"Then I also want a beautiful yukata. I didn't rent it, I bought it myself." Rafael invited, "Student Hua Ye is free tomorrow? Let's go buy a yukata together."


"I have met the pre-favorability requirements, and I have been invited to the summer festival by the tax-dodging girl Rafael."

Not long after Hua Ye put down the phone, the phone vibrated again.

Alice: "Hmph, I will guard Lord Bai Yu's side every step of the way, so I won't let you do nasty things again!"

"Maybe it's also an invitation to the summer festival?"


It was destined not to let Hua Ye drink a cup of coffee quietly today, but after a while, the phone vibrated again.

Picking it up, it turned out to be a message from Silly Meow.

"Aide, I heard that there are many games during the summer festival. When the time comes, form a team with me and defeat the hateful Gabriel together?"

"Satania: Favorability...???" (The IQ attribute is too low to be detected.)

After Silly Meow, there was a message from Liuhua.

"Brave, brave, the summer festival is coming soon, my sister and I are going to have fun, and then we will fight against the dark forces under the fireworks all over the sky?"

[Ding: You have met the prerequisites for favorability, and you have received invitations to the summer festival of Six Flowers and Ten Flowers. 】Still unable to calm down and drink a cup of coffee.

Because there is still news about Machiko.

"Student Hua Ye...well, mom said the summer festival is coming, if, if you are free, we can spend it together..."

Although he just looked at the text on the phone screen, Hua Ye could still imagine the shy and expectant expression of the literary girl Machiko.


Hua Ye silently turned off his phone.

So it means that there are still two days until the summer festival, why are you all sending messages so early!

Chapter 578 No Date, We Don't Date!

There is stillness in every event.

So far, a total of six or seven girls have sent invitations to the Summer Festival. It seems that the Shura Field is close at hand. If there is a hatchet incident, I will not be able to share even one limb...

But Hua Ye was not in a hurry.

He picked up the coffee, took a sip, and began to think.

Needless to say, Thor and Kang Na, the invitation to the summer festival can be completely rejected. After all, Xiao Lin also has a lot of friends, and he is not bad at all.

Even if he refused, Thor probably puffed up his mouth and muttered "I'm so disappointed".

As for tax evader Lafite and Stupid Meow, although they were invited separately, on the day of the summer festival, everyone must play together, and there is no need to think about it. It is nothing more than going to buy bathrobes tomorrow morning.

Where is Liuhua and Shihua...Liuhua is okay, but Shihua is fine, Sister Gao Lengyu, a spoon-throwing madman, didn't communicate much at first, but because of the old man's remarks that "you can marry whatever you want", now it is super cold, So I still refuse.

Then there is Machiko's mother. Although Machiko's mother speaks in a light and light tone, it gives people a sense of threat that under the clear sky and moonlit night, a frightened bird flies by, and a few feathers fall down.

Of course, it is impossible to be afraid, but when he was bullying Machiko, he was caught by the other party, so he was a little guilty.

However, Hua Ye has almost no such unnecessary emotions as guilty conscience, and now if necessary, it is not a problem to touch him openly.

Then, the only question is... how should Miss Miko and Dirty Loli respond.

It is entirely conceivable that the loli held her hand at that time, and asked tearfully, "Brother Xiaoye, don't you love me and sister?"

"Brother Xiaoye, you have to be responsible for watching Guangguang!"

As a result, at this time, the short-haired girl Xiaoqian came over and whispered, "That...for the day, thank you..."

Hua Ye shook his head and said, "No, I didn't help much either."

"It's all right." Xiaoqian scratched her head, waved her hands carelessly and said, "Let's pay in advance as the next time I ask you for help."


Your sister, are you still thinking about calling me to be a thug?It is agreed to find the police uncle if you have something to do, violence and lynching are illegal, okay!Moreover, because of the low crime rate here in the island country, many policemen are so idle that they are turning into old salted fish. If you call the police, you may call a reinforcement company every minute!

Xiao Qian raised the menu, pressed it against his chin, and asked in a low voice:

"By the way, the summer festival will be held in two days, you..."

The corner of Hua Ye's mouth twitched, he squinted, raised his hand and said:

"No time, no appointment!"

When did I check your favorability?Why did you come here for the invitation to the summer festival? You agreed not to be a green girlfriend!

"Eh? No time?" Xiaoqian blinked, with a look of disappointment on his face, and said bitterly, "You don't have time for such an important day to gain favorability..."

Who wants to brush your favorability, is it really good to say it!

"Really, I plan to teach you how to increase Wei Naijiang's favorability." Xiaoqian was very disappointed, "If you don't have time, forget it..."

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"Did you just want to say this?"

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