"It actually killed my beast with one blow!"

Xiao Gucheng looked at the empty sky in shock. He could clearly feel that [Lion's Gold] and [Shuangjiao's Deep Scarlet] had been defeated and returned to his body, and he was very angry.Probably because he was angry that his dignity as a progenitor-level beast was compromised.

The ground vibrated rhythmically, and the two-headed dragon slowly came out of the collapsed hole, raised its two heads high and looked at Xiaogucheng, grinned, and lowered its body, ready to attack.



Two huge snake-shaped beasts suddenly appeared in the air and roared towards the two-headed dragon.

"Vatola's Favored Beast!"

Xiao Gucheng was a little surprised when he saw the beasts used by Watola before.

Facing the two serpentine beasts that were much weaker than the golden lion and the crimson war horse, the two-headed dragon did not dodge, nor did it use the move just now, as if mocking, it directly swung its sharp claws to grab Overwhelmed by the two giant snakes rushing over.

But unexpectedly, a bunch of purple magic circles suddenly appeared from the void beside the two-headed dragons, and then, a large number of silver chains appeared directly from the magic circles, directly binding the double-headed dragons layer by layer. The dragon's arm grabbed the opponent's arm for an instant.

At this moment, the two snake-shaped beasts rushed directly to the side of the two-headed dragon, swung their tails and lashed at the two-headed dragon's abdomen.

The double-headed dragon's abdomen was directly cracked open, and, after the crack, it was directly hit by a shell, and the whole body was suddenly dented and punched out.

The flashing blue light of the giant snake Ubala has the ability to crack the space, while the other snake-shaped beast Sagara is to control the atmospheric pressure, that is, it uses the air pressure to blast the two-headed dragon out.

"Xiao Ancient City! Take advantage of the present!"

Nangong Nayue shouted loudly.

Xiao Gucheng immediately understood and began to release the beasts.

"He who inherits the blood of 'Candlelight Night Moor', Akatsuki Kojou, release your chains here——! Come quickly, the beast of the fifth [Lion's Gold]—! There is also the ninth My beloved beast [Deep Scarlet with Two Horns] ah——!"

The golden lion and the crimson war horse reappeared. This time, the two beasts stared angrily at the two-headed dragon that was knocked into the air, and roared and rushed over.

Because he was knocked into the air without paying attention, and was entangled by many chains while in the air, Shuanglongtou had no way to counterattack for a while, so he could only open his mouth, ready to use the move just now.

However, just when dots of white light gathered in the mouth and were about to spray, several chains suddenly appeared, directly locking both of their mouths and forcibly closing them, and the attack was forcibly interrupted.

The double-headed dragon, which lost all means of attack in an instant, glared at the rushing golden lion and crimson horse, and directly withstood the attacks of the two with its body.

For a moment, the entire battlefield was covered by golden lightning, and at the same time, a large number of vibration waves came.


Xiao Gucheng shouted happily.

However, while being happy, a burst of red light suddenly shot from the warehouse on the side, and directly blasted towards Xiaogucheng.

Then, a violent explosion occurred.

However, after the explosion, nothing happened, and there was nothing but flames that shot up to the sky at the place of the explosion.

And beside Nangong Nayue, the three of Xiao Gucheng watched in shock as the explosion caused soaring flames. If Nangong Nayue hadn't used space control magic to pull them out just now, they would have resisted this attack.

"I didn't expect to be dodged. She really deserves to be the Witch of the Void."

A bunch of huge spider-shaped robots appeared in everyone's field of vision, and the god-killing weapon [Nalakvella] was dispatched in large numbers, and behind them was an even bigger mother machine driven by Christopher Jadsh.

"Christopher Judge!"

Nangong Nayue gritted her teeth and looked at the huge mother machine.

"How do you deal with the product of the Demon King? The fourth primogenitor, the Witch of the Void, and Duke Arudialu joined forces to attack together. It's really a joke, hahahaha!"

An arrogant voice came from the huge mother machine.

"Do you think that the two of you can attack that thing with two hands!"

As if responding to his words, a huge roar suddenly sounded.


With a huge roar, the golden lion and the crimson war horse were repelled again, the golden lightning was scattered, and the two-headed dragon came out from the smoke.

It's just that the two-headed dragon is a little different at this time. Among the two heads, the neck of one of the two heads is twisted strangely at this time. The huge scratch marks were the wounds caused by [Lion's Gold], from which blood was turning into poisonous snakes and scorpions crawling around.

As if angry at being attacked like this, the two-headed dragon suddenly fell to the ground and growled lowly towards the ground.


Unlike the roar just now, this time, it was a low-pitched roar.

"What is it doing?"

Xiao Gucheng looked at the growling two-headed dragon and asked suspiciously.

"Not sure, but it definitely wants to do something!"

Nangong asserted that month.


The two-headed dragon roared again, and the whole ground shook.

"Wait! This looks like it is!"

Xiao Gucheng suddenly remembered the content of the biology class, and exclaimed.

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