Who bullied her!

Obviously she is just an idiot, even picking up a doll that fell on the ground can cause such a big trouble, what else can she do in the future!

And my conscience is indestructible, it won't hurt at all!

"I, I'm not a child anymore..." Alice lowered her head and retorted weakly.


Both eyes looked at the past.


Alice hurriedly raised her hand to cover her mouth, not daring to speak.


After eating the cold drink, I took out my phone and checked the time. It was already ten o'clock in the morning.

"Let's buy some ingredients, and then go to Hua Ye's for lunch, shall we?" Rafael suggested, "It's been a long time since I ate Hua Ye's food."

Alice was obviously a little moved, but because of the previous fake 'mouth explosion' incident, her shame has not subsided, so she shook her head and said: "I, I just drank too many cold drinks, and my stomach feels uncomfortable, I want to go home and have a rest , I won’t go, you guys go…”

"Aren't you feeling well? Then I'll go back with you." Rafael thought for a while and said, "Next time, I'll eat the food made by classmate Hua Ye..."

Chapter 587 Let's open a house!

Eight twenty in the evening.

The coffee shop on the corner was closed, Hua Ye and Wei Nai were walking back to the apartment.

The starlight was dim, and the evening wind blowing was a little damp and slightly cold.

"It looks like it's going to rain." Wei Nai hugged her exposed arm subconsciously.

Hua Ye looked at her and reached out his hand.

"You, what are you doing?" Wei Nai blinked her eyes and asked in confusion.

Hua Ye said: "If it's cold, give me your hand."

"No need!" Wei Nai's pretty face flushed, "It's not winter, it's just a little bit cold..."

"Cool is about the same as cold."

"You... I won't talk to you anymore!" Wei Nai stomped her feet and gave Hua Ye a stern look, "Hurry up, it might rain, let's hurry up and see those little cats."


Before he reached the alley, a drop of cold water bloomed on his face.

Tick, tick.

Looking up, you can see under the bright street lamps, strands of rain piercing the vast night and falling from the sky.

"It's already started." Wei Nai withdrew her gaze and looked at Hua Ye, "Did you bring an umbrella... Forget it, you definitely didn't."

"No." Hua Ye nodded.

Now you only need to bring your mobile phone, keys and wallet when you go out. There are so many taxis on the road, so you don’t have to worry about getting wet in the rain.

While talking, the raindrops quickly became denser, and the heavy rain poured down, wetting the dry road surface.

Wei Nai opened the backpack, took out a neatly stacked folding umbrella from it, opened it, and said, "When I checked the weather forecast last night, it said that it might rain today, so..."

When talking about this, Wei Nai paused for a moment, glanced at Hua Ye, and said softly, "That's why I brought an umbrella today!"

Hey, you bring an umbrella with you, why do you give me a blank look?I always feel that you mean something!

"Okay, let's go quickly." Wei Nai put the umbrella on Hua Ye's head, "Let's go see how those little cats are doing. It must be very cold in such a heavy rainy day, right?"

You think too much, even if it rains, it won't be cold, and do you think the hair on the cat's body is for shedding?It was originally intended to keep warm from the cold, okay?

After walking a few steps, Wei Nai quickly bit her lip, and then handed the umbrella to Hua Ye: "Come and call, it's more convenient..."

Really, why are you so tall? It's not convenient to open an umbrella.

Hua Ye didn't think too much about it, so he responded and reached out to take the umbrella.

The showers in summer always come fast and violent, unlike spring rains that are endless, nor like autumn rains that are lingering.

The heavy rain fell with a bang, and soon a thin layer of mist-like green smoke was splashed on the ground. For a while, all the sounds between the sky and the earth disappeared, and only two people were left walking side by side in the rain.

In the eyes of others, this kind of scene may have a bit of poetic flavor in it, but the person involved will not feel comfortable, because the umbrella is not big, and it supports two people, so it is inevitable that it will not be able to take care of it. It is obvious that we can see Wei Nai His shoulders were already wet from the rain.

"Come closer." Hua Ye said.

Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, and moved closer to Hua Ye silently...


Hey, let me get closer, are you really getting closer?

It is estimated that it is not even two centimeters!

Usually the distance is closer than now, but now that there are no outsiders, you have become strange instead!

"Look, what are you looking at?" Wei Nai blushed slightly, annoyed, "It's already done..."

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