
Just when Xiaoqian's face turned red and she was about to feel ashamed, Hua Ye suddenly said, "Your sister has come out."

Xiaoqian hurriedly turned her head to look, and she saw her younger sister Suguha leaving the coffee shop with that strange man.

"You should go left when you get home, but Suguha actually went right..." Xiaoqian said with a tense face, "It's not right!"

She looked at Hua Ye and said, "Be careful, don't get caught, let's follow..."


Hua Ye and Xiao Qianwei walked... No, they followed secretly.

The other party didn't mean to go to the tram stop, obviously not going to a far place.

Not long after, the girl Suguha in front stopped.

Suddenly, the short-haired girl walking in front paused, turned her head a little stiffly to look at Hua Ye, her already big eyes widened, and her small face turned pale: "Zhi, Zhiye actually wants to have sex with that A middle-aged uncle going to a love hotel?!"

"Is she hiding it from me just to do that kind of thing?"

"Even if it is, it's better to find a bastard like you than to find that middle-aged uncle!"

Your sister, since when did I find a junior high school student for compensated dating!At most, it's just bathing in a hot spring bathroom with elementary school students. Can bathing be considered obscene?

Hua Ye looked up, and indeed saw Xiaoqian's sister and the strange man parked under the shade of a tree, not far from the signboard of a love hotel.

"Go! Go kill that guy!" Xiaoqian was furious and clenched his fists, "Suguha is still a junior high school student, to bring her to this kind of place... You must kill him!"

"Calm down." Hua Ye stretched out his hand to stop him, "There are many shops nearby, so it doesn't have to be a love hotel."

"It must be? Otherwise, how could a junior high school student have contact with a strange uncle?" Xiaoqian gritted her teeth and shouted, "If Wei Naijiang was here, you would definitely not be so calm, would you?"

Hua Ye was not angry, and said casually:

"Vina won't."


Xiaoqian was almost choked to death by this sentence, "Vina-chan doesn't know how, boys are full of lustful things, you asked me to choose a small umbrella before!"

You are enough, I said it is not for you!

Xiaoqian snorted, turned and ran over.

"Suguha, come home with me!"

"Huh?" The girl who was slightly taller but with an average chest turned her head, bit her lip quickly, with a look of anger in her eyes, "Sister, are you following me?!"

"It's a chance encounter, it's just a chance encounter..." Xiaoqian naturally refused to admit that she was following her, she changed the subject and asked, "You told me to go to a classmate's house for tutoring, but did you come to this kind of place? If my mother found out, she would have How sad!"

Suguha was startled, "It's not that serious, is it?"

"You've already done this kind of thing, isn't it serious? Mom will definitely be pissed off!"

Suguha hesitated and said:

"I won't go back...Although I know that the road ahead is very difficult and difficult, but I still want to try it...Don't worry, sister, I will work hard."

"Come on, you sister! No...it's my sister." Xiaoqian was heartbroken: "You are still in junior high school!"

"But I'm going to be in high school in half a year." Suguha didn't understand why her sister was so excited, but her momentum was unavoidably weaker, and she tapped her two fingers on her chest, "And I'm also fifteen. I'm old, I'm going to be an adult soon... Is there nothing wrong with learning more ways of making a living and experience?"


Xiao Qian almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Hearing that her younger sister was actually planning to make a living by this method, the short-haired girl was so angry that she was about to burst into tears: "You, how many times have you done this?!"

"I'm here for the first time today..."

"That's good..." Xiaoqian calmed down a bit, "Since it's the first time, at least you should find someone similar!"

Xiao Qian pulled Hua Ye over and said, "How is he? He's ten times better than that middle-aged uncle!"

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and withdrew his hand.

Don't compare me to this kind of thing!It seems like I would find a junior high school girl for compensatory dating, especially since your sister Suguha has poor breasts (laughs).

"Eh?" Suguha blinked, "What... the first time? What are you talking about, sister?"

Xiaoqian shouted: "You have already shared a hotel room with someone else, and you still ask me what I'm talking about?!"

"The hotel... is open?!"

Suguha was startled, then raised her head in astonishment, seeing the love hotel not far ahead, her clean and fair face was immediately stained with a blush, and exploded instantly.

"I, I just came to visit the training class of the voice actor agency!" Suguha took a step back, put his hands on his shoulders, his voice became stammered, and he was ashamed, "What the hell is my sister thinking? thing!"


The anger on Xiaoqian's face dissipated, and he looked up and searched around, and he found the signboard of a voice actor agency, but unfortunately, he subconsciously ignored it under the preconceived circumstances.

"Hey hey, I got it wrong..." Xiaoqian scratched her head, smiling awkwardly, "Then you continue? He and I will go first..."

Chapter 575

Flat-chested Suguha bit her lip, how could she stay any longer?

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