"No need." Hashimoto Qingyin shook her head, "Machiko usually likes to read at home, and probably doesn't like such an environment."

As Hashimoto Qingyin said, she turned her eyes to Hua Ye, and said:

"Xiaoye, shall we talk over there for a while?"

Although the other party's tone was light and flirtatious, it contained an undeniable flavor in it.

Hua Ye wanted to refuse at first, but when he was caught straight at the beginning, he was a little guilty after all, so he nodded and agreed.


When the two walked to a corner not far away, Hashimoto Qingyin smiled and asked, "Is Xiao Ye busy recently?"

So what's wrong with your intimate address and dialogue!We are not so familiar with it!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and replied:

"not busy."

"That's good. Machiko also told me that you are very busy and don't have time to visit. It seems that you have to ask her carefully when you go back." Hashimoto Qingyin blinked and praised, "Xiaoye's clothes today He's very handsomely dressed."

Hey, what is your mother-in-law's casual tone when she sees her son-in-law!

"Master Baiyu, there is a situation!" Alice probed her head, and the little hamster whispered in Raphael's ear, "Machiko's mother wants to talk to that guy alone, it must be some ulterior secret, right?"

Rafael tilted his head slightly, picked up the small kumquats on the table and peeled them off, ate a piece of orange by himself, then fed Alice a piece of orange meat, then shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, Machiko sauce is inferior It's too big..."


After chatting for a few more words, Hashimoto Qingyin invited:

"By the way, is Xiao Ye free this weekend? Let's have a meal at home if you are free."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, subconsciously feeling that there was no good feast, this aunt who spoke in a slow voice and looked a little light, gave people a super strong sense of oppression.

"I have something to do this weekend..."

As a result, Machiko's mother continued lightly before she finished speaking: "By the way, let's talk about the engagement..."


Hua Ye immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

Did you hear me wrong?

You must have heard that right, right?

You mean engagement and not something else?

I haven't dated your daughter yet, so why is it getting engaged!This speed is too fast!

"Machiko has a quiet personality. From elementary school to now, I have never had any good male classmates." Hashimoto Qingyin said lightly, "Now that Machiko has met someone she likes, and you have such a relationship again, coupled with the age of both parties That's enough, so we can get engaged..."

A row of black lines fell from the top of Hua Ye's head, and he explained:

"We're not..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Qingyin Hashimoto. The woman narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at Hua Ye, and said lightly: "Xiao Ye, you should pay attention when you speak. If you say something, you can never stop it." If you don’t come back, you might regret it.”


Hey, are you threatening me?

It must be!

Although there is not a single threatening word in the whole sentence, the combination clearly expresses the subtext of 'if you dare to speak nonsense, you will bear the consequences'?

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "You must have misunderstood something."

"Maybe." Hashimoto Qingyin said lightly, "Maybe the daughter I taught is an undisciplined girl who will let boys who don't like touch her breasts at will..."


Your sister, there is no way to answer these words, okay!Lightly driving people to the cliff!No matter whether you nod your head in agreement or shake your head to refuse, the end will be very bad!

I was just trying to test when Machiko would have the courage to say no. I didn't intend to take advantage of it, and I didn't feel good at all!

Why hasn't the Shura field appeared yet, but the terrifying mother-in-law murder appeared first!


Hua Ye suddenly discovered that from the very beginning, the rhythm of the conversation fell into the control of the other party.

Machiko's mother, super scary.

Although it is true that I have a guilty conscience, this is not the reason for myself to retreat again and again.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows, and was about to speak, when a shocking exclamation suddenly sounded: "Momomo...touch there? You did that to Machiko, you really are a hentai!"

Hua Ye's face darkened suddenly, and he turned his head to look, and saw Alice lurking over at some point, because it was a super small mascot, she was actually touching her.

"Come here." Hua Ye said with a straight face.

"If you don't go, you won't go... You're definitely going to kill someone!" Alice shook her head hastily, turned around and wanted to run, but the next moment Hua Ye was caught in her hand like an eagle catching a chick.

Chapter 560

"Quick, let go! Big pervert!"

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