He is not like a girl who must bring a bag with all his belongings when he goes out. He only has a mobile phone and a credit card with him now.

And in fact, drinking water is actually useless when you are hot by chili peppers!Drinking milk or yogurt at this time can effectively relieve the pain!

Hua Ye pointed to the convenience store across the road and said:

"In the past to buy milk?"


Gabriel didn't speak, but just turned around and ran. Her petite body exploded with unbelievable speed. If she was faster, she might be able to compete with Bolt in the Olympics. It really makes people jealous... No , is to spur people to burst potential.

However, it is now a red light. Although there are fewer vehicles on the road because it is more than nine o'clock in the evening, when this crippled angel ran the red light, there were still several cars approaching quickly, and Hua Ye could already see clearly. Seeing the terrified expression of the driver in the car.


Hua Ye took a big step, and instantly came to the crippled angel's side, and then hugged Gabriel, who had lost his mind.

The few drivers who hadn't braked in time and thought something was going to happen wiped the cold sweat off their heads, and they were all out of shape with anger. Some even stretched out their middle fingers, as if getting out of the car to look for trouble.

However, after being glanced coldly by Hua Ye, the driver who was about to get out of the car for a real-life fight immediately shivered. He felt a chill in his back and almost fell to the ground, so he turned his head decisively and got into the car, and fled quickly.

Hua Ye frowned and said:

"Don't run so fast, what if you get hit by a car?"

"Ni, Ni, let go of the nest!" The useless angel could not even speak fluently, and struggled in Hua Ye's arms, almost more anxious than ants on a hot pot.

"Is it that spicy?" Hua Ye expressed a little puzzled. When he ate it, it was completely within the acceptable range.

"Mud, mud is still talking!" Gabriel was so angry that tears were about to come down, she danced a windmill fist with both hands, and Hua Ye couldn't help beating his chest, "It's all Mu's fault! I beat you to death!?"

Well, it seems that the spicy strips are indeed very spicy, otherwise this useless angel, who has always been lazy, would not have shown such an anxious and rich facial expression.

It's just that the red light still has more than [-] seconds to turn into a green light. Although I can run over with her in my arms, it is more than [-] meters away from the convenience store across the street. After entering the store, I have to find the yogurt The shelf... If you don't teleport, it will take about ten seconds.

Although ten or so seconds is very short, and it takes more than that for an ordinary person to walk like a god, it seems to be enough time for this useless angel to live and die again and again!

These thoughts flashed through his mind, and Hua Ye quickly made a decision.

He wrapped his arms around the slender waist of the useless angel, and hugged her directly into his arms.

"You, what are you doing?!" Gabriel sniffled her little nose, with tears in her eyes, and gritted her teeth.

If it wasn't for this guy who didn't react at all after eating the spicy strips, he wouldn't be curious if it was a fake, and if he wasn't curious, he wouldn't be so spicy that he almost exploded!

So no matter what you say, it's all your fault!

Hua Ye didn't answer, but just used practical actions to solve the incident.

"You... woohoo!"

The lips touched, and the burning sensation like fire began to pass between each other.

This is their fourth kiss, it feels... feels like killing people!

Gabriel is already considering whether to change back to the angel form, and then take out the horn to destroy the world.

I have been so hot that I doubt my life, so hot that I exploded on the spot, this soul is still thinking of taking advantage of me? !

Die die die die die die!

I'll grab your head in a moment, knock you into the air with a Lushan Shenglongba, and then hit you with six rounds of reincarnation punches to freeze you in the air, and then a Starburst Airflow Slash to cut you into countless pieces, huh?

After recovering from the shock at the beginning, this useless angel wanted to quickly turn her head to avoid Hua Ye. Unfortunately, because she ate spicy sticks, she was so hot that she doubted her life, and she couldn't even defend herself normally. , so Hua Ye drove straight in, directly invading into the depths as if entering no one's land...

"Soul, soul light!"

"How dare you stick it in!"

"I'm going to bite your tongue off!"

Although I have had the experience of kissing three times, this kind of thing is still unacceptable... I will kill you! !

However, just when Gabriel was about to bite it down, she suddenly discovered that the sharp pain that made her almost explode on the spot... unexpectedly, actually subsided slightly?

"What, what's going on?"

"Why did this happen?"

"I once saw on the mobile phone that kissing can relieve pain. It seems that when kissing, it can prompt the brain to secrete substances that feel happiness, so as to resist pain... No! This way of pain relief is too obscene!"

Just when she was about to knock Hua Ye over with a punch, Gabriel suddenly discovered that the sharp pain was still dissipating at a slow and firm speed.

Just now I wished I could stick out my tongue and exhale like a puppy, and even grabbed the ground with my head. Although it is still unbearable now, at least I have held back my tears...

"No, it's not because of the kiss... Is it because of this guy's saliva?!"

The mouth, which has been so hot that it doubts life, has almost completely lost consciousness in addition to pain or pain before, but now it clearly feels a faint fresh taste similar to mint spreading in the mouth, and the taste is... not bad?

How could it be good!



Be sure to brush your teeth ten times later!

How dare you let me drink such a disgusting thing, you are dead! ?

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