"It seems to be calling for companions! Stop him!"

"[Lion's Gold]! [Two-Horned Scarlet]!"


"The Lock of Commandments!"

A large number of chains, golden lions, crimson war horses, and blue giant snakes all rushed towards the two-headed dragon.

Ignoring the oncoming attack, the two-headed dragon raised its head high, as if exhausting all its strength, roaring loudly like never before.


Correspondingly, somewhere in the deep sea below Itogami Island, six scarlet eyes suddenly opened.

Chapter 7, The Shadow Overlapping the Nightmare

A huge explosion broke out on the prepared artificial island of Itogami Island.

Golden thunder and lightning filled the sky.

The entire artificial island shook, and then began to fall apart, and a few roadbeds sank directly into the sea.


Kojo Akatsuki looked at the huge explosion and confirmed that the joy of victory was fed back from [Lion's Gold].

"Well, it did work this time."

Nangong Nayue also nodded in confirmation.

"come back!"

Xiao Gucheng gave orders, and the golden lion and crimson war horse dissipated back into his body.

What was exposed in front of everyone was a two-headed dragon that was seriously injured and dying.

Limbs lying on the ground, entangled by a large number of silver chains, both heads are strangely twisted, it seems that they have been broken, the body is full of wounds, and traces of cracks, these are all caused by the attack .

Moreover, blood was slowly flowing out from its wound, turning into a poisonous snake, and the poisonous scorpion crawled around. Unfortunately, before crawling far, it was scorched to death by the still flashing golden lightning on the ground.

"Although it is the product of the Demon King, an existence as strong as the true ancestor, after being sealed for so many years, will be weakened like this, in a place of commandment equivalent to three true ancestors and Miss Nangong. Under the offensive, it can only be defeated like this."

Vatola looked at the body of the two-headed dragon lying on the ground and sighed.

"Snake charmer, you really didn't lead this?"

Nangong Nayue turned her head to look at Watora, squinting her eyes, as if trying to see through him.

"Of course I didn't lead it. You have also seen that this thing is so strong that it has just been unsealed. It is so weak that it requires the joint efforts of the three of us to solve it. How could I release it? Moreover, I have Having said that, I was defeated by another one a few days ago. Finally, with the help of Saint Ji from the Lion King Agency, I finally solved the opponent, but it still destroyed the cities in southern Italy. You should also know That's right."

Vatora shrugged and looked innocent with a wry face.

"And, right now, we should be focusing not on this problem, but on another problem, and you know, there's another problem to be solved right now."

"Hahaha! I didn't expect it to be solved. I'm ashamed of how much I expected from it. It seems that the product of the Demon King has only been sealed for so many years, but this level is enough. The Four True Ancestors, the Witch of the Void, and even Duke Arudialu have shot together, and it is worthy of the title of the product of its demon king, but now is the time for me to dominate the battlefield!"

The voice of Christopher Judexie came from a distance.

"Christopher Judge!"

Nangong Nayue turned his head to look to the other side, a dozen giant spider-man robot god-killing weapons [Nakravilla] were still staring at them, and behind those weapons, the even bigger Christopher Judexiu The mother plane he was driving was directing them to move towards Xiao Gucheng and the others.

"The god-killing weapon [Naklavera] is much more troublesome than the product of the demon king. Although the monster is very strong, there is only one number after all, and there is no one to command it. And this god-killing weapon, in the Under the command of Jia Dexiu, it is much more troublesome than that monster! Not only is it large in number, but it can also grow continuously. Is it worthy of being a weapon made to deal with the devil?"

"Is someone driving?"

Xiao Gucheng looked a little happy.

"That Tsuki-chan, the driver is inside the biggest guy, right?"


Nangong Nayue was dissatisfied with Xiao Gucheng calling her Nayue Jiang, but she didn't say anything.

"That's right, in the big guy at the back, what do you want to do?"

Xiao Gucheng smiled confidently after hearing this.

"If that's the case, then there's no problem, I can take care of him! You just have to watch!"

Clenching his fists, the spiritual pressure in his whole body began to rise.

"The new beast I've awakened, [Deep Scarlet with Two Horns] has the ability to use vibrations to destroy it. If he hides in that machine, I can finish him through the machine!"

"He who inherits the blood of 'Candlelight's Night Park', Akatsuki Gujou, release your chains here——! Come quickly, the beast number nine [Deep Crimson with Two Horns]——!"

The crimson war horse reappeared, galloped to high altitude, and then rushed directly to the huge mother plane.

And Christopher Jadexiu naturally knew Akatsuki's intentions, and directly asked all [Naklavera] to raise their heads to attack the sky.

Dozens of red beams of light burst directly at the crimson war horse rushing down from the air. The crimson war horse dodged the red beams of light sensitively, and quickly approached the huge mother machine.

It directly collided with it, and the two long horns shining red on the head of the crimson horse hit the body of the huge mother machine, and the violent shock wave was transmitted from the horns to the body of the mother machine, and the huge mother machine directly Collapsed and fell to the ground.

It was also at this time that the other [Naklavera] attacked the crimson war horse together, and several red lights directly bombarded the crimson war horse.

There was a violent explosion, forcing the crimson war horse back.

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