"What should I do?" Wei Nai bit her lip lightly and asked with her eyes.

Hua Ye replied, "Let's go open a room."


Chapter 588 Meet Frankly...

It is naturally impossible to open a house, and even if you are killed, you will not go to open a house.

Wei Nai bit her lip and replied vigilantly:

"I won't go!"

"At worst, just stand here and wait until the rain stops... If you want to go, just go by yourself!"

Hua Ye coughed lightly, took out his mobile phone and said:

"I'll try to find someone to help."

The call was connected quickly.

"Hello?" came a haughty voice.

Igarashi asked curiously, "You...did the wrong number?"

After all, Hua Ye had never called her before, and it might be a very serious matter to call her suddenly now.

"That's right, it's for you." Hua Ye said straight to the point, "I need your help with something."

Hearing Hua Ye's answer, Ai Igarashi also became slightly nervous. She sat upright in the bathtub, showing her small green breasts, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

It must be a big deal for this guy to say the word "help", right?Maybe it was the overthrow of the regime in a small country, or the bombing of a certain shrine.

However, Hua Ye just said:

"It's raining too much outside to go back to the apartment, can you drive us back to the apartment?"


Ai Igarashi, who was holding her breath and was going to listen to the request of "Let Trump wear stockings and high heels, and then do a striptease", almost couldn't recite it in one breath, and couldn't help but gritted his teeth: "That's it?!"


"You don't know how to take a taxi!"

Hua Ye replied calmly: "I called you because I couldn't get a taxi."


Oh my god, a guy whose dangerous level in the organization is identified as super S-rank, and now he asks himself for help because he can't get a taxi in the rain... I feel so weak in an instant, hey!

"Understood!" Ai Igarashi snorted, "Send me the address, and someone will pick you up soon!"

Hua Ye hung up the phone, edited the address, sent the message, and said to Wei Nai, "There should be a car in a while."

Wei Nai pursed her lips, and asked curiously, "That voice just now was so familiar...it seems to be Teacher Igarashi?"

"Yeah." Hua Ye nodded, "That's her."

Wei Nai was puzzled: "Are you familiar with Teacher Igarashi?"

"Because I made cookies for her." Hua Ye replied casually.

"Huh? Cookies?"

"Go back and try it and you will know."


A few minutes later, a black car parked quietly at the entrance of the alley.

A driver in a suit got out of the car, stretched out his hand to open the door, bowed respectfully and said, "Both of you, please get in the car."

Hua Ye looked at Wei Nai: "Here we are, let's go."

Wei Nai responded lightly, although she was curious, she didn't ask any more questions, hugged the cat, and got into the car.

Hua Ye got into the car from the other side and sat with Wei Nai. There was no need to report the destination, and the car quickly drove quietly into the rainy night.

In the carriage, Wei Nai sat upright, trying not to let her rain-drenched clothes touch the back of the high-end leather chair.

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "This is very uncomfortable, why don't you rely on it?"

"No, if it gets dirty, it will cause trouble for the other party, right?" Wei Nai shook her head, "You should also pay attention, since you are asking Mr. Igarashi for help, it must be a bit bad if it gets dirty."


A moment later, the car arrived at the apartment building.

Hua Ye got out of the car first, then opened the umbrella and took Wei Nai down.

The driver in the suit bowed and said, "What else can I order?"

"No, you can go."


The driver saluted silently, then drove away.

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