After paying the bill, the dark-bellied girl turned her eyes to look at Hua Ye, tilted her head slightly, and said with a smile: "Student Hua Ye, the money my mother gave me has saved a lot. Besides being able to go to the hotel to rest, I can treat you to a cold drink."


The female shopping guide was shocked immediately, and looked at Hua Ye with a touch of admiration... contempt.

Regardless of his girlfriend's objections, it's nothing more than playing shame in the fitting room, and even let the girl pay for the house opening... How did he get such a beautiful girlfriend!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and stared at Rafael.

"Are you doing something again?"

"No." Rafael pretended to be innocent, but there was clearly a pleasant smile flowing in his eyes.

"Stand still and don't move."

After understanding the meaning in Hua Ye's eyes, the dark-bellied girl blushed, covered herself with a packing bag, turned around and ran away.


Leaving the shop selling yukata, the air was a little stuffy.

Raphael wiped his forehead with his hands, put his hands behind his back to avoid being spanked by Hua Ye, and then suggested: "It's so hot, and I'm a little thirsty... I remember that the cold drink shop seems to be on the second floor, let's go there Would you like a cold drink?"


Alice followed behind and changed a lot of yukatas. It seems that whether it is a loli or a young girl, the love for beautiful clothes is natural. In fact, the gender difference has been reflected since childhood. For example, little girls generally like to play Dolls, and little boys mostly like racing cars and robots.

I didn't feel tired when I changed clothes just now, but now I feel that my legs and feet are a little weak, and my mouth is a little dry. I urgently want to add sugar to relieve the heat and dryness in my body.

Hua Ye didn't punish this troublesome girl for the time being. After all, he can punish the girl next time if he wants to. If he catches her and spanks her ass now, she will definitely be watched with strange eyes by others, right?

Although I don't care about the eyes of the people who eat melons, it will definitely be a little uncomfortable to be stared at, so I'll make a note of it for the time being and fight next time.

"Let's go."


When I came to the cold drink shop on the second floor, there happened to be a table of guests getting up and leaving. Raphael handed the bag to Hua Ye and urged, "Student Hua Ye hurry up and get a seat. Alice and I are going to buy cold drinks. We want to drink." What is it?"

"A cold Coke."


Hua Ye took the shopping bag, sat down at the empty table, and suddenly found a familiar gaze on his back, and then footsteps began to approach.

A familiar voice sounded, the voice was lazy with a little hoarse, full of charm, very pleasant to hear.

"Yo, I see you here again, boy."


Although he didn't turn his head, Hua Ye knew who it was just by hearing the voice.

Who else could there be besides the lovely Jing who is known as 'Love Fist'!

Your sister, why do I meet you every time I come to this commercial building!Are you the gatekeeper boss here!

Jing Keai unceremoniously sat on the sofa opposite Hua Ye, put a cup of mung bean smoothie on the table, then crossed her arms and looked over with great interest.

She is wearing a blue sports shirt today, her long hair is tied into a ponytail, hanging behind her shoulders, she also wears a pair of sunglasses on her face, and she is wearing a beige skirt. She looks quite trendy and fashionable.

After looking at each other for a few seconds, Jing Keai asked curiously, "Why does the teacher meet you every time I come here?"

"Also, how many girls does Hua Ye know?" Jing Keai smiled half-smile, "It seems that every time I see you, you are dating different girls."

It's not a date, I just accompany you to buy things, don't talk nonsense if you don't know the situation!Fake news can kill people!

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows and asked back:

"Why are you here?"

Jing Keai tilted her head and gestured to Hua Ye's back: "Teacher and friends are out to play together."

"Boy friend?"


The smile on Jing Keai's face faded away, she clenched her fist and waved it in front of Hua Ye, threatening: "I'm looking for a fight, have you ever seen an iron fist as hard as a sandbag?"

It's as if Igarashi's taboo word is flat chest, anyone who dares to mention the word "flat chest" in front of her will definitely go crazy, but in Jingkei's place, the word "boyfriend" is an illegal word that needs to be blocked.

At this time, Alice came over with a cold drink.

After seeing Jing Keai, Alice couldn't help but pause, and hesitantly called out in a low voice: "Jing... Teacher?"

Although Jing Keai often likes to use her fists to teach those disobedient students how to behave, she is actually quite popular among the students and ranks among the top teachers in the annual ranking of the most popular teachers.

She is not very old-fashioned in private, so in less formal occasions, everyone usually calls her Teacher Jing.

"Alice, good morning." Jing Keai waved her hand in greeting.

As a teacher, it is undoubtedly a very rude thing to not be able to call out the student's name.

After all, if you are anyone, you don't want to be called "that who" by the teacher, so memorizing students' names is one of the skills that teachers must learn.

"Morning, good morning..."

When she came out to play and was bumped into by the teacher, Alice was inevitably a little shy.

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