When she was undressing and taking a shower in the bathroom, she suddenly saw a black Xiaoqiang with dangling tentacles crawling towards her at an extremely fast speed from a corner. At that moment, Wei Nai felt her scalp was about to explode up!Fortunately, there is still the last bit of sanity left, otherwise, he might have turned into a real body, and then blasted the whole room flat with the magic cannon.

In comparison, boa constrictors are scary, but at least they are not as scary as cockroaches...

It's just that Wei Nai couldn't help thinking of the scene of being "pointed" in the movie theater and being "pointed" on the tram.

"Okay, put it on." Hua Ye said.

Only then did Wei Nai put away her messy thoughts, turned around halfway, and glanced at Hua Ye from the corner of her eye. After seeing that he was wearing a pair of black sports shorts, she breathed a sigh of relief and whispered: " Well, you go take a shower first..."

"You wash it first." Hua Ye shook his head, "It's fine for me to dress like this, if you..."

Wei Nai was taken aback for a moment, then looked down in surprise, only to realize that she was only wearing a pink Panda Bear now... Memories flooded into her mind.

When Xiaoqiang screamed in fright just now, he had already taken off his skirt. Under Xiaoqiang's threat, he ran out without even having time to put on the skirt. Then he saw Hua Ye's big python and was attacked again. Mental attack, so that I only now realize my situation.

With red clouds flying down Wei Nai's face, she bit her lip and ordered:

"You, you turn around!"

Hey, isn't it just a pair of pink panties, to put it bluntly, it's just fabric, what's the big deal, don't you look at it every day when you're wearing a swimsuit?

And you've just seen mine, so it's okay for me to see yours, right?

"Okay, go take a shower." Hua Ye turned around.

Wei Nai quickly walked into the bathroom, locked the door, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Phew~~ I can finally take a bath."

Soon there was the sound of 'crashing' water flowing in the bathroom.

Hua Ye didn't play games, but sat on the sofa and watched TV. He casually turned his head and looked towards the bathroom. He could see a faint figure flickering on the frosted glass door of the bathroom.

Hua Ye glanced at it twice, then looked away, then took out his mobile phone and started searching: "A girl borrows the bathroom to take a bath, what should I do?"

A search result quickly appeared.

"—I still need to ask at a time like this? Of course, it's the landlord's kindness!"

"——Push open the door in a gentleman's manner, and then say in a gentleman's tone: Do you need help wiping your back?"

"—Forget blood relatives, otherwise they may be sent to the German orthopedic department, and it is strictly forbidden to take a bath with a loli under the age of ten. Whether it is voluntary or not, it is illegal. But if there is no blood relationship Sister, my sister-in-law who likes to act like a spoiled child, a blond loser who doesn't want to talk about her body but is very honest... Of course I have to go in and provide back rubbing service at this time!"


So what kind of trouble are these messy answers!

If she broke in by herself, Wei Nai would definitely explode with anger... Wait!

It's also possible not to be angry.After all, from the perspective of probability, like a coin has two sides, there is a [-]% chance of blowing up or not blowing up, so... do you want to go in and wash it together?


the other side.

Gabriel looked at the darkened screen due to the death of the character, pushed the keyboard, and raised her hand to scratch her hair, feeling a little upset suddenly.

Wei Nai just ran into that guy's room, she should be taking a shower now...

There is no need to be afraid of cockroaches at all, as long as you see them too often.I remember that in a movie, Xiaoqiang played the most important role.It seems that all human beings are wiped out, and the survivors can only survive in a train. The daily food is something made of cockroaches... Although it is super disgusting, there are so many people on the train, and there is no self-sufficient ecosystem. Fruits , Vegetables can't be kept alive, but there are so many cockroaches that can be eaten, which proves from another aspect that cockroaches are really powerful!

That guy, who has done such a disgusting thing, doesn't know how to beg for mercy sincerely, and just asks if he wants to eat every day...

If I say no, you don’t know what to do!

After it's done, bring it directly to my door!

In the past few days, he can only rely on takeout to survive. No matter how you look at it, it is his fault.

That's right!

The warming climate in Antarctica, the traffic jams during the Spring Festival, and the flock of sheep screaming for no reason in the middle of the night are all his fault!

Gabriel grabbed her hair and said to herself:

"Why don't you... just go and have a look?"

"Playing the game for a long time will also make you tired."

"I happen to be hungry too..."

Now I can’t eat the instant noodles, and there is no food in the room. Looking at the time, it’s only nine o’clock in the evening. I definitely can’t sleep. If I don’t replenish my energy, I will definitely have a hard time at night. Affect one's own cultivation efficiency.

"Surrender quickly, and then go over to eat..."


"Student Hua Ye?"

Wei Nai's voice came from the bathroom, "... Can you bring me a spare towel?"

Although there were towels in the bathroom, they were for Hua Ye's usual washing. It's fine to wipe his face, but, it's really unacceptable to wipe other places.

After all, a towel is a very private thing, but it is actually similar to a fat time. It belongs to the type that others have used, but I find it difficult to accept it.

"Wait a moment."

Hua Ye responded, got up and went to the closet to get a spare towel, walked outside the bathroom door, and said, "Open the door."

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