The door of the room was opened with a gap, and Wei Nai stretched out a hand from inside. Because of the hot water that had just been washed, her skin looked rosy.

"Give me the towel..."

Hua Ye handed the towel to Wei Nai, and suddenly remembered the searches he had just seen on the Internet, so he coughed lightly and said, "Do you want me to go in and wipe your back for you?"

Chapter 590 You two actually love me?

The bathroom is separated by a door.

Hua Ye spoke in a serious tone like a gentleman, and said, "Do you want me to go in and wipe your back?"


After a brief silence, Wei Nai's answer was firm and forceful, with a touch of deep disdain: "No, need, need!"


He actually wants to come in and help wipe his back... I take a bath every day at home, and it's not like I can't wipe my back, so I don't need your help.

Rubbing your back is fake, but wanting to do nasty things is real, right?

No, not right.

When you say something like this, it's already very obscene!

"Hurry up, I'm going to take a shower!"

The door slammed shut with a bang, blocking Hua Ye from the door.


"Sure enough, the answers on the Internet are not reliable."

Saying a [-]% chance is clearly a [-]% chance of being rejected, okay?

Unless IQ is severely reduced after eating alcohol and sugar, there is only a [-]% chance of agreeing to go in and help wipe my back.

Hua Ye walked back to the sofa to watch TV, when suddenly there was a "bang bang" knock on the door.

Walking over to open the door, I saw a crippled blond angel standing outside the door.

"Get out of the way, I want to go in." Gabriel said fiercely.

This useless angel is currently dressed at home as always.A large white blouse with pink flowers printed on it hangs directly to the base of the thigh. It can be used as a shirt or a skirt, which is convenient and practical. Two snow-white slender short legs are exposed in the air. On the feet are a pair of sandals and slippers. The hair looked a little messy, and there was a small strand of dull hair that was raised up mischievously.

A gust of cold wind blew past, mixed with a few drops of rain falling on Gabriel's body, so that she subconsciously hugged her arms and shivered slightly.

Hua Ye let the door open and said:

"come in."

Gabriel came in, but didn't see Wei Nai, so she asked, "Where is Wei Nai taking a bath?"

"Well, it's in the bathroom." Hua Ye nodded, "Are you not angry anymore?"

It's okay if you don't mention it, but when you mention this useless angel, you immediately clenched your fists and looked over with murderous eyes: "Very angry!"

Now I wish I could punch you to death!

How dare you lie to me to eat spicy strips, and then take the opportunity to do such a disgusting thing, death penalty!

Anyway, Gabriel would not admit that she bought that package of spicy sticks as a prank, and the process is not important, what matters is the result—I was kissed by this soul for several minutes and drank so much The saliva, the anger value is max!

If it wasn't for Wei Nai being here, she wouldn't have come here at all.

Although Gabriel was angry, she didn't intend to step forward to punish her with the Holy Fist. After all, Hua Ye was very thick-skinned. It would be bad if Wei Nai heard her leaked words, so she rolled her eyes and said, "I'm hungry. .”

"There are cantaloupe jelly and ice cream in the refrigerator. I came back that night and bought them for you."

Gabriel swallowed subconsciously, then turned her head and said, "I want to eat me peel an orange!"

Sitting on the sofa, Hua Ye took an orange and peeled it and handed it over: "Here."

"I don't want to eat oranges anymore." The useless angel blinked, "Now I want to eat bananas."

Then when I was peeling the oranges, you said ah, now that I’m done peeling the oranges, I don’t want to eat them. You did it on purpose, right?

Hua Ye said blankly, "The only fruits are apples and oranges."

"Then go buy it."

Hua Ye raised his eyebrows: "Actually, you don't need to buy it."


Gabriel blinked her eyes, wondering why Hua Ye said that, but saw Hua Ye stand up, put one hand on the edge of his shorts, and began to take off his pants.

"Hun, Hundan!" Gabriel raised her hand to block her body, gritted her teeth and asked, "What, what are you taking off your pants for?!"

Hua Ye said with a straight face:

"Didn't you say you like eating bananas?"

"That didn't make people take off their pants!"

"'Banana' is actually a polysemous word. In many animes nowadays, it is no longer a kind of understand."

I understand your sister!

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