Serafur shouted the names of several people.

"What the hell happened to you guys! Have you been attacked! The fallen angels are here? Or are the angels here! Tell me, how did the three good demon kings become like this!"

However, the three demon kings in black and white still ignored her, and stood in the hall in black and white with a desperate attitude.

"Sister Sera, don't shout, it's useless."

A voice came from the side door, causing Serafur to turn her head, and found that it was Rias and Gurefia who was following her.

"Little Leah, are you here too?"

Serafur jumped over and jumped to Rias's side.

"Little Liya, tell me what happened here. I only went out for a few days. Why did these guys become like this? Have they been attacked? But I think they are still alive, and I don't want to be attacked. Petrified, what is going on here?"

"I returned to the underworld a few days ago, and I have been staying here. As for the elder brothers and the others, they have become like this since they were hit by me a few days ago. They seem to feel that life...wrong, the devil lives Filled with desperation, and then it's been like that for days."

Rias smiled wryly and looked at the three demon kings who were still black and white.

A few days ago, Rias had a conversation with the few of them, and they were beaten to pieces. The strategy that was originally planned was found to be useless.

Demons reincarnated by humans?Well, it is indeed possible to deal with [Avesta] that simulates the star creation map, but what about [Overlord's Light Wheel]?What about the mass of a continent-like volume?What about the sixth cosmic speed?

Each of these is something no one in this world can resist.

The only one who can resist it is probably the legendary Great Red True Red Dragon God Emperor Great Red, but whether it can be resisted or not is unknown. After all, no one knows the combat effectiveness of Great Red. It can only be said that it is the kind that is number one in the world. , exists at the same level as [Infinite Dragon God] Orpheus, but it does not have a human view of the universe. Even if it can resist, it can't do anything against Aziz Dakaha, because it is not a human being, and it does not have a human view of the universe Derived from it, everything will be copied and pasted immediately, just like Orpheus was copied and pasted back then, causing Orpheus, who is mentally retarded, to call her father, but now he still follows her every day like a real daughter.

"Shocked? Liya, what did you say? You hit them like this."

Serafur was curious about what Rias said.

"It's nothing."

Rias goodbye.

"I just analyzed it, and then smashed their thoughts to pieces, so now they are sad because they are so lack of thinking as the devil."


Serafur seemed a little confused.

But if you don't understand, you have to pretend to understand.

"ok, I get it."

It was obvious that Serafur still didn't understand what was going on, but she was embarrassed to ask any more, and pretended to understand, so that the corners of Gurefia's mouth slightly raised when she saw it.

Also not understanding what Rias said were Orpheus and Azi Dakaha who came back after Serafur.

But for them, it doesn't matter if they understand it or not, they don't care about these things.

So Azi Dakaha passed the three black and white demon kings directly, and walked towards the deep room.

"Please wait a moment, Your Excellency Aziz Dakaha."

The moment Azi Dakaha passed by the three of them, the three of them immediately recovered from the black and white.

"Ah, I recovered so quickly, and indeed His Excellency Aziz Dakaha is different."

Rias was surprised.

It was Sazeks who called Aziz Dakaha. As the most familiar with Aziz Dakaha among all the demon kings, he was naturally responsible for communicating with His Excellency Aziz Dakaha.

"Sazex, what's the matter?"

Az Dakaha stopped and turned his head to ask.

"There is indeed something."

Suzeks looked polite.

"To be honest, Your Excellency Az Dakaha, I discovered this novel by accident."

Suzeks did not intend to hide, but directly took out the novel in his hand and threw it at Aziz Dakaha.

After casually catching the novel thrown by Suzeks, Azi Dakaha looked down at the cover above.

It was a scene that I was very familiar with, the scene where the man called courage who once attacked him, went back to Izayoi, and raised the banner of 'evil' behind him.

Problem children come from different worlds - strike out!Faster than the stars!

"Is that so, did you guys know the story about me and discover my identity?"

Az Dakaha looked up at Suzeks and asked in a low voice.All the demons present were very nervous.

After all, if this identity is discovered and the history is unearthed, it is very likely that the fight will start directly. At that time, it will be a battle of the nature of extermination.


Suzeks nodded, despite the pressure, Suzeks still looked at Aziz Dakaha with a smile.

"His Excellency Aziz Dakaha doesn't seem to be angry."

"Angry? Why are you angry about this kind of thing?"

Aziz Dakaha asked.

"Yes, if you are not angry, would you like to talk to us about Hakoniwa and your past?"

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