Then... Then, under the gaze of Igarashi's love, Hua Ye unscrewed the bottle cap and took a sip of the drink on his own.

"I didn't give it to you. I drank it myself."


Soul light, soul light, soul light!

A girl came to your house as a guest, but you didn't even know how to give him a bottle of drink, hurry up and explode on the spot!

Hua Ye turned around and opened the refrigerator, took out a bottle of coconut juice, and said:

"how about this?"

"I won't drink anymore!" Ai Igarashi turned her head and snorted.

"Oh, forget it." Hua Ye replied, and put the drink back into the refrigerator.


Ai Igarashi shuddered all over, and almost turned away out of breath.

There are such hateful people in the world, if you can't beat you, you will definitely let you lick my feet!

Taking a deep breath, Igarashi took out a small sandalwood box from his backpack, with a piece of yellow spell-sealed talisman paper pasted on it, and carefully opened the talisman paper, revealing a flower that seemed to be carved from ice and snow inside. Lianhua, said: "When I was hunting snow monsters in Antarctica, this is the spirit thing I found... How do you see it?"

Hua Ye glanced at it and said casually:

"It's average, it's not ripe yet, you picked it too early."

Damn it, who asked your opinion!Moreover, the maturity period of this kind of natural material and earth treasure is calculated on the basis of a hundred years. When it matures, the day lily will be cold!

"I'm asking if you can make it into biscuits?!" Igarashi shouted through gritted teeth.

"Yes." Hua Ye nodded and said, "However, the biscuits made with this snow lotus will probably have the effect of clearing the heart and improving the eyesight. It is unlikely to want to enlarge the breasts..."

Hua Ye paused, and his eyes fell on Igarashi's chest: "For someone like you, it's better to find someone to conceive. The possibility of breast enlargement is greater."

"go away!"

Igarashi loves to spit out a sentence.

Such a bad suggestion, you can say it without changing your face, how thick-skinned you are!

Even if the chest can't get bigger, I won't do it according to the method you said!

Even if I die, even if I jump from you, I won't find someone to conceive!

Seeing Hua Ye raised his eyebrows slightly, this legal loli rushed to save her: "Don't mention that kind of method, it's disgusting to think about it! You hurry up and make biscuits... As a reward, I will give you half of it!"

(PS: I can’t add more updates today. I just got home by car, and I have a lot of things to do, and I also got motion sickness... If you have motion sickness, you should understand my pain. Now I feel like I’m exhausted...)

Chapter 552 The Taste of a Boy

Hua Ye thought for a while, nodded and agreed:

"it is good."

The aura biscuits made from this snow lotus are just some of the effects of improving eyesight and beautifying the skin. Of course, they are of no use to him, but they are good for feeding.

Seeing Hua Ye's straightforward agreement, Igarashi Ai also heaved a sigh of relief.

This kind of heavenly material and earthly treasure is very rare in the first place. Most people get it and don't even know how to eat it. Although some people in the mysterious and ancient east can use medicine to make alchemy, but now the tradition is lost, and alchemy has gradually become a legend... As long as Hua Ye can If you succeed in making aura biscuits, even if you pay half the price, it is definitely worth it.

After all, biscuits can be preserved, and they are delicious and full of aura, but if you are yourself, you just stew the snow lotus or swallow it directly. No matter what, most of the aura will be lost in vain, which makes people feel distressed.

Hua Ye took the snow lotus and started making cookies.

Ai Igarashi waited boredly, and happened to see Hua Ye's computer on the game login screen, the legitimate loli blinked and said, "You also play chicken?"


"Let me play a game, okay?"

"Let's play."

As soon as Igarashi turned his head, he didn't play directly, but first adjusted the keyboard and tested the mouse, looking very professional.

Hua Ye thought that she should have played well, but she was shot to death not long after landing, she was at the same chicken-eating level as Gabriel!

Igarashi Ai blushed, and argued, "It was just a mistake just now!"

Second round.

"The mouse slipped!"

The third game...

"The feng shui here is bad, I won't play anymore!" Igarashi was so angry that he almost smashed the mouse.

Your sister, when did playing games have something to do with feng shui, it's fine to admit that you are a fish egg honestly, why are you making trouble with so many reasons!

"and many more!"

This legitimate loli sniffed her nose suddenly, and said doubtfully, "There seems to be a smell that is exclusive to otaku around here..."

Halfway through talking to himself, Igarashi stood up abruptly, staring nervously at the chair he was sitting on just now, and then suddenly turned to look at Hua Ye.


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