"What we have seen before is such a terrifying power as to kill Er Tianlong with one punch, which is absolutely incomparable to us."

"This is true, our strength is completely inadequate."

Suzeks still smiled wryly.

"Then there is the setting in this novel."

Demon Lord Asmodeus opened the booklet of the novel in his hand.

"I've always wanted to complain that the 'absolute evil' Aziz Dakaha, who is the final trial of mankind, has the mass of a continent. Just kidding, this author is really good at talking."

"But it's true."

Rias, who had been silent at the side, spoke.

"Yesterday, when [White Dragon Emperor] of this generation was fighting Az Dakaha, the White Dragon Emperor Arubion, who was sealed in [White Dragon Emperor's Light Wings], opened his mouth to confirm that Az Dakaha Kaha has the mass of a continent, and because of this, Az Dakaha's punch smashed the [White Dragon Emperor's armor], and this generation of [White Dragon Emperor] directly lost his right arm."

"Cut! Is it true? It's really scary. No wonder humans say that the disasters he brought in history were caused by the movement of continental plates. They have the mass of continents. When walking on land, they are the gaps between continents." It is strange that the continental plate does not move when it collides, and speaking of it, our underworld seems to have experienced it once, right?"

Demon Lord Asmodeus had a bitter face.

"That time my castle was also affected. In that kind of earthquake, my castle was crooked. It's a perverted setting. This setting alone is enough trouble. Just touch you You will be smashed to death in one hit."

"And then the second."

Suzeks took the words of Demon Lord Asmodeus and continued.

"Simulating the Star Creation Map [Avesta], this ability is too BUG. You can copy and paste everything about the opponent, and then offset it. In the face of this kind of power, non-human cosmology cannot approach him, otherwise it is giving him Sending strength, if we fight in the future, when we stand on the opposite side of him, an existence like us must never appear, otherwise we can play GG."

"That's why we need a large number of talented human reincarnated demons now."

"Well, let's assume we can deal with this. According to the setting, the demon reincarnated by humans has a human view of the universe, which is a derivative of the human view of the universe, so it will not be copied and pasted."

Suzeks nodded.Then he smiled wryly again.

"I didn't expect that in order to deal with someone, I deliberately made all the subordinates without artifacts. They are all pure-blooded demons, but now none of them can be effective."

"Then, the third thing, [Overlord's Light Wheel], we don't know exactly how powerful this thing is. It only talks about the inheritance of destroying one-third of the world, which represents light and heat. , is the light of the end, but it was offset by the original fire of the Feathered Serpent God, we don’t have a Feathered Serpent God here, so... what about this thing?”


"We don't seem to have anyone who can deal with this thing, even if it is a reincarnated demon. No matter how you look at it, it is something that can destroy the world. We don't know how to deal with it at all."

Rias looked at a group of demon kings with sad faces, and couldn't help it.

"Brother, can I have a word?"

"Lias, do you have any good suggestions?"

Suzeks asked.

"No, brother."

Rias shook her head.

"I just want to say that not only can we not resist the [Overlord's Light Wheel], nor can we resist the mass of a continent-like volume, there is also one of the simplest things that we cannot resist, whether it is a reincarnated demon or our purebred demon .”


"If my guess is correct, based on the current character of Lord Aziz Dakaha, he should be the Lord Aziz Dakaha after being crusaded. The anime, like the anime in the twelfth episode of the second season, is content to die. So..."

Bring out another book in your hand.

[Shoot, faster than starlight! 】

"This is a separate book about the subjugation of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha later on. We just watched the content of the eleventh and twelfth episodes of the second season. If so, his speed can reach the sixth cosmic speed, and he can turn into a star body. Is there anyone in this world who can resist the sixth cosmic speed?"


"So does it make sense for us to discuss how to deal with Aziz Dakaha's final human trial?"


Chapter 39. Demon Lords Who Want to Know the Past of Absolute Evil

The entrance to the castle of the Demon Lord Leviathan.

Demon Lord Leviathan Serafur is walking towards the castle with Azidakaha and Orpheus.

Because I made an excuse temporarily that I would hold a concert and take Orpheus and Az Dakaha away, and bought a few days for the demon kings of Suzeks to hold a meeting and call other demon family heads, so it was too late. After a few days, they came back again, back to the castle.

It's just that as soon as he entered the gate of the castle, Serafur smelled a smell of despair, a smell of incomparable despair, as if the world would soon be destroyed.

This made Serafur's skin crawl all over.With doubts in mind, Serafur walked deep into the castle and came to the hall. Serafur was surprised to find three black and white figures.

They are the Demon Lord Lucifer Suzeks Gremory, the Demon Lord Asmodeus Farubium Gracia Rabos, and the Demon Lord Beelzebub Achuka Astarot.

Each of the three demon kings is now black and white, standing in the hall like a stone, with a look of decadence and despair.

Serafur was full of doubts.

"Hey! What's the matter? What happened to you all? How did you become like this, petrified by Medusa? Hey! Give me a reaction!"

Serafur slapped the bodies of the three demon kings, but there was no response from their faces, arms, or buttocks, as if they had really petrified.

Azi Dakaha and Orpheus who followed in saw the three demon kings with puzzled faces, completely unaware of what happened.

"Sazex! Falubium! Achuka!"

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