Then Hades' power of death can also be used by him, so can Pluto resist his own power of death?It's probably okay, after all, it's his own ability, so let's forget about using the power of death to kill the opponent.

Aziz Dakaha chose to rush directly to face him.

"This is another point I want to say. Your Excellency Aziz Dakaha is very powerful. While he is powerful, his quality is also terrible. The White Dragon Emperor Arubion once said that Aziz Dakaha The mass of His Excellency Dakaha exceeds the mass of a continent, so with this mass, a blow from His Excellency Aziz Dakaha will be extremely terrifying."

"What? What are you talking about? A continent?"

"Yes, please see."

Following Aziz Dakaha's fist swing, the ground was instantly shattered, and a terrifying shock wave spread out, impacting this space, and a large number of cracks began to appear in the space, which was obviously about to collapse.

Chapter 60、【4000】The villain died of talking too much

After all, the space collapsed.

This super-devil king-level existence compiled by the best magic formula in the underworld, the demon king Beelzebub Achuka Astarot specially created a world-eroding space for Aziz Dakaha to fight. Dakaha directly collapsed under a heavy blow.

"Can't even resist his blow? My technique is really pathetic."

Looking at the collapsing different space, Achuka Astaro showed a wry smile on his face.

"Don't worry, that's His Excellency Aziz Dakaha. Don't we know how powerful the other party is? Although the different space spells are powerful, they are no stronger than the power to smash a continent with one punch."

Sazeks comforted Achuka, making him shrug his shoulders helplessly.

"I don't care about this. After all, I already know that the opponent is strong. I'm just thinking about how to improve this technique so that I can protect the underworld from dying in the hands of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha in the future."

"Your statement is really pessimistic."

"It's true, isn't it?"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The scene returns to the underworld from another space again.

The only good thing is that he didn't return to the castle of Suzeks, but outside the castle.

In this way, you don't have to worry about breaking the castle.

The onlookers on the side of the Bible have been flying in the air to watch, so after returning to the underworld, they are also watching in the air.

After the shattering of the different space, the attention of all the onlookers focused on Aziz Dakaha. Because of Aziz Dakaha's tall body, the onlookers just knew that he punched Hades. But they didn't see what Hades did. Hades' existence was completely blocked by Aziz Dakaha's body, and the audience who couldn't see each other were very anxious.

Az Dakaha's fist was suspended in the air and slowly retracted.

The onlookers finally saw what happened to Hades.

Hades, wrapped in black robes, was now a heap of broken bones and shredded cloth scattered on the ground.

"Hades, the Hades, died just like that?"

Odin was stunned, and Loki and Finnir were also stunned.

On the contrary, the characters in the Bible seemed to have known it for a long time, and became lively and started talking about it.

Suzeks, who knew Aziz Dakaha best, began to explain again.

"Although Hades, the king of the underworld, is strong, there are no legends saying that his body is strong. He has the power of death and can use the power of death. Compared with a warrior, Hades is more like a mage, but a mage is in Ah Hades is completely useless in front of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha, without strong physical ability, and not strong enough in melee combat. Hades can really be described as crisp and paper in front of His Excellency Aziz Dakaha, so he was It is normal for His Excellency Z Dakaha to resolve it."

"Fortunately, I have Gungnir, the gun of eternity. If I fight against him, although magic can't be used, at least my gun can still be used, and my martial arts can also be used. Tsk tsk tsk~ Really because of this Hades felt pitiful, he was a stronger character than me, and it was a pity that he died just because of this."

Odin touched the golden gun of eternity, Gungnir, in his hand, with a strange expression on his face. He didn't know whether it was genuine regret or gloating, but it was just a strange expression.

Seeing Odin's appearance, Suzeks smiled wryly, and did not continue. He did not say that the artifact can be neutralized in front of Aziz Dakaha, even if it is a god-killing tool, as long as the other party It is not human beings' cosmology and the cosmology related to Zoroastrianism, which can be copied and then offset.

So Gungnir, the Eternal Spear, is just another artifact that can be copied to Aziz Dakaha. Odin has no chance of winning against Aziz Dakaha.

"Not dead yet..."

Az Dakaha's voice suddenly came, drawing everyone's attention back.

"Hahaha, how could I die so easily, I am the Pluto! The Pluto who is in charge of death!"

Among the pile of broken bones, the only unbroken skull suddenly moved, and the jaw opened and closed making a sound, which was the voice of Hades.

"Heh~ Sure enough, it's not that simple to die. You guys are too exaggerated about that guy's ability."

Odin looked at the moving skull and laughed.

"Anyway, the other party is Pluto, and it is impossible to die so easily, let alone under a pure physical attack."

The demons, especially Suzeks, looked obviously a little embarrassed. What they said just now, they were slapped in the face now, but it was true.

"But although I didn't die, I was seriously injured by what you did all of a sudden. Fortunately, my head is fine, and it only takes a while for my body to recover."

Hades' jaw opened and closed continuously making sounds.

"Also, do you dare to kill me?"

Hades' words made Aziz Dakaha a little confused, why did he ask dare to kill?

Do you dare to kill a god?I fought against a group of millions of gods back then (probably Japanese Shintoism, otherwise I can’t think of where there are millions of gods. The most other gods are called heavenly soldiers, and I dare not call them gods.) I don’t know how many gods I killed. I can't count them all. Although I haven't killed the king of gods, it's because the kings of gods basically hide behind and won't fight in person, just like the demons in the novel invade the world. It's always gods who guide humans to fight, but they just don't come out. Same.

But this Hades in front of him asked himself dare to kill him?How interesting.

"Why not?"

Az Dakaha said that you have successfully aroused my interest, so I asked.

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