
What the hell!

Hua Ye was immediately shocked.

The promised trapped beast is still fighting and fighting to the death, what is wrong with you kneeling so proficiently!

Miss Miko also twitched the corner of her mouth lightly, obviously it was the first time she met such a shameless person.


Xiao Hinata raised her hand to cover her mouth, and couldn't help complaining: "You were obviously the big villain in the TV series just now, how can you kneel, and you kneel so proficiently! How many times have you practiced!"


The corners of Tanaka Jiro's eyes twitched, but he couldn't refute.

He has really practiced the kneeling method and posture of Tuxiazao many times in secret, otherwise he would not have kneeled so standard and proficient...

Chapter 538 Love Sauce OvO

"Brother Xiaoye, what should we do?"

The dirty loli looked at Hua Ye and asked curiously.

In the past, only when a political figure asked voters for support, or when a certain company had a major dereliction of duty, would someone make him sit down. This was the first time she had seen someone kneeling so neatly in reality.

Hua Ye glanced at her and said, "You must be honest in life."

"Eh?" Xiao Hinata blinked, "What do you mean?"

"For example..." Hua Ye thought for a while, "If you say kill his whole family, then kill his whole family."

"Yeah." The filthy loli chick nodded as if pecking at rice, "Whether it's murder or arson, I will support Brother Xiaoye!"

Shut up, who is going to take you to murder and set fire!

Jiro Tanaka's face changed, knowing that today's affairs are obviously difficult to be good.But Tuxiaza didn't have any effect or no effect, at least it delayed a lot of time

The moment he found out that the other party was an Onmyoji, he directly sent out the pre-edited message, the content of which was naturally to ask Mr. Igarashi to come to the rescue.

Igarashi-sama likes to be quiet, and if he interrupted rashly, he would definitely be reprimanded afterwards, but reprimanding is better than losing his life.

The more you get in touch with the 'Inner World', the more you understand how powerful and terrifying Onmyoji is. If kneeling down and begging for mercy can solve the problem, then he will never frown.But if he couldn't solve it, he wouldn't just kneel down obediently and wait for death.

"Before Igarashi-sama arrives, enough time must be delayed!"

Jiro Tanaka, who was kneeling on the ground in a five-body posture, narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He raised his head abruptly, turned a mechanical watch on his left wrist to Hua Ye, and then pressed it down with his right hand, and an anesthesia needle, as thin as a cow's hair, shot out instantly!

This is a special watch made by imitating the famous props in the elementary school students of Death. When necessary, you can press the mechanism and fire a special anesthesia needle from it. Once the needle is hit, even an elephant will need to fall asleep for [-] minutes. .

Jiro Tanaka has climbed from an ordinary person to where he is today. Along the way, he has many friends and enemies, otherwise he would not have brought bodyguards with him.In addition to the bodyguards, this watch anesthesia gun disguised as an ordinary mechanical watch is the second insurance. It is never shown to anyone, and it did save his life at a critical moment.

"Very good, the anesthesia needle can solve one, the little girl is not counted, there is one woman left..."

Although he often works out on weekdays, after seeing Hua Ye punching a monster, he knew that there was no chance of winning in melee combat, so he shot the anesthetic needle at Hua Ye.

As for Miss Miko, her melee combat ability doesn't seem to be good, and she has other means to deal with it.

such as……

Jiro Tanaka raised his right hand, pointed the simple and dull ring to Miss Miko, and called out with a spell: "Show yourself! My sharp blade!"

A faint black air suddenly flew out from the ring, twisted and deformed in mid-air, and quickly turned into a skeleton warrior wearing armor and holding a long sword, but with large bones at the joints, a pair of eyes under the helmet It was even scarlet like blood, so that the temperature in the bar dropped a lot!

Skull Shikigami!

This is the power of the "inner world" he gained after joining the Shinri Society and becoming a low-level member of the Shinri Society, and it is precisely because of the existence of this shikigami that he has the courage to launch a counterattack.

After knowing the existence of the other world, he deliberately made friends with one of them, and slowly found out a lot of information about the Onmyoji circle from the other party.

Although my skeleton shikigami is just a very ordinary shikigami, you must know that most of the onmyojis are just ordinary onmyojis. Well-known high-level shikigami like Yukino and Sakura Yukihime are not as good as ordinary onmyojis. For him, it is also elusive, so it is not without the power to fight.

"Kill the enemy!"

As Jiro Tanaka raised his finger to Miss Miko, the skeleton shikigami opened his mouth and let out a roar. Although it was silent, the glass of red wine on the table trembled and splashed out.

Miss Miko frowned slightly: "Hinata, go to Hua Jun's side."

"Understood, sister." Lolita obediently hid behind Hua Ye.

"Very good, the other party has a child with him, and even winning is not out of the question..."

Jiro Tanaka breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the dirty loli without a trace, and muttered to himself: "Next, if we can catch that little girl, then I can use her to blackmail her... Wait! Something seems wrong! "

Jiro Tanaka was taken aback, realizing that he seemed to have overlooked something.

He couldn't help but glance at the dirty loli again, and this time he finally came to his senses.

The boy who was supposed to have collapsed due to the effect of the anesthesia injection was still standing there, showing no signs of falling unconscious!

"What's going on? Could it be that the anesthesia needle has failed?"

"Impossible! There was no problem at all when I experimented with monkeys last week!"

"Could it be that the time is too short, and the effect of the medicine has not been fully exerted?"

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