"Why do you always meet old drivers with fast cars on the Internet!"

"I don't know either. It's a very common way to use the computer to surf the Internet. And what does the old driver mean? Are they the people who drive on the street?"

Hua Ye waved his hand and said with a blank expression:

"You keep talking."

"Oh..." Thor blinked his eyes and continued, "But I don't quite understand what'hesitating' means. It sounds like eating, right?"

"But if you understand it this way, do you want me to feed Xiao Lin? Although I am very happy, Xiao Lin never agrees to let me feed her..."

Nonsense, it's not a three-year-old child, and he needs to be fed for a meal, Xiao Lin doesn't want to lose face!

Thor continued: "So I asked the other party what to do..."

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth, and said with a dark face:

"and then?"

"Then the person who answered my question sent me a private message, asking me to go out and meet him, and then give me instructions on what to do..."

A row of black lines fell from the top of Hua Ye's head, resisting the urge to complain, and said, "You agreed?"

Even a silly meow would not be so stupid as to agree to such a low-level routine!I even asked you to go out and give advice on the spot. I just wanted to take advantage of you, but I can’t tell. Not long ago, there was a news report that a woman claimed to be Gege from the Qing Dynasty. She held the secret of the treasures of the Qing Dynasty. There are millions of them.

"No, no." Thor shook his head, clenched his fist and slammed the table lightly, explaining, "Xiao Lin told me very seriously before that if he asked me for a photo after chatting online for less than three days, he would still Guys who have a date to meet are either playing hooligans or planning to play hooligans!"


This is true.

It is said that in the list of the top ten disgusting behaviors of girls, the behavior of asking the other party for a photo within a few words of chatting is firmly at the top of the list of votes, and it is even more annoying than "drinking more hot water" which can cure all diseases. .

Thor blinked and said:

"According to Xiao Lin's method of distinguishing, I felt that the other party seemed to be playing hooligans, so I rejected him."

Nonsense, it doesn't seem to be, it's just playing hooligans!

If you are a weak girl, maybe you can be tricked into letting you pay the room fee!

"Then the other party didn't talk to me anymore..." Thor looked at Hua Ye, and humbly asked for advice, "So, how do you hesitate and talk? Xiao Ye must know it? Teach me, teach me, if it is a small For Ye, it doesn't matter if we practice together."


Chapter 577 The Coming Shura Field?

Thor clasped his hands together, looking forward to:

"Xiaoye must know, right? Teach me, teach me."

Hey, don't look at me with eyes that are thirsty for knowledge, I can neither explain the meaning of hesitating to you, nor can I practice what to do with you.

"I don't know." Hua Ye turned his face away.

"Woo..." Thor puffed up his cheeks and was about to speak when a soft voice suddenly sounded from the side.

"Master Thor, I know how to hesitate."

The blue-eyed baby dragon was sitting on a chair, with one hand resting on its chin. Due to its height, its feet could not touch the ground. At the moment, it was swinging its feet, apparently in a happy mood.

Therefore, it is not unfounded to say that the little lolita is often cheated by the strange sorghum with small snacks such as lollipops. Even this blue-eyed young dragon, when faced with delicious food, its IQ will also increase. Dropped by several percentage points.

Hua Ye looked at her.

"Hey, does Kanna know what hesitating means?" Thor also turned to look at Kangna, "Hurry up and talk."

"Yeah." Kang Na blinked her clear blue eyes like a lake, "When we were guests at Cai Chuan's house, Cai Chuan and I hesitated."


Your sister, although I don't know what you're talking about, but it's definitely not the kind of hesitation that means badly, the two of you don't have the tools to commit crimes, okay?

Connor raised her hand and said:

"It's a popsicle."

"Huh? Popsicles?"

"Yeah." Kang Na nodded, "Cai Chuan invited me to eat popsicles, and said that biting them all at once would freeze my teeth, so I have to lick them slowly, so that the taste will be even better."

Such a scene subconsciously appeared in Hua Ye's mind

One summer afternoon.

The sky is like clear blue crystal, with only a few white clouds floating gently.

Sunlight filters through the leaves, creating a dappled web of light on the ground.

The wind chimes and sunny dolls under the eaves flutter gently in the wind.

Two lolis were sitting close together, one of them was holding a white cream popsicle, hesitating and licking it lightly... It was terrible in every sense.

"So it's a popsicle?" Thor reached out and tapped his lips, "I always feel something is wrong. There are a lot of popsicles in the refrigerator at home, but Xiaolin usually doesn't eat... Xiaoye, what do you think?"

Hua Ye said: "It's a popsicle."

"Okay then..." Thor lay limply on the table, with thrilling arcs and seductive curves that could make people spurt blood under her two arms. She shook her face from side to side, looking surprisingly cute.

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