"Well, where's Xiao Jia?" Raphael asked.

"I have no objection." Gabriel replied weakly.

"In that case..." Rafael stretched out a slender finger and suggested, "Shall we drink some ginger beer?"


Hey, are you bullying others and don't know how to do it!

Generally speaking, ginger beer is a carbonated beverage, which does not contain alcohol!

Just like electric shock candy won’t make you get an electric shock, and popping candy won’t make you jump up. Baked cold noodles are neither baked nor cold, let alone noodles!

But the purpose of celebrating is to have fun. It doesn't matter whether you drink beer or not. Even if you drink ginger beer, everyone is very happy.

After eating the cake and drinking ginger beer in a lively manner, everyone went to the courtyard to set off fireworks for celebration at Alice's suggestion.

In the end, Alice blocked Hua Ye in the room when no one was there, her face tightened, and she gritted her teeth and asked, "You bastard, what did you do to Master Baiyu just now?!"

Hua Ye was speechless: "I didn't do anything."

If I said that I put my hand under your white feather skirt and touched it, you would be even more angry, right?

"You, you still don't admit it!" Alice clenched her fists, wishing to punch Hua Ye.

When she came back, she happened to meet the housekeeper Fujiwara Norika on the road, and she asked casually, but she got the big news from the housekeeper like a bolt from the blue...

Alice puffed her cheeks like an angry puffer fish, and shouted angrily: "If it wasn't for you, how could Lord Baiyu want to change underwear and fat times!"


and many more!

I know that the underwear must be replaced if it breaks, but what happened to the fat times?

Well, why change fat times?

Seeing that Hua Ye didn't speak, she thought he had acquiesced, and Alice became even more angry.

"I warned you not to get Lord Bai Yu's attention before I left, but you actually turned around and took away Lord Bai Yu's virginity... I, I can't spare you!"

Your sister, when did I take her virginity away?

You didn't figure out the situation, and didn't ask me to explain it, but you came here alone to ask the teacher, you are very courageous!

Hua Ye snorted softly and said with a straight face:

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I, I will tie you up with a rope, and whip you! Until you plead guilty!" Alice waved her hands, and shouted fiercely, "You guys like to be whipped by girls anyway, right? "


In a sense, it is true that most people have certain masochistic tendencies.

For example, people who like spicy food are essentially people who like to be abused.

As we all know, spicy is not a kind of taste, but a kind of pain. When eating spicy food, in order to resist this stimulation, the brain will secrete a substance called endorphin, which can relieve pain and bring pleasure.So from a scientific point of view, if you like spicy food, you actually let spicy food abuse your body in exchange for the happiness of your brain!

This is not shaking M, what else can it be!

Hua Ye raised his face and said, "Come here."

"You, what are you doing?" The blond girl suddenly became nervous.

"What are you doing?" Hua Ye snorted softly, "It just so happens that I want to tie you up and teach you a lesson."

"You, how dare you!" Alice's eyes widened in disbelief, and she took a step back subconsciously.

If she was subdued and apologized at this time, it would be fine, but as Tsundere, she has always been duplicity. Instead of apologizing, she even raised her face and threatened fiercely: "If you dare to mess around, I will tell my mother, let the bodyguards at home catch you, and then throw you outside to feed the mosquitoes!"

I'm sorry, but you overestimated the combat effectiveness of your bodyguards.

Hua Ye was too lazy to speak, picked up the rope that was used as decoration before, and walked towards Alice.

"You, you actually came for real?!"

if not?

You thought I was playing house with you!It is said today that I will transfer and teach you, no one will be allowed to come!

"Lord Bai Yu, help me!!"

Alice finally realized that the situation was dangerous, so she turned around and ran away.

It's a pity that after only two steps, Hua Ye picked it up with one hand, holding it in his hand like an eagle catching a chicken, and walked towards the sofa.

Chapter 565 Rope Art Master

"Let, let me go! If you do that to me, Master Bai Yu will never forgive you!"

Hua Ye said calmly:

"Then apologize honestly."

"Just, don't apologize! I didn't do anything wrong... Woo, don't touch there!"

The soundproofing effect of the room was very good, and everyone was playing fireworks outside, so no one noticed the disappearance of Alice and Hua Ye.

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