It's not that you bully people for no reason, you did it first!

Gabriel scratched her hair and said:

"Is this going to go?"

Lafite nodded and said, "Well, I'm just here to tell you to get ready to go."

"Then I'll take a shower and change clothes..." Gabriel nodded and agreed, but it was rare that she didn't say something like 'it's so hot, I don't want to move'.

After all, birthdays only come once a year. Since we are friends, there is absolutely no reason not to go.

"Xiao Jia, I'll blow your hair for you!" Raphael shouted hastily.

Thanks to Gabriel's interrupt skill just now, otherwise he would definitely be kissed, right?

Hi!So angry!

Obviously, Hua Ye's classmate in the past was like a piece of wood, he pushed it three times before moving once, but now he has become a carnivore, taking the initiative so much more than before, pressing himself against the wall at every turn... The wall-dong maniac!

Turning his head and spit out the tip of his pink tongue at Hua Ye, Rafael hid in Gabriel's room, not giving Hua Ye another chance to wall-dump. After all, Xiao Jia's interrupt skill can only be used once, and when the skill is silent During this period, it must be super dangerous!

At the same time, because of what happened last night, Gabriel didn't say a word to Hua Ye from the beginning, and in the end she just gave Hua Ye a warning look.

"Don't talk nonsense, or be careful with your skin!!"


So this is the real idle play!

Not long after, Wei Nai came up after feeding the cat, first went to Gabriel's room, saw that Gabriel was still taking a bath, and came to Hua Ye's room, after all, Gabriel's room There used to be cockroaches, but now I don't know if they have been completely wiped out. If a cockroach accidentally flew out from a corner and hit her face, Wei Nai felt that she would definitely explode. When the time came, a magic cannon would blow up the room. It's embarrassing...

Chapter 555 Buy One Get One Free

Walking to Hua Ye's room, Wei Nai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why aren't you ready?"

Seeing Hua Ye still sitting there playing games, Wei Nai couldn't help but annoyed.

She is wearing a blue dolphin shirt and lavender skirt today, with a cat hairpin in her hair, looking very clean and refreshing.

Hua Ye replied:

"I have prepared the present."

"It's not a gift, it's clothes!" Wei Nai bent over to change her slippers, walked to him and said, "Xiao Jia is taking a bath and changing clothes, how can you dress like this? When you are a guest at someone's house, you must dress formally." a little……"

Hua Ye looked down at himself, the shirt, shorts and slippers... it seems that there is something wrong?

"I don't know what to wear." Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Please help me figure out what to wear."

Wei Nai put on a pretty face and said:

"Do you still want me to help you wear it?"

Hua Ye nodded: "Yes."


I want you to be a big-headed ghost!It's not that you don't have long hands and feet, how can you help you get dressed!

Wei Nai bit her lower lip lightly, gave Hua Ye an annoyed look, turned around and walked to the closet, and began to think about what to wear.

"First of all, the shirt. We bought it at the mall that time. After all, we don't need to wear a formal suit, so I'm not used to it...By the way, have you washed the shirt after you brought it home?"

When I bought a shirt last time, Wei Nai planned to take it home and wash it to dry, but because on the tram back, Hua Ye used a boa constrictor to 'point' the whole way from behind, and after getting off the bus, she was beaten again. Forcibly kissing, I almost died of embarrassment at that time, how can I remember the shirt.

Hua Ye nodded and said, "It's been washed."

"That's good..." Wei Nai thought for a while, and took out a shirt, "Just wear this plaid shirt..."

After the shirt are pants and shoes. In fact, Wei Nai doesn't know much about clothing matching, otherwise she wouldn't be able to wear such simple and refreshing clothes.

After choosing, let Hua Ye go to the bedroom to change clothes.

When Hua Ye finished changing, Wei Nai looked around, and couldn't help showing a little tangled expression on her face. She pursed her lips and said, "The collar is not neatly folded, please fold it again."

"Do not stack."


"Stacking and stacking is very troublesome."


Wei Nai couldn't help but gritted her silver teeth, and her bright clear eyes turned angrily: "Come here, I'll help you fold it!"

If the clothes are not tidy, not only will you feel uncomfortable wearing them, but others will also feel uncomfortable when they see them, right?

"Okay." Hua Ye walked to Wei Nai's side.

As Hua Ye walked in, an extremely familiar and pleasant smell rushed towards his face, Wei Nai blushed slightly, and took a step back slightly.

"Really, it's so tall that it's inconvenient to fold the neckline..."

While speaking, Wei Nai stood on tiptoe, leaned forward, and helped to straighten the collar.

Hua Ye's eyes fell on Wei Nai's pretty face, and his eyes gradually became hot.

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