Afterwards, Hua Ye and Wei Nai went to the old lady who loves cats first, and Wei Nai planned to stay and help, but the old lady didn't agree, and instead urged, "Okay, you guys go back and take a shower, change your clothes, be careful If you catch a cold, don't rely on the young man's good health to not be afraid of the rain, no matter what you do, you must know how to control yourself..."

The old lady loves cats like her life, she reached out to take the kittens from Wei Nai's hands, waved them away and said, "Go, go, I don't have time to entertain you..."

Wei Nai couldn't laugh or cry, so she could only say goodbye to the old lady, and then left with Hua Ye.

When I came outside, the rain was still falling. Although it was a little lighter, it didn't show any signs of stopping in a short time.

Wei Nai looked at the rainy and misty night, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Go to my house." Hua Ye said, "Go take a shower first, so as not to catch a cold."

"Hmm..." Wei Nai nodded lightly, "That's fine."

The body was indeed a little wet, the wet clothes stuck to the body, it was wet and cold, very uncomfortable.

Walking to the second floor of the apartment, Wei Nai stopped outside Gabriel's room door, blinked her eyes, and said, "I'd better go to Xiao Jia's room to wash up, it's the same anyway..."

Hua Ye didn't insist: "That's fine."

Although he had spare towels at home, he didn't have the clothes that Vinay was wearing. It was actually more convenient to go to Gabriel's room.

"Bang bang."

Wei Nai raised her hand and knocked on the door. After a while, there was a sound of weak footsteps behind the door.

The door was slowly opened a gap, and the useless angel looked out lazily.

Seeing that it was Vernay standing outside the door, Gabriel was startled: "Eh? Vernay?"

"Xiaojia, good evening." Wei Nai explained what happened, and then said, "Let me go in and take a shower? If the rain stops too late, maybe I'll spend the night with you."

Gabriel would naturally not refuse, opened the door and said:

"Okay, come in and take a shower."

However, when he looked at Hua Ye, he immediately widened his eyes, with a fierce look of "if you don't disappear, I'll let your blood splatter five steps".

It seems that after the wet kiss that night, the cooling time of this useless angel has not passed yet...

Hua Ye shrugged, turned and went back to the room, put down his phone and wallet, and began to undress, ready to take a bath.

His clothes were also a little wet. Although it is impossible to catch a cold, it is always uncomfortable to wear, and the bath feels really good.

As a result, Hua Ye had just finished taking off his clothes when he heard a terrified scream from the next door, almost knocking the roof off.

It's Wei Nai.

Hua Ye immediately recognized whose voice it was.

In my impression, Wei Nai has almost never been so scared, except that once in Gabriel's room, when helping to clean up the garbage, she found the black Xiaoqiang under the garbage bag, and then made a sound that was almost deformed.

That is to say, have you met Xiaoqiang Xiaoqiang again?

But it's not a big deal when you think about it. That useless angel refuses to clean the house every day. It's strange that there are no cockroaches.

There was a loud "bang bang" knock on the door.

"Student Hua Ye, open the door quickly!"

Wei Nai's shocking voice came in: "There are cockroaches in Xiaojia's room again, and it hasn't been long after spraying the cockroach repellant, but it appeared again... It's, it's terrible!"

So why do you think they are called Immortal Xiaoqiang?

Because they have the tenacious vitality that can live for seven days even if their heads are cut off, it is difficult to eradicate them, okay? Even in a certain movie, Mars was occupied by cockroaches!

Hua Ye reached out to open the door.

Wei Nai hurried in, and after seeing Hua Ye clearly without clothes on, she opened her eyes wide...

Chapter 589 Friendship of the Landlord

"You, why don't you wear clothes?!"

Wei Nai froze for a moment, then quickly raised her hand to cover her eyes.

The pretty face that was originally pale because of being frightened by Xiaoqiang, now flushed delicately.

Hua Ye said speechlessly:

"I'm going to take a shower, don't take off my clothes, can't I still wear clothes to wash?"

"Then, put on your clothes and then open the door!"

"I just took it off just now, so it's very troublesome to put it on again." Hua Ye replied naturally, "And isn't there a pair of underwear?"


Wei Nai bit her lip, turned around shyly and angrily: "You, you go and put on another pair of shorts!"

It's true that there are underwear, but the underwear is not swimming trunks, but the kind of very ordinary men's underwear... So what's the matter with the scary object in the underwear!

Even though it was just a glimpse, Wei Nai could still see the shape of the horrible protrusion on the underwear. She is not an idiot, so naturally she would not think that Hua Ye stuffed the towel into the underwear...


It's just a boa constrictor!

Wei Nai stood facing the wall, wanted to turn around and go out, but couldn't move.There were cockroaches in Xiaojia's room, so she didn't dare to go in again for a short time no matter what.

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