Soul light, soul light, soul light!

You are Pipi shrimp, and your whole family is Pipi shrimp!

Igarashi was so angry that she clenched her silver teeth, wishing she could rush forward and "ahhhhhhh" to bite Hua Ye, but after weighing the difference in force between the two sides, she could only keep this thought deep in her mind.

"I'm just here for the SPA! I don't know what you guys are talking about!" Ai Igarashi took a deep breath, "Go on, let's just leave it here!"

"Master Igarashi..." Jiro Tanaka couldn't help shouting, his heart tightened.

Before he finished speaking, Igarashi glared at him, and couldn't help but shut his mouth, but his heart became more and more anxious.

"Damn it! I thought this legal loli would be my savior, but I didn't expect that I didn't even dare to make a move, so I was scared away!"

"On weekdays, you are full of majesty, as proud as a queen, and you don't look at people when you walk. Why are you as soft as a cat when it comes to the critical moment when you are needed!"

Igarashi turned around and wanted to escape, but Hua Ye naturally refused, saying, "Wait."

"I can't hear! The Antarctic wind is very strong, I have a hearing problem, and I can't hear what you are saying!" Igarashi covered his ears and slipped faster.

"Are you sure you want to go?" Hua Ye said calmly.


Ai Igarashi, who had already walked to the door of the bar, finally did not stop.She turned around, puffed her cheeks, and asked aggrievedly: "If you don't leave, you won't leave. Why are you talking to me in such a tone..."

There is no way, if this guy is really angered, maybe the Society of Truth will be wiped out, right?

Hua Ye beckoned: "Come here."


Let me go and I'll go. Do you think I'm your dog?

Igarashi clenched his fists and walked towards Hua Ye hesitantly.

Hua Ye pointed to Tanaka Jiro, who was in a state of despair, and said:

"This time I came here to ask for a salary for a female ghost, probably to try a new drug, and then he deducted half of the money that should be paid and didn't pay it. What do you think?"

"I will compensate you tenfold!" Ai Igarashi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm usually in charge of going out and arresting, and I don't know about testing drugs...but it's whatever you say it is."

I thought it was such a serious matter, but it turned out that it was just arrears of wages... Problems that can be solved with money are not problems!

"It doesn't need to be ten times, just pay as much as you owe." Miss Miko put away Inugami and said.

Igarashi glanced at Miss Miko. When collecting information on Hua Ye before, she had already learned about Qianye Liuli's corresponding information. Hearing this, she nodded and said, "Whatever, you can decide."

Anyway, when I go back, I can ask the old men of the Presbyterian Church for reimbursement without spending my own money.

"Then this matter is over." Hua Ye nodded, then snapped his fingers casually, and Jiro Tanaka, who was waiting for the trial of fate, suddenly passed out.

Hua Ye never cared about this trash fish, and naturally he didn't want to beat the dog to see its owner.

Now that the matter has been satisfactorily answered, it can be settled smoothly.

He continued: "Now it's the second thing."

"Eh? What's the matter?" Ai Igarashi took a step back subconsciously, a bad premonition welling up in her heart.

Hua Ye said, "Come to me."

Although the sharp arrow in his heart had pierced Hua Ye countless small holes, Igarashi could only puff his cheeks and obediently walked in front of Hua Ye.

Because of the excessive height difference, a sense of oppression came to his face.

Igarashi asked nervously, "You, what are you going to do?"

Hua Ye looked down: "Do you still remember what I said to you on the summer vacation?"


How could you not remember it!At that time, I was blown away by you, okay?

It's nothing more than pinching music, but you actually said that my breasts are too small to pinch... Fuck, die, die!How do you know it won't work if you haven't tried it?

Although it is true that it is a little small, it can definitely be pinched!


This legal loli opened her eyes wide, her teeth gleaming coldly, and she seemed to want to pounce on someone, but after being glanced at by Hua Ye, she wilted again.

She rolled her eyes, and pretended to be pitiful and said, "Isn't that good? There are still outsiders here... If you want to do it, at least open a room!"

"Cough cough." Miss Miko coughed lightly, and cast a subtle glance at Hua Ye.

"We are not outsiders!" Lolita even hugged Hua Ye's hand, and asked cautiously, "What do you want to do to Brother Xiaoye?"

Obviously this nasty guy wants to pinch me, right?

I'm the victim, okay?

But after seeing the black line falling from the top of Hua Ye's head, Ai Igarashi felt inexplicably better. She raised her chin and snorted triumphantly: "I've already done it once anyway, so it's okay to do it again, right? Shut up." Close your eyes and endure it for a while..."

Hmph, let you bully me!I don't believe you will pinch my chest in front of these two people!

It's a pity that Igarashi took [-] points of critical damage from Lolita within three seconds of being proud.

"You're lying!" Xiao Hinata pinched her waist with one hand and pointed at Igarashi, "Brother Xiaoye said that he likes big breasts like my sister's. Yours are so small that they don't look as big as mine. Brother Xiaoye will definitely not see it." Eye-catching, right?"

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