
Hua Ye walked into the room, washed his face and brushed his teeth, then took off his clothes, walked into the single-person hot spring bath, and started soaking in the hot spring.

There are mixed-bath hot springs in the hotel, but you can tell with your toes that you will go to the mixed-bath hot springs, either men or gays, young and beautiful girls will definitely not go there, right?

Soaking in the slightly scalding hot spring, Hua Ye closed his eyes and prepared to take a nap.

Unfortunately, not long after, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Xiaoye?" Lolita's dirty voice came in from outside, "Do you want to take a bath with my sister?"

Hua Ye directly refused: "No."

Even if you agree, it's impossible for your sister to agree!

"Hey, don't boys want to take a bath with girls?"

In a sense, it seems to be true... But with you, a young girl who "starts in three years and has the highest death penalty", the fun becomes embarrassing!

"Then I'll come in and help Brother Xiaoye wipe his back?" the dirty loli outside the door said again.

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and was about to refuse, when Lolita had already opened the door and walked in.

"Brother Xiaoye, I'm coming in."

Your sister, is this the so-called first-time, second-time acquaintance!

When soaking in the hot springs in Huating, you still shy and hesitated, but now you have completely let go!

Hua Ye opened his eyes and looked towards the door.

Seeing that the dirty loli has tied her hair into a ball head, her baby-fat face is even more round and cute at this moment.

She was only wrapped around a large white towel, and her slender arms and legs were exposed in the air, reflecting the delicate luster of suet jade under the light.

"Eh? The hot spring here is so small." Lolita puffed her mouth, "The hot spring we soaked in the flower pavilion last time was much bigger than this."

However, the hot spring in this flower pavilion was originally a large hot spring pool prepared for entertaining distinguished guests.

"You said you were too young, so let's go back." Hua Ye waved his hand away.

"No." Lolita shook her head, the little girl hesitated for a moment, turned the light to the weakest brightness, and muttered to herself, "This should be fine, right?"

Absolutely not!

Do you think dimming the lights and adding steam from the hot springs will make me invisible?

Even holy light and magic light can see through, these vapors are useless!

Dirty loli took off her clogs, walked to the hot spring pool, untied the bath towel, and stepped into the hot spring.

"Hiss~~ It's so hot!"

If it's hot, get out quickly, don't stand in the hot spring pool and wait!

And why stand there folding towels?It doesn't have to be on the head, you just throw it aside.

Looking at the defenseless Lolita in front of him, Hua Ye suddenly remembered a poem.

"Xiao He just showed her sharp corners."

Ah, I don't know if soaking in hot springs with a ten-year-old little loli is included in the category of "starting in three years"?

After getting used to the temperature, Lolita slowly sat in the hot spring, put the folded towel on her head, then played with the duck toy in her hand, and said, "Brother Xiaoye, if you need to wipe your back, please tell me Oh."

"No need at all." Hua Ye said with a dark face.

The little girl puffed up her mouth and said, "Brother Xiaoye doesn't know how to be lucky in his life! Others want me to help, but I won't help."

What a blessing, if you do anything to you, you will go to jail!

While speaking, there was another sound of clogs outside the door, and one didn't need to guess who it was.

"Hua Jun, is Hinata inside?" Miss Miko asked softly.

"I'm here, I'm here." Lolita waved her hand and shouted, "Sister, come in and soak in the hot spring too? It's super comfortable!"

Miss Miko behind the door didn't speak immediately, and seemed to be hesitating.

"It's still..."

"Sister, hurry up, I'm weak, and I can't even wipe Brother Xiaoye's back!" Dirty Lolita continued to assist her sister.

There was silence outside the door again.

After a while, the door was gently pushed open with a gap, and Miss Miko blushed, trying to say in a calm tone: "Then, that's fine..."

Hello sister!You actually agreed?It was agreed to pick up this filthy loli, turn around and leave! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻!

Miss Miko took off her clogs and walked towards the hot spring pool.

Unlike the little girl who just developed, Miss Miko is already an adult in the legal sense, and all aspects of her body have also reached the adult level, such as a swan-like neck, delicate and smooth collarbones, and snow-white and slender legs. For example, the towering twin peaks under the bath towel, such as the slender and narrow waist...it belongs to the kind that will not break the law no matter what you do.

According to the customs of the island country, it is not allowed to bring any pieces of cloth into the hot springs. Although in such a separate bath, no one will know even if you go into the water wrapped in a towel, but obviously, Miss Miko can't do this.

She hesitated for a while, turned around and turned off the light, then turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone and pointed it at the wall. Then she took off the towel with one hand, squeezed her chest tightly with the other hand, and stepped into the hot spring. , Even the neck was flushed with blush.

So if you are so shy, don't make love, why do you have to suppress your shyness and force yourself!

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