"Get lost!" the crippled angel blushed and yelled through gritted teeth.

Since when have you been so shameless?

Ju, you actually want me to eat that kind of thing, cut it off for you with a "click" of scissors.

In the end, Gabriel subdued obediently.

After getting along for such a long time, she naturally knew that Hua Ye would take the soft rather than the strong, and if he continued to make trouble, he might be caught and do some terrible things.

She snorted softly, turned around and went to the refrigerator to get the jelly, then sat on the sofa and began to eat the jelly.

After a while, the door of the bathroom was opened again, and Wei Nai's voice came out: "Is Xiao Jia there?"

Gabriel responded, "Yes."

"Well, the clothes got wet, I just changed them, and I can't wear them anymore..." Wei Nai hesitated, "Can you lend me a set of underwear?"

After taking a shower, you must change into a clean set of underwear, otherwise you will always feel uncomfortable all over your body. As for the vacuum or something... Wei Nai just thought about it for a while, then shook her head and vetoed it.

It's not that I'm alone at home, and now Hua Ye has shown signs of evolving into a carnivore, so underwear must be worn.

"Okay, wait a minute." Gabriel agreed without hesitation.

Hua Ye asked casually: "The size difference is so big, will the chest be strangled?"

Wei Nai blushed, and before she could speak, the crippled angel next to her had already clenched her fists, with flames burning in her eyes, she gritted her teeth and shouted, "Go to hell! I'm going to kill you today!"


After staying in the bathroom for a long time, Wei Nai opened the door and walked out. She just twisted her body slightly from time to time, and her eyes were slightly distressed, obviously not feeling well.

As it turns out, underwear that is the wrong size can be uncomfortable even if you try to fit it.

"Okay, go take a shower..." Wei Nai looked at Hua Ye, "I just happened to wash my clothes."


Hua Ye responded, took a change of clothes, and walked into the bathroom.

A warm moisture hits the face, and the aroma of green apple shampoo can be clearly smelled.

As for the underwear and fat times that Wei Nai changed and washed, it is naturally impossible to have them, and it is not those welfare animations. As long as girls are a little careful, they will never forget these two underwear and fat times.

In addition, Wei Nai also took out the towels used for bathing, even the floor was rinsed clean, not even a single hair was left.

Hua Ye shrugged and started to take a shower.

He didn't plan to take a bath in the bathtub, but just took a shower, and the wash was naturally quick, and he was done in a few minutes. Then, while wiping his hair with a towel, he pushed the door and walked out.

Strangely, the TV in the living room was still playing variety shows, and the washing machine was also 'humming', but Gabriel and Wei Nai were all gone.

Hua Ye turned his head, and soon heard a strange whispered conversation in the bedroom.

"Slightly, lightly, it hurts..."

This is Wei Nai's voice, it seems a little distressed, begging weakly.

"Ann, bear with it and let it pass..." Gabriel's voice sounded, "If it doesn't work, just bite this towel."

Chapter 591

Wei Nai: "Slightly, lightly, it hurts..."

Gabriel: "Ann, bear with it and pass."

Wei Nai: "It's better to slow down... It will, it will be cracked!"

Gabriel: "I can't help it, who made you so tight... After all, Wei Nai smells so good."

Wei Nai: "Don't, don't say that kind of thing! Hurry up, don't be bumped into by classmate Hua Ye..."


Hua Ye stood at the door of the bedroom, listening to the conversation coming from inside, feeling confused for a while.

What are you two doing in there?

What kind of terrible situation is there to have such a weird conversation!

Could it be that the two of you suddenly found out that each other is true love like the big roulette game you played back then, so you couldn't help it? !


Hua Ye took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob, pushed the bedroom door open, and finally saw the situation inside.

Wei Nai sat on the edge of the bed with a blushing face, and Gabriel knelt behind her, her hands were on Wei Nai's underwear, and she was unbuttoning it with great care.

Well, it looks ok, not that bad...how can it be ok!

The shirt on Wei Nai's upper body has been taken off, leaving only a white corset!And because the size of the underwear is too small, a deep seductive gully is clearly squeezed out on the chest. The scene of two girls taking off their underwear on the bed is super bad no matter how you look at it!


The air suddenly fell into silence.

There were crystal tears in the corner of Wei Nai's eyes, she looked like a little daughter-in-law who was being bullied but was powerless to resist, and could only be wronged and endured both physical and mental torture.

As for the crippled angel Gabriel, she played the role of a landlord who is bullying a weak girl... Are you two performing a sadomasochistic journey between the domineering president of Fifty Shades of Gray and the girl!

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