She turned around and bowed to the man wearing glasses beside her, then turned her head and ran away.

"Suguha, wait for me! Don't run so fast!"

Xiaoqian hurriedly chased after him.

Hua Ye put away his phone and followed slowly.

You can see Xiaoqian's fine short hair fluttering in the wind, the fine beads of sweat on his forehead reflect golden luster in the sun, and his slightly wheat-colored skin is full of health and vitality. The breasts/parts became bigger and bigger, and the passers-by who watched stopped one after another, and even heard the sound of "pu yo, pu yo" in their ears...

So Suguha ran even faster.

As a star person with poor breasts, he will be overwhelmed and crushed by a star person with big breasts.

There was no way, Xiaoqian could only shout from behind:

"The skirt is floating, if you run again, you will show your fat times, fat times!"

Suguha hastily raised her hand to cover her skirt, her movements inevitably slowed down.

"Hey! I caught you!" Xiaoqian grabbed Suguha's wrist and smiled triumphantly, "I won this race!"

Suguha was obviously still angry, and said with a stern face:

"Let go of me! Anyway, I'm a shameless bad girl who went out to have sex with my uncle when I was still in junior high school. Don't worry about it."

"Because I'm worried about you..."

Xiaoqian clasped her hands together, begging her sister's forgiveness pitifully: "You have been acting weird for the past few days, and you always make phone calls secretly by yourself... There are so many scammers now, what if you get scammed?"


Suguha turned her head away and didn't speak, she seemed a little arrogant.

"It's my sister who is wrong this time, and I won't do it next time." Xiaoqian patted her chest and promised, vowing, "If I follow you next time, let Jesus call me to heaven!"

Hua Ye just walked to the side, and complained when he heard the words:

"You think beautiful."

If you want to go to heaven, you must at least have a devout belief in God, and now the heavens are overcrowded, and tickets to enter the heavens are hard to find. You, an atheist, have very little chance of going to heaven.

Suguha's lips moved, and finally couldn't hold back, complaining:

"My sister is talking stupid again."

"Hey." Xiaoqian stretched out her hand and scratched her head, "By the way, you want to be a voice actor, have you told your mother?"

"No." Suguha shook her head, a little disappointed, "Mom probably won't agree, right?"

"That's right, I heard that being a voice actor is tiring, hard, and painful, and it's extremely difficult to become a real voice actor..."

"Then what about my sister's thoughts?" Suguha's eyes were slightly expectant.

"I..." Xiaoqian thought for a while and said, "Should I neither oppose nor support it?"

Well, the speech of a typical Buddhist girl.Casual, not bad, fortunately Sanlian, can completely deal with most of the problems in the past.

"I knew..." Suguha sighed, "My sister is also a gentle idiot."

Kind people always like to treat others gently, but unfortunately, this world is neither gentle nor kind (I think of the three thousand yuan I lent, but now it has been blocked...).

"But since Suguha likes it, I definitely support it. A lot of people just muddle through without even having an ideal...Having ideas in vain but never taking action, that's not an ideal, it's a fantasy."

Hua Ye forgot to glance at her, he didn't expect this short-haired girl to say such a thing.

Xiao Qian gave a thumbs up and continued:

"Suguha, he found his ideal in junior high school, and worked hard and acted for it, which is better than most people."

Suguha bit her lip: "Thank you sister..."

"I can't help it, I'm a big sister." Xiao Qian had a bright smile on her face, she thought for a while and said, "Then the rest is how to convince mom..."

"Let's talk about this when we get back..." Suguha's mood had already calmed down, and she didn't want to say more on the street, especially since Hua Ye was still standing beside her.

She looked at Hua Ye, remembering what her sister said about "the first time a compensated dating partner", her pretty face flushed slightly, and she asked in a low voice, " he your boyfriend?"

"Eh?" Xiaoqian looked back at Hua Ye, and hurriedly waved his hands, "No, no, it's buddy!"

Shut up, who is your buddy, have you awakened the attributes of a female man again now!

"You can just call him Xiaoye." Xiaoqian scratched her head and said carelessly, "I heard that the voice actor industry is very dark, such as the voice actor pillow camp, it seems that it has become an unspoken rule of the industry... In short, you meet Call him when you are a bad guy, he is very good at fighting."

To be able to beat your sister, the identity of a thug is too cheap!

Suguha naturally wouldn't call Xiaoye, the girl blushed slightly, and whispered, "Oni-chan~?"



After the words were clarified, the "sister compensated dating incident" came to an end for the time being, Xiaoqian and Suguha said goodbye to Huaye, and then went home together.

Hua Ye checked the time, and was going to have lunch first, and then go back.

As a result, when he reached a crossroad, Hua Ye suddenly noticed a subtle gaze on him.


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