How else can I put it, Rafael, a black-bellied girl, has a thick skin.

If it were Wei Nai here, I'm afraid she would have been eager to find a crack in the ground, even if there was no crack in the ground, she would definitely have no face to continue talking to Machiko.

However, after Raphael came back to her senses, she said as if nothing happened: "I didn't get bitten, but my legs are a little weak... Can you ask Machiko-chan to help me go back?"

"Yeah, yes."

After discovering that Hua Ye was not having sex with Raphael in the small bamboo forest, but after catching the snake, most of the grievance in Machiko's heart has dissipated.

She grabbed Raphael's arm and helped her up.

Looking at the pink underwear next to her, Machiko said in surprise, "Hey, this is...?"

"Well, my classmate Hua Ye and I just went to the front yard to rescue Alice, but the underwear accidentally broke. The reason why I'm sitting here is to take out the underwear..." Raphael explained.


Machiko blinked her eyes, turned her head to look at Hua Ye, and suddenly remembered something, a blush suddenly appeared on her face, and she quickly lowered her head.

At the same time, Rafael also looked at Hua Ye with resentful eyes, her pink lips like cherry blossoms gently opened and closed, and said silently: "Student Hua Ye just went too far... Even I will be angry !"



With the help of Machiko, Raphael successfully returned to the backyard.

Gabriel was sitting there playing with the handheld. It seemed that it was "Monster Hunter: World" that just came out recently. She was having fun at the moment. She raised her head and glanced at Huaye and the three of them. She didn't have any intention of coming over to ask. She lowered her head and continued to play the game.

Satania and Liuhua are playing the arcade. Although they are both rookies, they are having a lot of fun and are very happy.

Wei Nai naturally greeted her, and after seeing Machiko clearly, she frowned slightly and asked, "Squad leader, you... just cried?"

As he spoke, he glanced at Hua Ye, and said in a serious voice, "Is it Hua Ye who bullied you?"

Chapter 564 Tune and Teach Alice

Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye, put on a pretty face, and said:

"Is Hua Ye bullying you?"

"No, no..." Machiko hurriedly shook her head and explained in a low voice, "It's because a bug flew into the eye..."

"OK then."

Since Machiko didn't want to talk about it, Wei Nai didn't want to ask, her eyes swept over Rafael again, her lower lip was bitten even tighter, she looked at Hua Ye seriously, and asked with her eyes: "Be honest, be lenient. Resist and be strict."

Hey, what kind of eyes are interrogating the prisoner!I didn't do anything to Machiko, it was she who suddenly started crying!

The words of this black-bellied girl... are nothing more than reaching under her skirt to catch a snake. Can catching a snake be considered obscene?There are also male doctors in the obstetrics and gynecology department!Is it because he is a boy that he won't be treated?


After a while, Alice, who participated in the "blind date meeting" in the front hall, finally returned to the backyard. She was relieved and jumped like a lark: "It's okay, it's okay, mom said I can celebrate my birthday with everyone Already!"

As a result, when the little bean saw Hua Ye, his big blue eyes stared angrily at Hua Ye, as if he hoped Hua Ye would realize his mistake and apologize as soon as possible.

Resentment MAX.

Hua Ye expressed that he was a little confused.

Hey, what are you staring at me for?The eyes are so big.


Turning her head and snorting in a standard arrogant posture, Alice greeted the others and said, "Shall we go eat cake? I'm so hungry!"

While attending the banquet in the front hall, Alice kept talking to uncles she didn't know, and had to deal with waves of blind dates and strike up conversations, so naturally she wasn't in the mood to eat.

Now when everyone gathers together, the real celebration of the birthday begins.

First of all, of course, is an essential oversized birthday cake with candles burning on it.

After Alice finished blowing out the candles, the others applauded and said in unison:

"Happy birthday Alice!"

Every face is filled with blessing smiles, kind smiles, blessing smiles, weak smiles, quiet smiles and silly smiles, which are completely different from those formulaic smiles.

"Yeah, thank you everyone."

Alice's face was slightly red, and she couldn't stop being happy.

She cut the cake and distributed it to everyone, then clasped her hands together and said expectantly: "By the way, I can drink now, let the maid bring some beer over? I wanted to taste beer a long time ago, but my mother Don't agree... Now I have to do many things that my mother was not allowed to do before!"

"Not good?" Wei Nai shook her head subconsciously, with a look of fear in her eyes, and suggested, "Why don't you drink some milk?"

As a rare creature who must get drunk every time he drinks, and whose IQ will drop rapidly after getting drunk, Wei Nai generally dare not drink.

And the taste of beer is really bad. Why do so many people like to drink?

When eating, it seems that if you don't drink a bottle of beer, even the food will have no taste... When did beer become an indispensable condiment like oil and salt?

"How can anyone drink milk on their birthday!" Alice puffed up her small chest and said proudly, "I'm an adult now!"

However, whether it is height or milk volume, they are far from the standards of adults!

Satania pinched her waist with one hand and raised her hands to vote: "Okay, okay, I want to drink too!"

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