"Sister, it's okay, don't be shy." Lolita comforted, "It's a tradition to take a bath together! I have a classmate, and I often take a bath with her brother, which can also save water resources!"

My younger sister and older brother take a bath, at most, they go to a German orthopedic department, which is completely different from the current situation!

"And the light is so dim, brother Xiaoye must not be able to see it." Lolita Wu looked at Hua Ye and asked, "Brother Xiaoye, you can't see it, right?"

Hua Ye: "..."

Although at this time, a promise can be fooled, but Hua Ye doesn't like to lie.

"Hey, brother Xiaoye, why don't you speak?"

"What?" Hua Ye coughed lightly.

Do you want to say that you and your sister have been seen clearly just now, even where there is a mole?


The air suddenly fell into silence.

Miss Miko realized what she said, her pretty face immediately turned red enough to bleed, and she squatted into the water with a "swipe", leaving only her mouth exposed.

Even Dirty Lolita blushed, gurgling and bubbling, and after a while, she whispered, "Brother Xiaoye is a big pervert!"


at the same time.

Corner coffee shop.

It's already eight o'clock in the evening, and it's closing time again.

Wei Nai arranged the last chair, turned around and walked to the back dressing room with Xiao Qian.

"Vina sauce, it seems that your 'ordinary friend' didn't come today?" Xiaoqian asked curiously, "Isn't there a conflict between you two?"

"There is no conflict." Wei Nai shook her head and bit her lower lip, "He...should be busy with something?"

"In other words, you don't know why he didn't come?"


Wei Nai was silent.

"Vina sauce, you idiot!"

"Huh?" Wei Nai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Why did I become a fool?"

Xiaoqian said bitterly, "If he doesn't tell you, don't you know how to ask?"

Wei Nai lacked confidence: "I, why should I ask..."

"You were absent-minded last night, and it's even worse today, so there must be something wrong?" Xiaoqian stretched out a finger and taught Wei Nai experience as someone who has experienced it, "Something happened, if you don't tell him, he Not to mention, conflicts arise like this, and then accumulate more and more, and in the end it may even become you alone in the empty room, and he is partying outside every night!"

"What you said is too exaggerated!" Wei Nai couldn't help complaining, "There is nothing wrong, why am I just guarding the empty room alone!"

"Anyway, it's the experience of someone who has been here, so there must be some truth..." Xiaoqian squeezed his waist with one hand, "Since you are worried about why he hasn't come to you, call him and ask him clearly."

Wei Nai shook her head: "Maybe he has something to do..."

"What's the matter?" Xiaoqian curled her lips, "Could it be that he is still a trump card agent, carrying out a secret mission to assassinate Kim Jong-un? Call him now, or you will feel very uncomfortable in your heart."

"Then, that's fine..."

Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, took out her mobile phone, and called Hua Ye.

It's a pity that Hua Ye is not a mobile phone user. Naturally, he wouldn't bring his mobile phone with him when he went to the hot spring, so he didn't hear it.

As the phone automatically hangs up, Xiaoqian turns on detective mode again:

"Well, I can't get through the phone...Maybe it's because the phone is not around and I didn't hear it, or maybe I heard it, but I don't want to answer the phone because of some circumstances. I think..."

"I think it's time for you to go home." Wei Nai put a pretty face on her face, put away her phone, "Don't talk too much, just change your clothes and leave."

"Got it." Xiaoqian continued to change clothes, not forgetting to act as a dog-headed strategist, "It is impossible for people to leave their mobile phones for too long, or they will die soon like fish out of water."

Wei Nai was puzzled: "Why are you talking about this?"

"So it depends on when he calls you back!" Xiaoqian lifted her chin and snorted triumphantly, "If you don't call back for more than an hour...then you can prepare a hatchet, Wei Nai-chan."

"Hey?" Wei Nai raised her hand to cover her forehead, expressing that she couldn't keep up with Xiaoqian's jumping thinking, "I was talking about my phone just now, why did I suddenly have to prepare a hatchet again?"

Xiaoqian blinked, stretched out a white and slender finger, and said, "Because Wei Naijiang is the kind of girl who says 'I have never broken up in my life, only widowed'? Breaking up is impossible. We won't break up, but you can have a hatchet..."

Chapter 542 The Correct Way to Enlarge Breasts

In the hot spring bath.

The faint mist drifted away, the light was dim, and the atmosphere was quite delicate.

"Puyo puyo puyo~~"

Dirty Loli puffed her mouth, like a frog spit bubbles, hugged her chest with her two slender arms, and complained softly, "Brother Xiao Ye is really... a big pervert!"

Hua Ye couldn't help but said, "Where am I a pervert?"

I have clearly rejected you, okay? You didn't listen, so you insisted on coming in to help wipe your back!And I have no interest in your little body, which is like bean sprouts, green and immature!

"Don't listen, don't listen! Bastard chant sutras!" The little girl turned her head and hummed softly, "Anyway, it's too much!"

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