But at this moment, a red magic circle suddenly appeared in midair.

This made Az Dakaha stop his movements, turned his head, and looked at the magic circle with his ruby-like eyes.

Az Dakaha could feel that a powerful spirit was about to emerge from it, and Orpheus on his shoulder was also looking at the magic circle curiously.

"The so-called trial."

A voice came from the magic circle.

"It refers to the test of a powerful existence against their weaker people, because a powerful existence will often test those who are weaker than themselves to see if they meet their requirements, and this test is extremely difficult, sometimes It’s even so difficult that you lose your life, so it’s not an exaggeration to call it a trial.”

A young man with blood-red long hair appeared in front of Aziz Dakaha and Orpheus in armor. He lowered his head slightly, put his right hand on his left shoulder, and saluted Aziz Dakaha and Orpheus with a smile on his face. .

"It turns out that the trial is like this."

Orpheus nodded seriously.

"That's it, Your Highness [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus."

The young man looked up at Orpheus with a smile on his face and replied.

And behind him, there was a woman in a maid outfit, too, who raised her head after saluting to Aziz Dakaha, but her face was serious.

"Hi~Hi~ Livia Tan is here~~"

Along with the cheerful voice, another magic circle appeared next to the young man, from which Az Dakaha felt a spirituality similar to that of the red-haired young man, but weaker in comparison.

Then a girl with black hair and double ponytails in strange clothes appeared in everyone's sight. When she appeared, she jumped out of the magic circle. She looked like a cheerful little girl, but immediately after jumping out Her face was extremely serious, because she immediately knew the seriousness of the matter when she saw Az Dakaha and Orpheus, so she immediately saluted them just like the red-haired young man just now.

"First meeting, [Infinite Dragon God] His Royal Highness Orpheus."

"Oh? Do you all know me?"

Orpheus, who was sitting on Aziz Dakaha's shoulder, looked at the two of them suspiciously, but Aziz Dakaha had no interest. The three powerful beings that suddenly appeared in front of him were all demons. It can be sensed from the top, and it is the same as the garbage below, it is just a little bit stronger.

And from the look of the other party, he should be looking for the guy sitting on his shoulder, so it shouldn't have anything to do with him.

Thinking of this, Azi Dakaha shook his shoulders, and at the same time reached out and grabbed the back collar of Orpheus's clothes on his shoulders, and lifted them off his shoulders like a chicken, making the eyes of several demons on the opposite side widen.

"Huh? Why are you grabbing my clothes?"

Seeing himself being picked up, Orpheus blinked and looked at Aziz Dakaha suspiciously.

However, Azi Dakaha didn't say a word, but let go of her suddenly, letting her float in the air, then turned around, and the shadow of the dragon behind him began to extend.

"Hey! Are you leaving? You haven't agreed to do things for me yet!"

Seeing that Aziz Dakaha was about to leave, Orpheus rushed forward and hugged Aziz Dakaha's neck again, and hung it on Aziz Dakaha's back, just covering the flag of 'evil' .

"Let go."

"Don't let it go."

"I order you to let go!"

"Don't let go! You haven't promised to help me yet!"

"Hmph! Let go! Don't let me make you regret it!"

"If you don't let it go, don't let it go! Hmph!"

Azi Dakaha and Orpheus had such an inexplicable quarrel.

"That... Mr. Aziz Dakaha?"

The red-haired young man looked at these two with the corners of his mouth twitching, and hurriedly made a sound.

"Can you hear me say something next?"

I feel that I have been fascinated by playing Hearthstone recently~ What should I do?

"Hall of Valor Rhapsody"

The system flow story of a programmer.

Dragon Clan: "The evildoer will die!"

Male lead: "Saber, put curry sticks."

Elves: "Filthy people, be judged!"

Male protagonist: "Your elf queen is in my hands, are you afraid?"

Human race: "My king has come to the battlefield in person, and the rebels are still flying fast!"

Male lead: "Go Kim Pika!"

Not sissy, a very serious book.

Chapter 11, battle cry: the loli on the shoulder can't be pulled off

As the strongest existence among human beings, Cao Cao is very happy recently. There are more and more people in the Misfortune Group. That [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus is mentally retarded. He doesn't know anything. He fools the other party to increase his strength. , the other party really believed it, and foolishly handed over his strength.

As a result, I have attracted a lot of people by relying on the signboard of [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus, and they all have good artifacts or abilities. In recent years, according to the character of some of them, I have absorbed them into my faction through contact with them. , named Hero Pie.

With more and more subordinates, Cao Cao feels that the power he has is getting stronger and stronger, which is enough to compete with those forces in the world.So he is very leisurely now, so leisurely that he can play chess with himself.

"Cao Cao! Cao Cao!"

Cao Cao, who was leisurely looking at the chess game in front of him, suddenly heard someone calling his name, and it seemed urgent. His leisurely mood was disturbed, and Cao Cao seemed a little annoyed.

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