In addition to the pain, there was also an unspeakable sense of shame welling up in her heart, making Alice feel that what she touched was not her thigh, but some terrible place.

The short bean was about to get up in a hurry, but...


But she forgot the existence of the table, and when she hurriedly raised her head, her little head hit the table firmly, making a crisp sound, and even the few cups of cold drinks rippled in circles.

Touching the back of her head this time hurts much more than the feeling just now, so that tears welled up in the corners of Alice's eyes, and a small hand supported on the sofa was loosened due to loss of strength, and the whole person fell forward again, directly It fell between Hua Ye's legs, and it was still face down. The posture...was indescribably bad.

Hua Ye: "..."

Hey, I just let you pick something up, why are you so clumsy!And get up quickly, don't pant in shame and anger, because of you, the space-based rail gun actually shows signs of getting ready for launch!

Pointing at Vinai on the tram is fine, pointing at that black-bellied girl Rafael shouldn't be a problem, but pointing at a young destroyer like you will definitely be sent to the gendarmerie right?

And he was still pointing at his face, if Wei Nai saw it, it would be a magic bombardment without further ado!


Alice also noticed an instinctive change in a certain part of Hua Ye's body, and after a moment of silence, her little face suddenly ignited and turned crimson like a flame, almost reaching the level of volcanic lava.

She used to study in a closed aristocratic girls' school, which is different from ordinary girls' schools. Most of the aristocratic girls' schools are for training brides-to-be. After her father passed away, she transferred to an ordinary school. She has neither a childhood sweetheart with a super stable flag, nor There is no tablemate who likes to play pranks. It can be said that besides her father and uncle, Hua Ye is now her closest opposite sex... and the kind that is too close!

"Ju, how dare you put such a disgusting thing on my face!"

"Soul light soul light soul light! I will kill you later! I must kill you!"

"Being touched by such a disgusting thing in the face, I will be ashamed to see Master Baiyu again in the future!"


Alice wanted to get up eagerly, but she was ashamed, angry and anxious, and couldn't stand up for a while, so she could only lie on Hua Ye's lap, and her eyes were red with anger.

Just at this time, Jing Keai, who had finished talking with her friend, came back to take the cold drink away.

After seeing the current scene, I was shocked immediately.

"You, what are you two doing?!"

This is a big shopping mall with people coming and going, okay?Although this area is in a corner, it is daytime now, and there are many people coming and going nearby. Is it really okay for you to do this? !

You told me just now that you just came out to buy a yukata, so you're already doing this kind of thing now!

Hearing Jing's lovely voice, Alice couldn't help but tremble, and was about to get up to explain, her head almost hitting the table again.Fortunately, Hua Ye couldn't stand it anymore, so he reached out and grabbed her little head, then pulled her up like a carrot, and put her on the sofa next to her.

Looking at Jing Keai with shocked eyes, Alice hurriedly wanted to explain, but the ice cube she just ate choked in her throat.

"Cough cough cough..."

Alice's face was flushed, her ponytails were trembling slightly behind her back, she raised her hand to cover her mouth, tears were streaming down her cheeks, and she couldn't help coughing anxiously...

That pitiful appearance is super bad no matter how you look at it!It's like eating something bad and then being choked so hard to breathe!

Jing Keai took a step back subconsciously, looking at Hua Ye with a stern look in her eyes.

Hey, what is that look in your eyes?

I didn't feed her milk at all, okay!There are ice cubes in her mouth, it's because of your sudden appearance that you scared her out of breath!

Hua Ye twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"Swallow it quickly."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and patted Alice on the back to help her breathe. This little bean has a small mouth and a small throat. It is obviously uncomfortable to choke on a piece of ice, and she needs to explain.

With a twitch in the corner of Jing Keai's eyes, she stepped forward and said:

"Don't swallow that stuff, spit it out!"

It's a pity that it was a step too late. With Hua Ye's help, Alice swallowed the ice cubes with a "gulp", then a relieved expression appeared on her flushed little face, and she raised her hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes , whispered: "Finally, finally swallowed..."


Jing Keai silently took out her mobile phone and made a call: "Hey, is the police station? There are perverts here..."

Chapter 586 Won't Conscience Hurt?

"Cough cough, choke, choke to death..."

Alice raised her hand to cover her mouth with tears in her eyes, and what she wanted to explain was overwhelmed by an uncomfortable cough.

As it turns out, it's not just certain deoxyribose sugars that make you sick, but choking on ice can, too.

Jing Keai raised her hand to cover her forehead.

She took a deep breath, and every long hair on her back was trembling with anger: "Alice! Come to me!"


Alice blinked her eyes while coughing, wondering why Jingai, who was easy to talk before, suddenly spoke in such a harsh tone of command.

The student was afraid of the teacher's instinctive attack, so she subconsciously moved closer to Hua Ye, as if she wanted to seek safety from Hua Ye.

Seeing this scene, Jing Kei became even angrier.

"You actually let her eat that disgusting thing?!" Jing Keai looked at Hua Ye with knife-like eyes, gritted her teeth and asked, "I've only been away for a short while, and you bully girls like this?"

"No, it's not bullying, it's simply insulting!"

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