"what happened?"

He raised his head to look at the door, and found that Georg was standing at the door looking at him panting.

"Georg? What happened to make you lose your composure?"

Cao Cao put down the pieces in his hand and stood up to ask.

"Cao Cao, Orpheus is gone!"

"What! Orpheus is gone? Where has she gone?"

"I don't know, but I found the note she left."

Georg handed over the note in his hand, and Cao Cao quickly took it over to take a look.

"Cao Cao, I'm going to find a new partner, and I'll be back soon."

Looking at the words on the note, Cao Cao felt a headache. Although this Orpheus is stupid, but sometimes he is disobedient!

He looked up at Georg.

"Georg, can you find out where Orpheus is now?"

"I don't know."

Georg shook his head.

"But I guess I know who she's gone to."

"Who are you looking for?"

Georg took out a book from under the cloak, which was a book that recorded myths, and one of the pages of this book was folded.

Cao Cao opened the book, turned to that page, and read the first sentence.

"The three-headed dragon that brings destruction——Azi Dakaha..."

"Ah!!! What a hassle!!!"

"Quick! Everyone is dispatched! We are going to find Orpheus! We can't let her find that destructive dragon!"

The group of disasters suddenly became chaotic.

Cao Cao's heart is extremely irritated, which can be described in one sentence.

"Mood sucks!"

In the depths of the underworld, the territory of the devil, outside the castle of the devil Lucifer, a red magic circle appeared at the gate of the castle, and a group of figures appeared here.

The leader was a young man with red hair. He walked forward first, followed by a maid with silver hair. When they reached the gate of the castle, they turned around and looked at the people behind them.

"Everyone, welcome to my castle, especially Your Highness Orpheus and Mr. Aziz Dakaha, welcome to my castle."

Yes, the young man's name is Suzex Gremory, the older brother of Rias Gremory, who is also the current Demon Lord Lucifer.

Naturally, if he is the current Demon Lord Lucifer, then the magical girl who calls herself Leviathan Tan is the current Demon Lord Leviathan. Her name is Serafur Sidi, she is the student council president, and the older sister of the superior demon Jito Sona. .

Aziz Dakaha didn't say anything about Sazeks' welcome, he just watched quietly, but his three-meter height, six ruby-like eyes shining with light, made people feel Full oppression, especially if you don’t speak and just look at you like this, combined with the iron nails on the head, it looks extraordinarily ferocious and terrifying. This is the description of Aziz Dakaha in the myths recorded in various places. Exactly the same state as Aziz Dakaha.

Orpheus, who had the same reaction as Aziz Dakaha, was sitting on his shoulders and hugging his neck. After blinking and looking at the castle of the demon king Lucifer for a few times, he didn't pay attention anymore, but grasped it everywhere. , and patted Aziz Dakaha on the neck and asked what is this and what is that, looking like a daughter sitting on her father's shoulder, full of curiosity about the outside world.

But Aziz Dakaha didn't talk to her, and didn't bother to talk to her, just let her talk to herself and kept asking questions.

This kind of reaction made a group of little demons on the side feel a little sweaty. They knew the identity of Orpheus very well, and it was because of it that they were so nervous. They knew that although this little girl looked cute, she was also very docile. , is actually an existence that can destroy the world, so they are very knowledgeable when dealing with Orpheus, and they are even more so for Aziz Dakaha.

[Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus is known as the strongest in the world, possesses infinite power, and is feared even by gods. This is enough to show her strength, but she has no bad record at all. At present, all the forces in the world know how powerful she is, but they have never heard of how many times she has fought and destroyed anything.

But the one under her is different, [Destroyed Demon Dragon] Azi Dakaha is a big killer in the historical records. Looking at it, the power is definitely more than that of the Demon King. Now seeing Azi Dakaha and Orpheus, the demons onlookers believe this even more.

Didn’t you watch [Destroyed Demon Dragon] Birds Are Not Birds [Infinite Dragon God]?Although Orpheus is sitting on Aziz Dakaha's shoulders, no matter how you look at it, she is relying on the other person, especially when Aziz Dakaha just saw in the world wants to leave, Ophelia Fith's sudden pounce on him to prevent the other party from leaving, as well as the subsequent conversation between the two, showed no sense of mutual respect at all.

If it wasn't that Aziz Dakaha was so courageous that he didn't dare to ignore Orpheus as the [Infinite Dragon God], it would be that Aziz Dakaha was so powerful that he could ignore the other party. Those are all very scary, especially the second possibility, which is the scariest.

Seeing that Aziz Dakaha and Orpheus didn't take it seriously, Suzex Gremory smiled wryly. As the strongest demon in the underworld, no one has ever dared to treat him like this, but now he's here Two, I still have nothing to do.

Seeing Suzeks wry smile, Rias also clenched her fists. Looking at the two existences in front of her, her elder brother was helpless even as a demon king, Rias was suddenly full of desire for power.

"Mr. Aziz Dakaha, do you still remember what I just said in this world?"

Az Dakaha turned his head to look at Suzeks, and spoke lightly.

"You only said that you invited me to go to the underworld to discuss something, so now that I have followed you to the underworld, just tell me what you have to say."

Sazeks looked at Aziz Dakaha and smiled.

"Yes, what I want to say is that I want to invite His Excellency Aziz Dakaha to join us demons!"

Push the book part for free: "Give me Sinai everything from the time traveler"

Chapter 1 The daily life of Sanset Gensokyo that only Meiyin knows

Plus a miserable creator who was pitted by various traversers

"Hey, is that the boss? The dating world has gone wrong." "Oh here we go"

"Hey, is that Meiyin? The broken cup accidentally burst" "Oh, come right away"

"Hey, is it the Fantasy Creator? Brother Cheng is dead again." "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!"

Chapter 12. Join the devil as a devil?

Devil, as the name suggests, is a race, but it can also be understood as a force.

"I would like to invite His Excellency Aziz Dakaha to join us demons!"

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