

A lightning strike struck, and Ai Igarashi immediately changed into a black and white painting style.

"I, I am actually despised by elementary school girls for having small breasts..."

Lolita hugged Hua Ye's arm again, proudly raised her chin: "Hmph, did I hit the mark?"

your sister!It turns out that the subtle touch you touch from time to time is your breasts that are sprouting from the grass!It's a pity that because it's too small, I've only just discovered it now, so you should pay attention to it anyway!But Igarashi, your chest is actually not as big as a ten-year-old girl, it's too flat!

Even with slender limbs, graceful curves, impeccable innocent childlike face, and undoubtedly a legal loli, she still has a flat chest!

Facing the challenge from Kohinata, Ai Igarashi didn't respond, she just squatted in the corner, covered in black air, with a broken look: "You work so hard, you have massages and drink milk every day...but today you lost I gave it to a primary school student, heh, hehe..."

Even Miss Miko couldn't bear that pitiful look, she gently pulled off Hua Ye's sleeve and said, "Mr. Hua, shall we go?"

Hua Ye originally planned to fulfill his promise to teach this legal loli a lesson, but when he saw this situation, he immediately nodded and said, "Well, let's go."

There is no need to pinch the face for punishment, because this legal loli has already suffered a more serious mental blow.

The filthy loli, who was originally thought to be just an oil bottle and a mascot, defeated the enemy's little boss head-on in a sense. Congratulations!

Chapter 540 One for you, one for me

Get out of the hotel.

The sky outside is blue and clear.

Lolita hugged Hua Ye's hand, walking briskly: "That sister's expression just now is so funny."

Miss Miko shook her head: "Maybe you thought we would come out lying down?"

When they were going out, the woman at the front desk was delighted to see Hua Ye and the three of them went downstairs safely.

"Hmph, they're all trash fish. In front of Big Brother Xiaoye, there's no one who can beat them!" Poor Loli raised her chin, super proud, as if she was the one who defeated those bodyguards.

"By the way, brother Xiaoye, the commission has been completed and it's still so early, shall we go play?" The little girl's eyes sparkled, full of anticipation.

I got off the Shinkansen train at [-] o'clock in the morning, and then I found Miyuki Uehara's younger sister. When the sisters were reunited, they went out to eat ramen for breakfast. The next step was to ask the owner of the Yellow Crane Tower who had not paid back the debt to ask for the salary owed. ... It's a long story to say about these things. In fact, it's not even two hours. It's only a quarter past eight in the morning.

Hua Ye said casually, "What do you want to play?"

"Amusement parks, zoos, aquariums... I want to go anyway!"

The little girl plausibly said: "We took the Shinkansen train for so long to get here, and we probably won't come here in the future. If we don't have a good time, we will definitely regret it!"

I regret your sister!Obviously doing entrustment is the key point, how come you come here, it becomes a tourist, you put the cart before the horse!

"If Mr. Hua has nothing urgent, why don't you just stay and play for two days?" Miss Miko said softly, her face flushed slightly.

"Yeah." The dirty loli chick nodded as if pecking at rice, "Sister is so tired, it's time to take a good rest."

She sighed like a grown-up: "I have to take care of those little devils at home, and I'm also busy with entrusting..."

It's as if you're not a little devil. At the age of ten, you are still in the category of 'starting in three years, with the highest death penalty'!

"I still have to think about how to grab a man all day long, just ask me clearly..."

A row of black lines fell from the top of Hua Ye's head. Judging by your tone, you seem to be more proficient in robbing men than your sister!

"Hinata!" Miss Miko blushed slightly, raised her hand and knocked on her sister, "If you talk nonsense again, I will confiscate your manga tools!"

"Don't say it, don't say it." Dirty Loli quickly covered her mouth.

"Hua Jun, what do you mean?" Both pairs of eyes looked at Hua Ye.

Hua Ye thought about it, and it's really fine to go back. There is no need to go to school during the summer vacation, and Alice's birthday will be two days away, so he nodded and agreed: "Then let's play for two days."

The little girl raised her hands and cheered: "I like Brother Xiaoye the most! (*^▽^*)!"

What you said is exactly the same as that black-bellied girl, but the credibility is extremely low!

"Let's go back to Miyuki's place first, and then decide where to go after we complete the entrustment?" Miko Liuli pursed her lips and suggested.

When she is doing things, she likes to finish one thing before doing another, otherwise she will always remember it in her heart.

"Alright." Hua Ye nodded.

After taking a taxi back to Miyuki Uehara's house, and after completing the entrustment, Hua Ye and Miss Miko started the tour with Hinata.

After visiting the zoo in the afternoon, it was already sunset. Although I couldn't go to the aquarium, Lolita was still very happy.


"It's getting dark soon, shall we go have dinner?" Miss Miko's thin lips curled up slightly, apparently in a good mood.

"Sister, what's for dinner?" Xiao Hinata rubbed her stomach, she didn't feel hungry when she was playing, but now she suddenly found that she was very hungry when she was free, "Would you like to eat ramen?"

"Don't eat ramen." Liuli took out her mobile phone, "Let's go eat kaiseki cuisine. When I checked the travel guide on my mobile phone in the morning, I made a reservation at a restaurant with a high rating... By the way, has Hua Jun eaten it? ?”

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "I haven't eaten."

Kaiseki cuisine is quite famous, and its status in the island country is equivalent to Moutai in wine. It pays attention to the combination of food and environment, so as to gain spiritual insight and cleansing... Cleaning your uncle, you can’t even shine, can you still Eat a flower?

The price is expensive or secondly, the key is to order seats in advance, which is very troublesome.

So Hua Ye only heard about it, but never tried it.

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