Being so afraid of him like a tiger and wolf will make your croaking son sad!

"Student Hua Ye, come here quickly!"

Hua Ye turned around and walked into the bamboo forest, and saw a piece of welfare...

Well, of course there are no benefits.

For girls, it is a girl's natural skill to put her palm under the shirt and unbutton her underwear with one hand!It's just taking off your underwear, you don't need to take off your outer shirt at all.

Now that Hua Ye walked into the bamboo forest, the first thing he saw was the black-bellied girl on the bench looking timidly at the ground. In her hand... was actually holding a broken pink underwear in her hand. The underwear was still in the wind. Sway gently!

In front of her was a huge frog, croaking.

Hua Ye didn't need to go forward to chase the frog away, and the frog quickly jumped in front of Rafael and disappeared into the darkness.


Just as Rafael breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a sudden chill on his legs. After he lowered his head to see what was on his legs, he froze immediately.

"Hua, Hua Ye!" The dark-bellied girl's voice trembled slightly, "Yes, there are snakes!"

"Yes, I saw it." Hua Ye nodded.

It was a small light blue snake thirty centimeters long and short, and it swam out from behind the stone chair without a sound.

This snake probably passed Raphael for hunting frogs. After all, in nature, the size of creatures is generally positively correlated with their combat effectiveness. For example, elephants on the African savannah are vegetarian animals, but But it is the overlord of the food chain on the grassland. Even the lions dare not provoke it. During the estrus, they will catch the rhinoceros chrysanthemum...

The same goes for snakes.Because of the difference in size, snakes basically do not regard humans as predation targets, and most of them will take the initiative to back away when encountering them.

But the problem is, the animal affinity of this black-bellied angel is MAX!

You can easily touch the head of a stray dog ​​with a smile, and scratch the chin of a stray cat!

So this little snake didn't move away quickly like ordinary people, but gave up hunting frogs full of curiosity, and instead snaked up your legs!

At this moment, La Feier didn't dare to move anymore, so he could only shout nervously: "Student Hua Ye, take it away!"

You have the skills to speak, you can reach out and throw it away!

Hua Ye snorted, "Do it yourself."

"No..." Raphael shook his head and said nervously, "What if, what if it bites me?"

Hua Ye couldn't help complaining: "Aren't I afraid of being bitten?"

"Because Hua Ye's skin is very thick, and he is not afraid of being bitten..."

Thick your sister, you still have to be skinny at this time, you are very happy!



The black-bellied girl screamed again like a wounded little animal, and covered her skirt with both hands, her eyes panicked and frightened, "Student Hua Ye, hurry up, you are climbing up again!"

With a dark face, Hua Ye walked up to the black-bellied girl and said:

"Take off your skirt."


"How can I catch it without taking off my skirt?"

The dark-bellied girl hesitated for a moment, her pretty face flushed with rosy clouds, and she whispered, "It's fine to just stick it in from under the skirt..."

Although she often drives on weekdays, she is actually just a king of mouth. Once the real juncture is reached, she will lose the chain.

After saying these words at this moment, even the crystal earlobes were stained with a bright blush.

Seeing the misty water vapor welling up in the eyes of this black-bellied girl, Hua Ye had no choice but to walk over.

Hua Ye squatted down, raised her skirt with one hand, and started the serious business of catching snakes...

How serious!

In the dim bamboo forest, one hand lifts up the girl's skirt, and the other hand penetrates under the girl's skirt. You will definitely be invited to the police station for tea!

The right hand quickly penetrated into the bottom of the skirt, and did not feel the cold and greasy touch of long insects. Instead, the delicate, smooth, elastic, warm and soft touch flooded into the mind, making it hard to put it down.

Hua Ye moved forward quickly, passed the stockings, and landed on the absolute field. His fingers sensed the movement of a snake crawling in front of him, but before he could catch it, the opponent had already penetrated further. Hua Ye could only follow closely behind. Soon deep into the restricted area.


A low moan sounded like pain and joy.

This black-bellied girl's pretty face was stained with red, and she looked at Hua Ye with tears in her eyes, and said, "Student Hua Ye, hurry up and grab it... If you want to touch it, do it next time..."

Damn it, I'm just trying to catch the snake, who is deliberately delaying the time to touch you!It's clear that you are the one holding the hem of your skirt, but blocking my movements!

Hua Ye snorted softly, raised his head and ordered:

"Shut up, don't talk."

Before he could finish his sentence, his gaze paused slightly, and he couldn't help but land on the chest of this black-bellied girl.

Raphael had already tore out the "unbearable" underwear just now, so it is now in a vacuum.

At this moment, both hands are pressing down on the hem of the skirt, and the two arms are subconsciously brought together in the middle... If it was the useless angel doing this, it would be fine, the arms can just cover the chest, but it's a pity that Raphael is because of her 'extraordinary mind' , this action is not only unable to block the spring, but it is even more prominent because of the squeeze!

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