Before he finished speaking, Hua Ye wrapped his arms around her and pressed her on his chest.


Her body was tightly pressed against Hua Ye's chest, causing Wei Nai to let out a low, somewhat distressed moan.

The familiar man's breath rushed over, making Wei Nai blushing and struggling: "You, you let go... I can't walk like this!"

Hua Ye thought for a while and suggested:

"Should I hold you?"


Wei Nai bit her lower lip and resolutely refused: "No!"

"I think it's faster to walk with you in my arms, and I won't get wet."

"That's not OK!"

"It's not that I haven't hugged."

"You, you, you, you... let me beat you again!"

Breaking free from Hua Ye's arms, Wei Nai opened her mouth and exhaled several times before her breathing became smooth.Hua Ye does have a nice smell, a smell between smell and breath, somewhat similar to the warm sunshine in winter, which makes people feel at ease. Although she doesn't want to admit it, there is no way for Wei Nai to have it. The slightest resentment, even wanting to get closer, but under the strong sense of shame, that kind of thing is naturally impossible.

"Hurry up, it's raining harder and harder!"

In order to prevent Hua Ye from hugging her again, Wei Nai finally stopped deliberately keeping the distance, but stayed close to Hua Ye, but still paid attention and refused to have physical contact.

After a while, the two of them walked to the quiet alley they often went to.

Under the dim street lamps, the already cold alley seemed even more deserted at the moment. There was only heavy rain pouring down, other than that, there was no other sound.

"Meow meow?" Wei Nai walked to the place where she often feeds, and called out in a low voice, but unfortunately there was no response from the alley.

Just when Wei Nai was a little worried, a faint meow came from the corner.

Wei Nai's eyes lit up, and she hurried over with Hua Ye's arms in her arms, and found a broken sewer entrance in the corner. She took a photo with her mobile phone, and sure enough, all the kittens were squatting inside, but it was just normal. It's raining heavily now, and the body has obviously been splashed wet by the rain.

"It's so pitiful. It's so small, and it's splashed by rain. It's easy to catch a cold, right?"

Wei Nai reached in, and softly shouted:

"Meow meow, come out, I will take you to a new place..."

The aloof cat looked at Wei Nai, and finally didn't raise its paw to stop it this time.

In the past few days, Wei Nai has come to feed. These kittens are not afraid to see Wei Nai, and one of them licks Wei Nai's finger lightly. melted.

Wei Nai put all the cats into the shopping bag, only its two front paws and small head were exposed, but the cold cat shook its head and rejected Wei Nai's kindness, and sat there silently without getting up.

Wei Nai sighed, stood up and looked at Hua Ye, and asked:

"Student Hua Ye, what should we do now?"

The apartment she lives in cannot keep cats, otherwise she must have brought them home.

Hua Ye thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the hotel."

Wei Nai was taken aback, her pretty face flushed suddenly: "It's such a time, you, you still want to do that kind of thing?!"


Hey, what kind of thing are you talking about?

What's wrong with those vigilant eyes, what do you think I will do to you!

Hua Ye said speechlessly: "Isn't the apartment where you live is not allowed to keep cats? So I still take them to the old lady. It's just that it's raining so much now, and the road will definitely get wet."

"There is a hotel in front. We can go to the hotel for one night like we did when we were looking for Big Meow, and then we will give the cat to the old lady to take care of tomorrow."

"This..." Wei Nai hesitated for a moment, obviously a little moved, and finally shook her head, "No more."

When I was looking for Da Miaowu, I stayed in the hotel for one night, and the two of them slept in the same bed on the way. Because Wei Nai ate a piece of bonbon chocolate, his IQ dropped severely, and he was almost pushed down.

If you go again, you don't know what will happen.

Hua Ye could bear it back then, but it doesn't mean he can bear it now. The last time he bought a gift, this guy kissed him forcibly...

In Lafite's words, he used to be a herbivore, but now he has slowly evolved into a carnivore!

Hua Ye said: "You can go and have a look, maybe there is more than one room?"

"That's not going either." Wei Nai looked over vigilantly, "I always feel like you really want me to open a room."

"No, you read it wrong." Hua Ye turned his face away.


Wei Nai bit her lower lip, glared at Hua Ye, thought hard and said:

"We don't have to walk back, we can take a taxi ... so we don't get wet from the rain."

We need to act urgently. Although taxis in the island country are very expensive, we can’t control that much now. It’s totally acceptable to take a ride once in a while.

It's a pity that the idea is very good, but it is not easy to get in a taxi.

There are obviously not a few people who have the same idea as Wei Nai, and this place is relatively remote. Although I saw a few taxis passing by at the entrance of the alley, all of them already had passengers.

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