity, let alone a few million yen, even if it is tens of millions of yen, I will give it with both hands right?"

"Wait!... When that woman called, I just woke up, and it seems that the other party is a call girl?"

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead immediately.

Tanaka Jiro finally understood where he was wrong.

He took a deep breath, stood up abruptly from the sofa, the muscles on his face were tense, and he stared at Hua Ye and Miss Miko.

Just when Hua Ye thought he was going to jump around like a grasshopper, the man fell to his knees in an instant in the position of a soil seat: "I was wrong! Please forgive me, my lords!"

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