I heard that at least thousands of bacteria are passed on every time you kiss, not only disgusting, but also possible to get sick!

That's right, mouth ulcers, dental caries, swollen gums, Trump playing Twitter without business, Ma Xiaojiu writing Spring Festival couplets without business, Antarctic melting, climate warming... In short, it's all this guy's fault!


Although Hua Ye has been subjected to ten tortures and various abuses in his heart, his body will not be diverted by his will...

After realizing that Hua Ye's saliva can effectively relieve the explosive pain, the body began to instinctively ask for more.

"Just, just this once!"

"Cleopatra still sleeps with a man every day, just kill this soulmate later..."

"Wait, it's your time of death soon!?"


The tip of his tongue retracted aggrievedly, but he couldn't swallow it in his stomach. Hua Ye was unwilling to keep his own place, and didn't know how to stop when it was too late. Instead, he kept pushing forward... Gabriel was angry and wronged, and wanted to kill someone.

Fortunately, although she refused to admit it, this feeling really couldn't make her feel disgusted... She just felt dizzy and wanted to push him away, but there was no limp strength in her body.

The long eyelashes trembled slightly, the useless angel slowly closed its eyes, and subconsciously wrapped its arms around Hua Ye's neck...

(PS: Happy New Year, I wish you all the best, happy family, and of course, the most important thing is your health! Then ask for the blade, ask for the blade, ask for the blade!?

Chapter 569

At the beginning, Hua Ye was ready to be beaten.

Don't look at this useless angel who usually looks like a useless meow that sleeps, eats and sleeps, but when it gets angry, it will turn into a little tiger and strike at the slightest disagreement.

However, the expected rocket head hammer did not appear.

Apart from opening its eyes wide at the beginning, with a ferocious expression of "Ling Chi is still cut in half, anyway, you are dead", the crippled angel did not fight back at all.

On the contrary, with her four eyes facing each other, her slender and fine eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then slowly drooped down...

Hua Ye quickly understood the reason.

The effect of force is reciprocal, so inference, the saliva is probably the same, I feel a burning pain spreading down the mouth, then this useless angel is sharing the firepower, surely it will not be as painful as before, right?

"It is said that the most romantic people in the world are the French. For example, in other countries, they usually bow or shake hands when they meet, but in France, even between men and women, they will stick to each other when they meet. Cheeks..." Hua Ye began to think, "Maybe you can't learn French romance, but you can learn how to burn calories..."

Coupled with the fact that the useless angel couldn't even close its mouth now, Hua Ye naturally launched an attack unceremoniously, sweeping his lips and teeth, and conquered the city.

During the whole process, even if the crippled angel resisted occasionally, it was of no avail at all, and soon fell apart.


It feels so soft, like cotton candy.

I used to think that girls' lips are the softest thing in the world, but now I realize that there are even softer things, such as the tongue.

Although there is no trembling feeling like electric shock like the electric shock candy advertisement, there is no sweetness and fragrance, only a slight burning pain, but the extremely soft touch is already irresistible.

The abandoned angel in his arms began to flee timidly, like a fish strayed into the shallows of a stream, preparing to escape the fate of being caught.

It's a pity that her mouth is very small, even if she wants to hide from her aggrieved, there is nowhere to hide.

The battle of chasing and entanglement unfolded between lips and teeth. As Hua Ye invaded step by step, the little face of this useless angel finally turned red to the top, almost as if it was about to explode, and fine sweat was dripping from his forehead. I don't know if it was more shy. Some, or more spicy pain.

Looking at the tightly closed eyes of this crippled angel, as well as the hasty, almost suffocating appearance, Hua Ye had no intention of stopping at all.

"It's neither sweet nor delicious, it's just soft and slippery, but... can't stop."

"Want more."

"So... keep kissing."

Whether it's the first kiss at the tram station or the second kiss on the island vacation, it's like a superficial touch, and it's easy to break up. This useless angel not only doesn't cooperate, but also hates and bites people in various ways. This is the first time that Hua Ye is allowed to ask for it like this now...

Time passed quietly.

I don't know how long it has passed, the useless angel who was as quiet as a cat finally began to struggle and resist, and finally put both hands on Hua Ye's chest, and then pushed himself away.


With the sound of rapid breathing, Gabriel's chest heaved up and down uncontrollably, her little face was so red that it exploded, her eyes were misty and moist, and there was even water vapor faintly escaping from the top of her head.

"You, you are weak..."

While wiping her mouth, Gabriel gritted her teeth panting and shouted:

"Just, I almost suffocated just now!"

"Being able to talk means it's fine." Hua Ye licked his lips, "Take a break and do it again."


Seeing Hua Ye's expectant eyes and saying "one more time", Gabriel immediately thought of killing someone.


How can there be such a thick-skinned person in the world!

Want to do it again?

It's so disgusting that I'm going to die now!

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