"do not want!"

"Do not talk to me!"

"Who knows what's in it, you might get pregnant if you eat it!"

"You hentai, don't talk to me!"

Chapter 554 Role Playing

Blink to the second day.

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Hua Ye went to open the door, and saw a tall girl with a sweet smile and sly eyes standing outside the door. Her long silver hair fluttered gently in the wind and shone dazzlingly in the sun.

"Student Hua Ye, good afternoon!"

Rafael clasped his hands together, his big eyes were bent into two crescent moons, and he shouted in surprise.

Hua Ye asked casually, "What are you doing here?"


The black-bellied girl raised her hand and tapped her head lightly, tilted her head slightly, with a pitiful expression on her face, and said to herself in the way of a movie narration: "The little ship lady Laffie came to visit with great expectations. Lord Admiral, but in the end, he was put on play, and his vitality value was reduced by 20."


Where are you so small, no matter your height or milk volume, you are so disrespectful to other people!And what the hell is placing play? Is this a new way to play recently!

"Warning, warning! If the vitality value of the Lafei is too low, it will lose its ability to move, and it may be taken away by bad guys. Please pay attention to replenishing the vitality value in time, Hua Ye."

Just now I was an admiral, why is it my name now!

Rafael stretched out two fingers with a smile, and said:

"Option [-]: Hug Lafei in front of you, kiss the left side and then the right side."

"Option [-]: Reach out and pat Raffi on the top of the head, and say 'I like you the most!'"

Your sister, what's wrong with this weird way of speaking!

"The Lafite is waiting with great anticipation for the admiral to make a choice..."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a straight face:

"I choose the third option - just snap and be honest."

As he said that, he stretched out his hand to grab this black-bellied girl who likes to make trouble. Although Raphael wanted to hide, but there was no way to hide, and Hua Ye directly pulled her into his arms.

The scent of orchid and musk came to the nostrils immediately, and a strand of hair passed over the tip of the nose, slightly itchy.

There was a delicate red glow on Rafael's face, and his eyes were slightly flustered, but he still forced himself to say: "Vina is feeding the cats, and there are [-] seconds left to reach the battlefield. If Hua Ye doesn't want to be sent into For the Gendarmerie, please let go of Lafite, Admiral Lolicon! Admiral Pervert!"

Shut up, you're still a loli, isn't that useless angel next door immature?

A row of black lines fell on Hua Ye's head, and he probably guessed the purpose of their visit. It was nothing more than going to Alice's house to celebrate her birthday, but she was a little unwilling to let go like this.

There is a price to pay for doing things! !

Hua Ye snorted, grabbed the black-bellied girl's soft, slender, and elastic waist, and then directly slammed her against the wall.

It is obvious that Rafael's body is slightly tense: "The vitality value is not full, the vitality value is not full! If you forcefully do excessive things, the Lafite will degenerate into a deep-sea ship girl..."

"That's just right, I'm planning to replenish your vitality."

"Eh?" Rafael blinked her eyes, but before she could understand what Hua Ye meant, she saw Hua Ye poking his face closer, his scorching breath spewing on her neck, which made her heart skip a beat.

Turning her face quickly, the black-bellied girl put one hand on Hua Ye's chest, puffed up her cheeks and said, "Student Hua Ye is going too far, how can there be such a pervert admiral like you!"

"What?" Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you say that after kissing the left side and then the right side, you can replenish your vitality?"


Raphael bit her lower lip, and said pitifully:

"It's hard to overcome the sense of shame, and want to play role-playing games with classmate Hua Ye... It's too much."

Too much of your sister, even the sense of immorality can be enjoyed happily, what is the sense of shame!

With a straight face, Hua Ye ordered:

"Stand still and don't move."

Once again, she was wronged by the black-bellied girl on the wall, and she couldn't escape, and couldn't beat her, because she was the one who teased her, so she could only find a way to appease her.

She puffed her cheeks and was about to speak when she suddenly saw Hua Ye, who was already less than a fist away from her, move away from her and quickly stood aside.

Just as he was surprised, the door next door suddenly opened with a "squeak", and Gabriel squinted his eyes and poked his head out: "Lafite? I just said I heard your voice..."

Rafael pursed her moist pink lips like cherry blossoms, and said with a smile: "Xiaojia, good afternoon, not only me, Wei Nai and Satania will also come later, because today is Ariel It's Si's birthday."

"By the way, today is Alice's birthday..." Gabriel blinked her eyes and said to herself, "I thought it would be a few days, how come so soon?"

Nonsense, you stay at home every day, you don’t leave the door, you play games, you still play games, you are almost at the Golden Core stage, forget all the concept of time!

Taking advantage of Gabriel's inattention, the black-bellied girl gave Hua Ye a sharp look: "Student Hua Ye is a bully, so he knows how to bully me!"

What happened to bullying you?

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