She put three cold drinks on the table, and subconsciously moved away from Jing Keai—that is, sat down next to Hua Ye.


"Yes, yes!" Alice subconsciously sat upright, her small face showing a serious look of a soldier accepting a review.

"Don't be so nervous." Jing Keai waved her hand, "It's not at school, and it hasn't started yet, just call my name..."

Alice subconsciously turned her head to look at Hua Ye. Seeing that Hua Ye had already picked up the cold drink and drank it, she lessened her nervousness and responded softly.

"By the way, I saw classmate Lafite just now." Jing Keai asked curiously, "Are the three of you here...?"

Alice's body, which had just been relaxed a little bit, tensed up again, she clenched her hands into fists on her knees, and quickly shook her head and said, "That's, it's not a date!"


Hua Ye almost crushed the cup in his hand.

your sister!What kind of nonsense is this nonsensical, three hundred taels of silver answer? If you were not the person involved, you would probably believe it when you first saw your guilt-ridden, self-conscious appearance.


Jing Keai hugged her chest with one hand, leaned back slightly, raised her hand to push the sunglasses on the bridge of the nose, and then folded her right leg on the sitting leg. Although it was just a very ordinary movement, it clearly highlighted the lazy charm .

She looked at Hua Ye and said meaningfully:

"It's amazing..."

Although he said words of praise, whether it was his eyes or his tone, it made people quite uncomfortable.

Hua Ye remained unmoved and continued to drink.

Anyway, it's not true, and Alice will definitely explain it.

"Teacher Jing, you, you misunderstood!"

Alice quickly realized that her face flushed red, and she quickly explained: "Master Bai Yu and I just came here to buy bathrobes, and then asked him to help carry things... It's really not a date!"

Chapter 585 Alice is innocent

"Huh, Teacher Jing finally left..."

Seeing Jing Keai being called away by her friends, Alice couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "It would be great if Master Bai Yu didn't go to the bathroom, as expected, Master Bai Yu is more reliable at this time..."

Hua Ye was puzzled and said, "What's there to be afraid of?"

It's just a quiet and cute goose, and its combat power is estimated to be around 2.0. You can bully it as you want.

"Hmph!" Alice turned her head and said arrogantly, "I'm not afraid! I just think that if the teacher doesn't leave, I won't have time to enjoy the cold drink!"

Students must be a little scared when they see the teacher. Do you think everyone is as thick-skinned as you!

As he spoke, he picked up his share of iced Coke with bright eyes, raised his head and took a big sip.

When she was at home, her mother strictly forbade her to drink similar carbonated drinks and fried food. That is to say, she knew that she was going to go out with Hua Ye today, so she turned on the red light.

So Alice ordered the same iced Coke as Hua Ye's, and also specially ordered a large cup, specifically asking for more ice, so she was going to drink it all at once.


As a result, she drank a big sip of the cold drink all at once. Although the coolness was cool, it also made Alice open her eyes wide. Ice to the teeth.

She hurriedly put down the iced coke, and accidentally touched the backpack beside her, so that a rabbit doll in the backpack fell to Hua Ye's feet.

"You, help me pick it up..."

Because there was still a piece of ice that she accidentally drank in her mouth, Alice's speech seemed a little slurred.

Hua Ye looked down and said:

"It's not convenient for me, you pick it up yourself."

The environment here is a semi-enclosed four-seater, and the back is fixed and separated by a sofa. In order to save space, the area is actually very small.

You have to bend down to pick things up, but Hua Ye's position is just blocked by the table, so it's not as convenient as Alice to pick things up.

Alice puffed her cheeks, and knew that it would be easier to pick it up by herself, so while breathing in, she bent down, careful not to let her face touch Hua Ye's lap, and reached out to pick up the doll that fell right under Hua Ye .


In the end, because the arms were too short, and they had to worry about not touching Hua Ye's thighs, it was not surprising that they couldn't reach them. It was obviously just a little short, but they just couldn't catch them.

"Is it okay?" Hua Ye asked casually from above.


"How could it not work?"

"I'm sure I can do it!"

Alice puffed up her pink cheeks angrily, because there were still ice cubes in her mouth (that is, she was afraid of freezing her teeth and dared not bite them, and also afraid of swallowing because of her throat being stuck, so she could only stay in her mouth and slowly melt away) , she didn't speak for the time being, just gritted her silver teeth, and poked down with her right hand. This time, she finally touched the rabbit doll, but her small face also hit Hua Ye's thigh...

Although the action of force is mutual, anyone with a little common sense in life knows that even if it is a relative force, when it acts on different body parts, the psychological feeling will be completely the same.

Spanking on the hand is not the same as being spanked in the face, spanking is another

For example, when Hua Ye slapped that black-bellied girl in the fitting room before, the shock force felt by both parties was actually the same, but obviously, that slap caused at least double the critical damage to Rafael. ...

Although she was bumped by Alice at this moment, for Hua Ye, the strength was actually similar to tickling, but Alice felt ashamed and angry, and the psychological feedback was obviously much more painful.

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