Alice still wanted to struggle, but after being glared at by Hua Ye, she calmed down.

"Then you guys are busy first, I have to go over and talk to the editor-in-chief." Although Alice overheard, Hashimoto Qingyin's face was still not disturbed at all, it seemed that even if the sky fell, she would not show up. The expression changed too much, "Xiaoye, remember to come for dinner on weekends."

Eating your sister's meal is basically a Hongmen feast, okay?

After going there, I will be forced to get engaged!If you refuse, will you throw a cup as a sign and summon three hundred heroic spirits to trouble me!

I only heard that there is a custom in India where women steal marriages. Are you going to help your daughter steal marriages!

No wonder Machiko is always hesitant to talk today. With her character, she can't say something like engagement even if she is killed!

Watching Hashimoto Qingyin leave lightly, Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, looked down at Alice in his hand, and said, "What are you doing here?"

Obviously, Alice, a little bean, didn't hear the news of "engagement", otherwise what she just exclaimed was not "strike, chest", but engagement.

In fact, it's okay to be heard, but it will be troublesome to explain.

"I'm here, I'm here for a drink!" Alice rolled her eyes, and said with some lack of confidence, "I just happened to hear you guys talking..."

"At that time, I thought it was very strange. Why did Machiko-chan not let us help when she came to see her relatives, but asked you to get sanitary napkins..." The more the tsundere girl got more and more excited, she couldn't help questioning like a sharp-mouthed beast He said, "How far have you two gone behind your backs!"

Hey, it's fine for Wei Nai to say this, you have no right to question me at all, okay!

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and said:

"If you want to know, try it yourself."

"No, no more." Alice shook her head hastily, two dainty blushes flew up on her little face, her eyes were disgusted and frightened, "Who wants to do that kind of thing with you! Nasty! Idiot! It's the most disgusting thing! "

So what do you think is the matter, just rub your stomach, okay?Don't make me think of those messy things!You little bean, you don't even have a chest, you are basically a nail, a teapot spout, you can't find a place to rub it if you want to rub it!

Hua Ye snorted softly and was about to speak when suddenly his eyes narrowed and he looked into the distance.


Alice blinked her eyes, followed Hua Ye's line of sight, puffed up her cheeks, and shouted angrily, "Damn it! I've been away for such a short time, do those guys want to attack Master Bai Yu?" ? You obviously paid me attention just now!"

As Alice came over to eavesdrop, Raphael became a person.At this moment, standing in front of her was a young man in a suit and leather shoes, bent slightly, stretched out his right hand, and smiled gently as an invitation.

"Excuse me, can I have a dance together?"

"Hey, what are you still standing here for? That person has already invited Master Bai Yu to dance!" Alice clenched her small fist, hit Hua Ye once, and urged, "Let's go over there quickly! How dare you play Master Bai Yu's idea, Kill them all, kill them all!"

Faced with someone else's invitation, Raphael was obviously a little surprised. She blinked her eyes, looked up at Hua Ye, and then showed a black-bellied smile on her face. She stretched out her right hand and placed it on the other's palm... …

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and strode over.

Although he has been bullying this black-bellied girl, but watching her dance with others, it is still impossible.

Seeing Hua Ye striding over, the corners of Raphael's lips raised slightly, her big eyes bent into two beautiful crescents, and then her right hand opened and fell...

And then……

The man who invited Raphael to dance was just startled, and after seeing the things in his hands clearly, the smile on his face became even more rigid.

In his hand was a handful of peeled orange peels.

"Please help me throw it away." Raphael put his hands together and said with a smile, "Zhengchou doesn't know where to throw the orange peel. This gentleman is really a good man."

The man gave a dry laugh, tried his best to maintain his demeanor, and said:

"It's okay, hehe..."

He was obviously inviting the other party to dance, but in the end he was stuffed with a handful of orange peels. He was almost ashamed!

It's not over yet.

At this time, Hua Ye had already walked to the side.

"Student Hua Ye!" The black-bellied girl had a radiant surprise smile on her face, stood up and grabbed Hua Ye's hand, and said in an expectant tone, "Shall we go dance?"

Hua Ye turned his head and looked at the young man with a stiff expression, who was faintly about to blow himself up on the spot, nodded and said, "Okay."


The smirk on the young man's face could no longer be maintained, he clenched the orange peel in his hand, turned and left with a dark complexion.

She was slapped on the left cheek, and now she is slapped on the right cheek. If she doesn't leave, why don't she stay and continue to show her shame?

"Hee hee." Lafayer smiled triumphantly like a little fox who had successfully played a prank, his eyes bent into beautiful crescent moons, "Don't worry, no one will dance with strangers except classmate Hua Ye. (*^▽^ *)"

"You can dance if you want." Hua Ye pouted.

"Hmph." Raphael didn't take it seriously at all, and first waved his hand at Alice, who wanted to tell the truth, and then pulled Hua Ye to the dance floor, smiling coquettishly, "Hua Ye just got jealous, right? "

Hua Ye said with a straight face, "No."

"Hmph." There was another smug snort, and the dark-bellied girl stretched out a slender finger and tapped on Hua Ye's chest, "I was so happy when I saw classmate Hua Ye getting jealous just now! (*^▽^*)”

Happy sister, are you happy just now?

Seeing Hua Ye raise his eyebrows, the black-bellied girl hurriedly changed the subject and said, "Since we're here, let's dance for a while before continuing? Can classmate Hua Ye know how to dance? If not, I'll teach you..."

"Hands can only be placed on the waist, not up or down, otherwise you will be playing hooligans..."

Hua Ye didn't speak, but glanced at a man and a woman in the corner.

Following Hua Ye's gaze, one could see the dancing couple. The man's palm had already landed on the woman's buttocks...

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