"I am Hades! I am Hades, the king of the underworld! I am the lord of the underworld! This is the underworld. If you kill me, who else will manage the underworld! You have to think about the price! No one manages the chaos Underworld, can you bear this responsibility?"

Hades immediately explained the reason.

"Without Pluto, the underworld would be chaotic! So I said, do you dare to kill me!"

"Hahaha! Come on! Come and try to kill me!"

Hades' words reached the ears of the onlookers while speaking to Aziz Dakaha.

The underworld needs managers, that’s for sure, that’s why there is Hades. In Greek mythology, Hades is the king of the underworld who manages the underworld. In other myths, there are other gods who manage the underworld.

So what Hades said is not unreasonable. Without the management of the god of the underworld, the underworld will easily fall into chaos, and the price will be very high.

"Hahaha, don't dare, you still..."


The skeleton's skull was crushed by Aziz Dakaha's claws.

A powerful Pluto died.

"Hey, no, he's really crushed."

Odin was the most surprised. A god-king-level existence died in front of him like this. As a god-king, he was naturally shocked.

"Well, indeed, dead."

"Ah, dead."

"Another god died."

The leaders of the three parties, the devil, the angel, and the fallen angel, respectively sighed.

Odin was speechless looking at the reactions of the three.

"Are you not worried at all, especially you, devil kid, you can live in the underworld, are you really not worried? My old man is worried about you."

"Why worry."

Suzeks asked back.

"Odin, are you talking about the turmoil in the underworld?"

"Isn't it natural! Hades is the king of the underworld, who manages the underworld. When he dies, the underworld is in chaos. You are the most direct victims."

"No, no, old man, you can be very wrong about this."

Suzeks didn't answer, but Asachel spoke up instead.

"I did? What do you mean?"

Odin looked puzzled again.

"Old man, have you been in the country for too long, has your brain lost its wit?"

Asachel looked unbearable.

"Go out and walk around more in the future, don't become an idiot."

"Don't give me nonsense, tell me what's going on?"

"Tch, the country old man is really rude."

"It's not your turn, a fallen angel kid!"

Odin glared at Asachel, like a child losing his temper, causing the Valkyrie Roseweizer behind him to cover his face.

"Old man, Hades is indeed the king of the underworld, indeed the master of the underworld, responsible for managing the underworld. His death will indeed cause chaos in the underworld, but it has nothing to do with us."

Asachel calmly spoke slowly.

"You have to know, what kind of God King is Hades?"

"Pluto, aren't you talking nonsense?"

"No, no, no, I'm asking where the god king is."

"Olympus, Greece."

"Then where are we from?"

"Eh...in the Bible?"

"Isn't that right?"

Asachel spread his hands.

"We are the biblical gods, Hades is the Greek gods, and your old man is the Norse gods. If he dies, it has nothing to do with us. The underworld will indeed be chaotic, but it is managed by the Greek Olympus. One piece will be chaotic, and Olympus will send some people to manage it. It has nothing to do with the underworld to which our Bible belongs. For so many years, demons have stayed in the underworld, but I have never heard of it being managed by Hades. "

"Yes, that's it."

Suzeks also nodded and smiled.

This made Odin speechless, and he was in a hurry for a long time.So simply, Odin blushed and didn't ask any more questions.

"This time, my old man is really confused, and I forgot the simplest thing. It's because if we die in Northern Europe, I'm just managing the undead, and the one who controls death is indeed Loki's. Daughter Hela, this makes me completely ignorant of death, I haven’t been to the underworld a few times, and I don’t know the basic composition of gods in the underworld.”

Odin is also telling the truth. He is responsible for managing the brave. Only the undead of the brave will be collected by him after death, and then stuffed into a place called the Hall of Valor prepared for Ragnarok. The form of heroic spirits continues to survive there, and death is in charge of Loki's third child, the goddess of death, Hela. Therefore, Hela is the real god of the underworld in Northern Europe, in charge of the power of death.

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