If I really do something to her, you, a creature with a combat power of only [-] goose (the lowest value), even if you come a hundred or a thousand, it's useless, and you can get the double kill achievement by the way!

This little bean looked at Hua Ye, clenched his fists with both hands, and said with a tense face, "Master Bai Yu's chastity, I will protect it!"

"Finished?" Hua Ye said with a straight face, "If you don't shut up, you will lose your virginity."


When he and Rafael came to the backyard, the sound of drinking and making money disappeared immediately, and the air was completely new.

The sky has completely darkened.

The vast twilight shrouded the land, and there was only a dark red like an ember in the west, but a silvery crescent moon was rising in the east.

A few stars are dotted.

The lights in the yard have been turned on, and several fountains sprayed into the air. Under the special lights and angles, the rain and mist formed a rainbow of seven colors.

In the courtyard, the evening breeze is cool, the bamboo grove is whirling, shaking the shadows of the summer night, it is quite quiet.

"Thank you Hua Ye for your help..."

Coming here, the dark-bellied girl let go of Hua Ye's arm, and most of the blush on her pretty face disappeared.

She snorted softly, stretched out a slender finger, and continued to say in a role-playing tone: "Because I was protected by the admiral, I didn't lose face in public. Lafite is very happy, and my energy value has increased by 20."

Shut up, are you still addicted to playing?

Hua Ye hummed:

"Go back and change your clothes."

"Wait a minute..." the dark-bellied girl hesitated to speak.


Raphael blinked, and whispered:

"It's very uncomfortable to walk with it covered all the time, I'd better take it out first..."

One is uncomfortable, and the other is to fight in a vacuum. You actually choose to fight in a vacuum for the sake of comfort!

"The weather is very hot now, and I sweated a lot because of nervousness just now, it's very uncomfortable... And there are no boys in the backyard, so they won't be gone."

The black-bellied girl looked left and right, waved her hands at Hua Ye, and said in a low voice, "Student Hua Ye, help me watch the wind, I'll go to that bench and take off for a while...the broken underwear can still be given to Hua Ye." Students use it."


your sister!Who wants to use your underwear? Could it be that you wear it on your mouth like a mask to prevent wind and dust? Using a girl's underwear as a mask, what kind of perverted guy can do this!

and many more……

It seems that not only are there many perverts in the island country, but they are also developing in an all-round way!

For example, Kamen Rider with a fat head, the inventor of the fat bow, the incense maker who bought girls' socks, and the female body Sheng, etc., and all of them are perverted behaviors that lead the trend of the moment!

Hua Ye said with a dark face, "Hurry up."

"Yeah." Rafael nodded, left the road paved with bluestone slabs, turned around and walked into the bamboo next to him.

Sitting on a low, long stone chair under the bamboo forest, she reminded her again: "Student Hua Ye, you must watch your surroundings. If I am seen by others, I will not be able to survive."

Your sister, are you a lady who lives in the era of cannibalism, do you want to marry each other when your feet are seen? Then you wear sandals every day when you go out, don’t you already have countless engagements!

Those feminists in European and American countries often take off their clothes and take to the streets to demonstrate when they disagree with each other. There are also celestial baths where you must be naked to enter, and nude restaurants, etc. For example, the Victoria’s Secret catwalk that is broadcast live globally every year, those supermodels are all No underwear!In front of countless audiences around the world, they went into battle in a vacuum, and I didn't see them being embarrassed!


Time ticked by quietly.

The sound of rustling undressing suddenly fell silent.

Just when Hua Ye thought that Rafael had finished tidying up, a terrified voice suddenly sounded: "Hua, classmate Hua Ye! Help!"

Chapter 562

The sky was completely dark.

Hua Ye stood on the side of the road with his back to the bamboo forest.

The sound of Rafael taking off her clothes came from behind, and it was very clear in this quiet night...

Then a scream suddenly broke the quiet atmosphere.

"Student Hua Ye, help!"

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"What are you shouting?"

No one is coming around, what is this terrified cry for help, when did you become as timid as Machiko!

"Yes, there are frogs!"



What's so scary about frogs, don't you raise your croaking son every day!Now your croaking son crosses the Internet and comes to reality to talk to you about old times, you should feel happy, right?

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