The food hadn't been served yet, and Thor had nothing to do, so he continued to exchange his sociological knowledge and experience with Hua Ye.

"Recently, I feel that Chinese characters are becoming more and more interesting. For example, the word 'testi' that I told you is full of blood on the top and happiness on the bottom... Then I found a forum for Chinese characters lovers on the Internet a few days ago. Originally, there were not many people talking, but someone suddenly praised his girlfriend with four square characters, and as a result, the whole forum exploded in an instant."

Thor looked at Hua Ye, blinked, and smiled:

"Xiaoye, guess which four words they are?"

Hua Ye casually said, "Gentle and kind?"

"No, no." Thor shook his head left and right on the table, "Guess again, guess again."

Isn't it?

Then the answer should be more unexpected.

Hua Ye thought for a while, and said, "Cute and cute?"

Thor shook his head: "Not right, keep guessing."

"Don't guess." Hua Ye glanced behind Thor, "The food is here."

"Hey, is it finally here?" Thorton sat up straight, his eyes sparkling, "Eat, eat!"

Hua Ye said: "You haven't said which four words."

"Oh, those four words..." Thor no longer had the mind to guess the riddle, and his eyes all fell on the waiter. While the waiter was trembling with fear, he felt a little complacent deep in his heart. After all, for many people, as long as beautiful girls can look at themselves more, they are actually very happy.

While watching the dishes in the hands of the waiter eagerly, Thor said casually: "Those four words are 'the road is obstructed and long'."


Hua Ye immediately spat out a mouthful of blood.

Your sister, does this word exist in the four-character idioms describing girls?

How do I remember that this is a sentence in the Book of Songs "The reeds are green, and the white dew is frost. The so-called Yiren is on the side of the water", and the next sentence is "following it back, the road is long and long", these four words are fundamental It is not used to describe girls!


I can't read this dictionary anymore!


"Anyway, after seeing these four words, everyone exploded. Later, I went to find out what it meant. It turned out to be..."

With black lines all over Hua Ye's face, he raised his hand to stop it:

"Needless to say, I'm not interested in this!"


One hundred minutes later.

Under the tearful gaze of the boss, Thor and Connor walked out of the cafeteria contentedly.

"I enjoyed eating." Thor stretched out his hands and rubbed his belly, giggling, "It's a pity that Xiaolin is not here. It would be great if Xiaolin was here."

With Kobayashi's personality as a Buddhist girl, I can't afford to lose this person. Being stared at by a group of people like giant pandas, the two of you can still eat and eat like no one else in peace.

Walking to a crossroads, Hua Ye said:

"Then I'll go back first."

"Yeah." Thor waved his hand and said suddenly, "By the way, the summer festival will be in two days. I heard that it is a very grand festival to celebrate. There are many delicious and fun things. Xiaolin happened to be there that day. Rest, shall we go play together?"

Kang Na raised her small face: "Together?"


An inexplicable notification tone suddenly sounded.

"I have met the pre-conditions of favorability, and I have been invited by Thor and Connor to the summer festival."



On the way to the coffee shop at night, Hua Ye's cell phone rang suddenly.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a call from Miss Miko.

But after Hua Ye connected, it was Lolita who spoke.

"Brother Xiao Ye!" A voice full of joy rang in Hua Ye's ears, the little girl's voice was clear and tender, like Xu Fuji's crispy candy, "The summer festival will be in two days, come and have a treat with my sister." Shall I spend the summer festival together? There will be a big sister’s surprise costume change. (*^▽^*)”


"Have met the pre-favorability requirements, and received invitations to the summer festival from Miko Ruri and Hinata, with a catwoman and two young maidservants as gifts."


Hua Ye walked into the coffee shop, and not long after he sat down, he received a message.

It was the black-bellied girl, the unscrupulous angel, and the tax evader.

"Student Hua Ye, the summer festival is coming soon (〃'▽'〃)."

"Speak straight."

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