If it wasn't able to relieve the sharp pain, it would have transformed into an angel form a long time ago, and then cut you into pieces and cut you into pieces!

"Hentai! Let me go!"

The crippled angel tried hard to tighten his face, gritted his teeth, and shouted in a fierce tone, but unfortunately, whether it was the trembling sound brought out by panting, or the moist blue eyes, there was nothing like the past. of deterrence.

Hua Ye was not afraid before, and he is even less afraid now.

He shook his head and said:

"It feels a little insufficient, let me kiss again."

"Kiss you big-headed ghost... you go to hell!" Gabriel became furious and wanted to kiss again, don't even think about it, there is no chance, even if you die from the heat, you won't be able to kiss again!

"I'm telling you, you're looking for your own death!" The crippled angel's killing intent was gone.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and didn't answer. He just squeezed the crippled angel into his arms with a slight force.

Seeing that Hua Ye continued to lower his head to kiss with a super thick skin, Gabriel quickly turned her head, and the two hands around Hua Ye's neck were changed to pinch, but it's a pity that the hands are small, and the hair that was kissed just now is all over the body. Soft, there is no strength in the hand at all, it is said to be pinching, but it is more like a caress that wants to refuse and win.

"How dare you! I was already disgusted to death by you just now!" The crippled angel leaned back vigorously, his eyes were extremely disgusted. Obviously, it was only a special case to cooperate obediently before, and it is impossible to reappear.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and said, "Disgusting? You just..."

"To shut up!"

Gabriel raised her hand to paste Hua Ye's face, she was so angry that her teeth were about to be crushed.

"Just, you are allowed to bully me, and I am not allowed to fight back!"

"I was stuffed into my mouth with such a big thing, and it was my mistake if I didn't bite it off!"

The sharp pain that almost made people explode on the spot had dissipated, and the useless angel refused to stay obediently in Hua Ye's arms, struggling hard.

Hua Ye couldn't do anything about it, so he could only let go.

When she jumped from Hua Ye's arms, Gabriel's feet went limp and she almost fell.

"Are you okay?" Hua Ye stretched out his hand to grab it, and suddenly noticed a subtle gaze looking over.

Turning around and looking, I saw the female neighbor Ayana Yamamoto standing not far away, wearing a small suit and carrying a bag in her hand, she looked like she just got off work, she was crossing her chest with her arms around her chest, looking over with strange eyes.


When doing bad things, being caught by an acquaintance is obviously different from being caught by a stranger.

Gabriel immediately felt guilty, and then suddenly remembered the green hat given to her by her female neighbor Ayana Yamamoto a few days ago, and the strange expressions of Lafite and Machiko today... She gritted her silver teeth angrily, and kicked Hua Ye kicked, then turned and ran.


Then, after running less than a hundred meters, he was panting and supported the wall because of exhaustion!

Hua Ye couldn't help but want to cover his forehead after being ashamed!

After Gabriel ran back to the apartment, Hua Ye glanced at the indifferent female neighbor, Ayana Yamamoto, and was not interested in saying hello. He crossed the street and went to the convenience store to buy something.


at the same time.

Among the manor villas.

"Mom, why don't you wake up with a cup of tea first?" Alice brought over a cup of tea.

Nagasawa Ryoko was slightly startled, reached out to take the tea, raised her hand to touch Alice's head, and smiled: "Thank you Alice."

"Don't touch my head, I'm an adult now!" Alice said subconsciously, but her face clearly showed the happy expression of the cat being stroked.

Nagasawa Ryoko naturally understood her daughter's temperament very well, and said with a smile, "You're really arrogant."

Alice blushed: "It's, it's not Tsundere!"

"Hmm..." Ryoko Nagasawa raised her hand and gently rubbed her temples, and said with some emotion in her voice, "Alice has grown up today."

"Yeah." Alice, who had tied her hair back into twin ponytails, nodded, proudly raising her pointed chin, "I'm already sixteen!"

"Mom didn't mean age." Nagasawa Ryoko shook her head, with a playful smile on her face, "It means that you did things with boys that adults can do."


(PS: That’s all for this update. I wish you all a happy new year and all the best! I want to say a lot, but I don’t know what to say when it comes to my mouth. Maybe it’s the so-called ugly and stupid people... But I still want to say something, I love you guys!! Thank you for your support all the time! I’m very happy! Finally, by the way, I’d like to ask for a wave of blades~~)

Chapter 570 Alice has grown up

"That's right, it's not!"

Alice hurriedly shook her head, her twin ponytails drew a dazzling arc in the air, like a hamster who was found hiding chestnuts, "Yes, that guy is bullying me! It's all his fault, mom, hurry up and help me avenge!"

Nagasawa Ryoko chuckled: "Then why didn't you say that just now?"


The memory of being tied to the sofa by that guy with a tortoiseshell is basically the dark history of wanting to rush into the Mariana Trench, right?

How could such a shameful thing be brought up!

"Yes, sister Ji Xiang told you, right?"

Alice blushed, trying to divert the fire.

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