"You think too much!"

Hua Ye's face turned black, so he wouldn't do that kind of thing!

"But it does have a taste..."

It smells like your sister, if you haven't done it, you haven't done it, how could it smell like it!

And didn't you say that kind of thing makes you feel sick when you think about it, and how do you know that smell!

Igarashi looks at Hua Ye:

"Because I ate it once before, but I heard that it is not good for your health, so I didn't eat it again..."

Hua Ye was immediately shocked.

Your uncle, you have even eaten that kind of thing, and you are still afraid of getting pregnant?

You should be used to it by now!

"By the way, do you have any more here?" Igarashi stuck out her pink tongue, licked her lips lightly, and said, "I rushed all the way to your place today, and I haven't had dinner yet, so I suddenly miss that It smells..."

Hua Ye didn't even have the strength to complain. He just squinted his eyes and looked at the other party with a blank expression.

Legal Lolita continued:

"If you still have reserves, can you give me one?"

Hey, you are harassment!Must be!

"The current instant noodles seem to be [-] yen a bag, I will give you [-] yen later."

"..." Hua Ye was speechless, "You were talking about instant noodles just now?"

"That's right." Ai Igarashi blinked her eyes, "Aren't otaku and instant noodles partners?"

Shut up, hundreds of millions of cups of instant noodles can be sold every year, and the packaging can circle the earth more than ten times!It is a must-have item for home travel and going out. Maybe some people have never drank milk tea, but it is impossible that some people have never eaten instant noodles!

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Ai Igarashi was a little puzzled, "I always feel that you are thinking about something terrible..."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and turned his head silently.

Igarashi finally came back to his senses, his eyes widened suddenly, he took a step back suddenly, and shouted in shame and anger: "You, what are you thinking! Obscenity! Disgusting! Idiot!"

Hua Ye stared and said, "Shut up."


"I, I just shut up!" Ai Igarashi turned her head away quickly, and stammered, "Don't take off your pants! Don't take out such a disgusting thing! The president will grow the eye of a needle!"

Damn it, I'm just holding my phone, you think I'm going to show you something!


Hua Ye started making Reiki biscuits, Igarashi refused to continue playing games, turned around and sat on the sofa to watch TV.

Because she came in a hurry, she didn't eat at night. Now she was hungry. Looking at the fruit on the table, she wanted to eat it, but she couldn't open her mouth because of her arrogance. She could only look at the fruit plate from time to time, and then looked at it A glance at Hua Ye.

After a while, Hua Ye finally spoke.

"You... your neck is uncomfortable?"

"No." Igarashi was puzzled.

"Then why do you keep twisting and twisting?"


Damn guy!

Igarashi was so angry that he almost gritted his silver teeth.

Your neck is uncomfortable, your whole family's neck is uncomfortable!Where are the eyes looking?

At this time, there was a "bang bang" knock on the door.

Hua Ye was making biscuits, glanced at Igarashi, and said:

"Go open the door."


Igarashi subconsciously wanted to refuse, but as Hua Ye narrowed his eyes, he could only agree: "I'll just open the door..."

Being under the eaves, I had to lower my head, and Igarashi walked slowly towards the door.

Opening the door, a petite figure said very familiarly: "I'm thirsty, bring me a bottle of drink... Hey, Teacher Igarashi?"

Igarashi also saw the other party clearly, it was the diligent, Xiuxian, Gabriel next door who was obsessed with games and often skipped classes.

It is said that at the beginning, he was very popular in the class and was known for his helpfulness. Unfortunately, it didn't take long for him to become addicted to games, and finally became what he is now

She was only wearing a large shirt, revealing two white, slender, well-proportioned thin legs, her hair was messy, and there were faint dark circles on her face. She looked like a typical house girl with chaotic work and rest.

Gabriel was stunned: "Igarashi...Ai-chan, why are you here?"

"Don't call me Ai-chan!" Igarashi gritted his teeth.

"But that's what Lafite called you."

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