"Yes, Master."

"Ahhh, so what's the matter with this robot?" Igarashi's eyes widened, his expression very ugly.

After Hua Ye and Gabriel heard her measurements, she even wanted to silence her!

"It's a robot, right? Maybe this guy is a very powerful hacker, maybe he wrote the program himself." Gabriel thought for a while, and said, "For example, the robot Sophia who is very popular recently... Although I don't know what it is Yes, but it sounds great."


After a while, Hua Ye said:

"Okay, the biscuits are ready."

"Are you ready?" Ai Igarashi's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly jumped in front of Hua Ye, and asked expectantly, "Is there any problem?"

"No." Hua Ye opened the oven and took out the cookies on the baking tray, "Take a piece and try it."

Igarashi nodded her head, nervously picked up a piece of biscuit, put it near her mouth, pouted her red lips and blew, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

Because this biscuit looks the same as ordinary cookies, and even smells the same.

In her opinion, since heaven, material and earth treasures are used as stuffing, there must be something different, right?

For example, it can emit light, and another example is the dense aura on the surface... Well, these two are really hopeless, but at least they must have some special fragrance!

With nervous anticipation, Igarashi carefully took a small bite.Then a pair of eyes suddenly opened wide.

good to eat!

Super delicious!

Although there is no special fragrance when it smells, when it enters the mouth, it is found that there is an indescribable fragrance bursting in the mouth, sweeping every taste bud, and more importantly, there is a strong aura in it, which makes people have endless aftertaste .

Gabriel watched from the side, a little curious, and said, "It's really so delicious?"

"Eat one?" Hua Ye glanced at her, picked up a biscuit, and handed it to Gabriel.


The crippled angel subconsciously opened its mouth, and after holding it, it realized that there was an outsider, and shook its head hastily, wanting to reprimand, but the taste of the biscuits made her puff up her mouth like a little hamster, unable to speak. Come on.

Hua Ye said casually, "Eat more if you like."

Now Igarashi quit: "Hey, that's my biscuit!"

You are so weak, you just show your affection in front of me, but you even gave my biscuit as a gift, it's beyond the mark!

Hua Ye squinted at her and said:

"Didn't you say before that half of the biscuits will be my reward after they are finished?"


Igarashi couldn't help being speechless.

Damn, if I knew the biscuits would be so delicious, I wouldn't share half of them with you!

She blinked her eyes and whispered, "Well... can I take back what I just said?"


"Then, that will give you a third?"

Hua Ye said mercilessly: "No."

"Damn it!" Seeing that Hua Ye took two more biscuits and handed them to Gabriel, the legal loli clenched her fists and couldn't help but gritted her teeth and shouted, "You're going too far! Why are you so partial!"

I am about the same height as her, and have similar breast volume, and she also looks weak and lazy, why is there such a big difference!If it's other things, it's fine, but these biscuits can't be bought even if you have money. If you really eat one, you will lose one.

Hua Ye glanced at her and said:

"I like her, but I don't like you. Isn't it normal to be partial?"



Gabriel, who was eating biscuits like a little hamster, spit out immediately after hearing the words.

She hastily raised her hand to cover her mouth, her little face that was originally full of laziness now had two delicate red glows: "You, you have a good idea!"

After the crippled angel shouted, he stopped eating the biscuits, covered his mouth, turned around and fled in a hurry, just like a cat caught stealing dried fish by its owner, without any majesty at all.

After eating another wave of dog food for no reason, Igarashi was so angry that he was out of shape. If he hadn't been unable to beat Hua Ye, he would have already been beaten up. She gritted her teeth and glared at Hua Ye: "Hurry up and share the biscuits! Let's go, I don't want to stay any longer!"

Hua Ye said casually, "Find something for yourself, just leave half of it for me."

Igarashi's eyes rolled, and just about to hide a little, Hua Ye said: "Half of the agreed upon payment is the reward, if you take more, you will keep the meat..."

"Meat, meat, toilet?!" Igarashi trembled all over, looking at Hua Ye with eyes full of shock, "You, you are so nasty!"

Hua Ye's face was full of black lines.

Dirty your sister!I just want you to pay for it!Where did you think!

It's a pity that without waiting for Hua Ye's explanation, this legal loli hurriedly picked up half of the biscuits, and ran away in a panic like Gabriel...

Hua Ye looked at the remaining biscuits, thought for a while, and sent a message to the useless angel next door: "There are still biscuits, do you want them for you?"

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