And this time, in this world, Az Dakaha got the fang of killing god again.

It is more convenient to face the gods, even the gods of the Zoroastrian Cult.

By directly copying the blessing of the Godslaughter Fang, Az Dakaha's teeth, claws and fists immediately possessed the same power as the Godslaughter Fang.

This is fatal to the gods, but it is not much different to humans, because currently no humans can withstand the attacks of Az Dakaha's claws and fists head-on.

Even Izayoi's right hand was smashed by Azi Dakaha, using the same fist.So when facing humans, it doesn't make any difference whether you have the power to kill gods or not, but once you face the gods, it is very useful.With claws that can ignore the blessing of defensive god-killing power, it can easily tear the gods.

After using [Avesta] to copy, Aziz Dakaha tried a few times, just like learning how to turn the sixth cosmic speed into a star body. It does not mean that after copying, he will use it forever. Remember that feeling, and then restore it perfectly, that is the real success. After several battles, Aziz Dakaha has thoroughly learned the transformation of the astral body and the battle at the sixth cosmic speed Way.

The power of killing gods naturally needs the same.

In this place where there is no one in the underworld, Aziz Dakaha rarely used his [Thousands of Magic]. It is made with Hakoniwa's specifications, and in this world, there are very few that can be broken open.

After the barrier was established, Az Dakaha recalled the feeling when he copied and pasted it just now, and then stretched out his claws, stabbing towards the barrier.

The enchantment that was strong enough to temporarily block the gods, when Azidakaha's claws touched the evil, it was pierced without any hindrance, and the enchantment began to collapse and shatter, disappearing in an instant.

"It seems to work very well."

Az Dakaha was very satisfied with this result, and successfully realized the power of killing gods on himself.

"Clap clap-"

"Congratulations, Aziz, check in, Your Excellency, such power is a powerful booster."

There was applause and Suzeks' voice behind him.

Of course, Az Dakaha lives in the castle of the Demon Lord Leviathan Serafur because of Orpheus. As a super heavyweight, his travels are always watched.

The moment Aziz Dakaha took Orpheus out, Serafur, who was in charge of the [-]-hour attention, immediately notified Suzeks, and then followed behind Aziz Dakaha , to see where he goes.

Suzeks has the guts to talk and laugh with Aziz Dakaha, but Serafur doesn't have the guts, so she only has the guts to chat with Orpheus about idols, and now Orpheus Under the leadership of Serafur, she is a new star among the idols of the underworld. After all, she is a cute loli with a nice voice and can dance. Don't you love her?You know, this is the strongest loli in the world!

So Serafur followed Aziz Dakaha all the time, and Aziz Dakaha didn't mind being followed by someone, let alone his landlord.

After arriving at a suitable place, Az Dakaha concentrated on copying the power of killing gods, and Suzeks came here at that time.

"Sazex, have you come here too, but that's right, as the head of the Demon King, it's normal for you to come here."

Aziz Dakaha naturally knew the meaning of Suzeks' coming, just to see what Aziz Dakaha was doing.

"If my guess is correct, Your Excellency Az Dakaha, the one in your hand should be the Godslaughter Fang that Fenir dropped back then."

Sazeks pointed to Aziz Dakaha's right hand.

"Indeed, this is the Godslaughter Fang that I shot down back then."

Aziz Dakaha graciously admitted.

"Then, the power you just displayed should be the power of the Godslaughter Fang."

"That's right, that's the power of the Godslaughter Fang. Since you know the [Avesta] I have, you should also know that I can copy the favor. This Godslaughter Fang is equivalent to a favor. I will use it Blessed on my body, now I also have the power to ignore any defenses and directly cause serious injuries to death."

Azi Dakaha said and threw the fangs to Sazex.

Suzeks was very puzzled when he caught those huge teeth.

"Your Excellency Aziz Dakaha, who is this?"

"It has no use for me, so I gave it to you. How you use it is your convenience."

Aziz Dakaha left after saying that, he no longer needed the Godslaughter Fang after the experiment was successful. Although the Godslaughter Fang could be used as a weapon, it was not as powerful as Aziz Dakaha himself had the power to kill the Gods. It’s more convenient, why don’t you give it to Sazex, that kind of thing is a very good thing for demons. When facing a powerful existence, the weapon made of the fangs of the gods is very powerful. , This is the grace of the godhead, not a god-killing tool, but there is no adaptability. Suzeks can use it by himself. It is deterrent, because the agility of the two is completely incomparable!

Fennier, who has a huge body, is suitable for frontal collision attacks, and Suzeks, who is the size of an ordinary person but flexible, has two completely different attack methods.

In the hands of Suzeks, the Godslaughter Fang is like a dagger that kills. When others are not paying attention, they attack suddenly, and the other party does not know that it is the Fangs of Gods. It is easy to cause a kill. , the defense is too late, because the fangs of killing gods ignore the defensive shield.

After getting this sharp weapon, Suzeks was obviously very happy.

"This is a great gift."

"This is indeed a great gift."

Serafur also understood the truth.

"Go back and ask Aqiuka to start research and make these teeth into daggers. Each of us demon kings can take one. This can be regarded as an improvement for us as a whole."

"Where are the angels and fallen angels?"

"What you said, I think about it, I should also give it to the angel and the fallen angel. After all, we will be allies in the future. We should say something, right? They helped us in the maintenance of the city last time." Something is missing."

Suzeks carefully put away the Godslaughter Fang. This is an existence that can change a person's strength, especially if a character at the level of a devil has a good strength, if he has the Godslaughter Fang as a weapon , you can rank among the top row in the world, because Fennell relies on this thing, but he didn't expect that one day his teeth would be broken several times by someone else's punch, and they would be picked up and made into daggers , This is something that can change part of the world pattern.

On one side of the devil, he was proud, but on the other side, he was not so happy.

Cao Cao failed again and returned to the station of the Misfortune Group. Cao Cao kicked the door and walked in.

Ever since Orpheus left, the Disaster Group has not had a good day. Of course, it is Cao Cao who has been frustrated for so long. He ran for his life three times in a row, but there is no one left. Cao Cao doesn't know that he should be proud now. Able to escape from Aziz Dakaha three times.

But after kicking open the door, Cao Cao saw a man he didn't know at all.

Hearing the kick on the door, the man turned around, twirling a small wine glass in his hand.

"Are you Cao Cao?"

By the way, in yesterday's chapter post, I would suggest that you read "The Gensokyo of the Sun and White Night", because the protagonist is the gentleman Shiroyasha, but I don't recommend you to read my other book about pure blood of the dragon, because There is a big gap between the style of that book and this Tyrant, it belongs to the transformation text, I personally don’t recommend friends who like Tyrant to read it, that’s it.

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