As he spoke, he changed the topic: "Alice also quickly changed into a bathrobe, and then let classmate Hua Ye see if she likes it."

"Hmph, I don't want this guy to judge!" Alice turned her head arrogantly in a standard posture, and was successfully distracted.

But the female shopping guide was not so easy to fool, her gaze was very strangely fixed on Hua Ye... the indescribable part below the waist and above the thigh.


Hey, what's wrong with your pitiful eyes!The space-based rail gun didn't fire at all, okay!Even the reloading time is more than a few minutes!


Hua Ye stared at him with black lines all over his face.

The female shopping guide trembled, turned her face away quickly, and looked outside the store without squinting, not making any contact with Hua Ye.It's as if Hua Ye is a human figure, and once he meets his eyes, he will drag her into the fitting room next to him, which is a disaster.

Hua Ye withdrew his gaze and didn't intend to explain.

His attitude toward trouble falls into three categories: it needs to be addressed, it can be put off, and it's basically ignored.

So although the female shopping guide looked at her from time to time with weird eyes, in Hua Ye's eyes, she belonged to the kind of "no need to explain" melon-eating crowd. Anyway, she would never have the chance to see her in the future, so there was no need to waste words.


After playing in the fitting room, the next thing is much easier.

With Alice here, even if something happens again, Alice will help instead of Hua Ye.

After being spanked, Rafael was obviously much more honest, but every time this black-bellied girl changed, she would go to Hua Ye to ask if it looked good...

So what is there to ask!

I always pick up which one to wear when I dress myself, these bathrobes all look about the same!

People rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. Conversely, a beautiful person can also bring out the good-looking clothes.Therefore, those shops that sell clothes in a certain treasure usually invite models to try them on and take pictures.

"Student Hua Ye!" Lafayer was wearing a pink bathrobe with cherry blossoms, walked over with her right hand holding Alice in a white bathrobe, and asked expectantly, "Does it look good?"

Chapter 584 Three Dates

"Student Hua Ye, does this bathrobe look good?"

The door of the fitting room opened again, and Raphael, who had finished redressing, walked in front of Hua Ye.

She was wearing a pink and white bathrobe at the moment, with her hands open, she twirled slightly in front of Hua Ye, flying with her skirt, giving people a pleasing feeling.

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"How many pieces is this?"

Could it be that girls are born with the talent to change clothes? I feel tired looking at them, but you are more energetic and energetic!

"Hee hee." The black-bellied girl stuck out the tip of her pink tongue, "That's all, I won't change it if I choose it."

Hua Ye nodded and said, "It's pretty."

"What about Alice?"

Hua Ye turned to look at Alice.

The petite blond girl was wearing a white bathrobe with a blue belt around her waist, making her waist more and more slender. She held it tightly, and the golden double ponytails hanging on both sides of her body complemented each other even more... It just couldn't be used "Pretty" is the word to describe it.

Hua Ye thought about it and gave a pertinent evaluation:


"Hmph!" Alice turned her head away immediately, put her hands on her chest, and snorted softly, "I don't want your compliments!"

However, there was a clear blush on the small face, and even the female shopping guide subconsciously said, "It's really a standard arrogant posture..."


Although Alice gave her an annoyed look, the female shopping guide didn't care.After all, wearing a white bathrobe now, the petite little Douding, no matter how you look at it, can only be described as 'cute', even if it is staring at people, it has no power at all.


After finally buying the bathrobes, Rafael and Alice went to the front desk to pay the bill.

Seeing Hua Ye with one hand in his pocket and the phone in the other, standing beside him without paying the bill, the female shopping guide looked at Hua Ye even more strangely.

Hey, what kind of contemptuous look do you have?

Ah, I understand... I want to say that regardless of my girlfriend's resistance and begging for mercy, I forcibly dragged my girlfriend to the fitting room to play shame play. After doing such an excessive thing, now I can't even bear a bathrobe for my girlfriend. Buy, and use your mobile phone to avoid orders next to you...

Your sister, who can't bear it!

And what the hell is that regretful look you looked at that black-bellied girl?She's actually enjoying it, okay?

Seeing that Hua Ye's face was slightly dark, Rafael blinked, and suddenly said with a smile: "By the way, I remember you just said that you can give us a [-]% discount?"

"This..." The female shopping guide showed a look of embarrassment on her face, and hesitated to speak.After all, the job of selling clothes is basically a basic salary plus a commission. Naturally, the more you sell, the better. She thought that Rafael was embarrassed to mention this, but who knew that Rafael was not embarrassed at all, and actually mentioned it in a fair and honest manner. come out……

The black-bellied girl stretched out a finger: "Then Hua Ye and I go to the fitting room to try on a few more clothes?"

"Please, please don't!"

If you try again, you still don't know what will happen.

The female shopping guide smiled awkwardly, and offered discounts to Rafael and Alice.

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