"Without Youyue I Will Die"

An infinite stream of books, the protagonist is a boy with the ability to reverse the sixteen nights, the current style belongs to the kind of sweet text, I guess it should be a harem text, currently written in Gensokyo, the protagonist is Kaguya's younger brother, The elder brother that Mei Hong likes.

Chapter 62, The Evil Dragon Summons

Rezevim Livian Lucifer.

This is the name of the person Cao Cao is facing now.

As stated in his name, he is a descendant of Lucifer, and he is not the devil Lucifer. He is the first descendant after the first fallen angel Lucifer became Lucifer, that is, the ancestor Lucifer son.

He is the grandfather of this generation's [White Dragon Emperor] Wally Lucifer, and the person Wally hates the most. He is recorded in the Bible under the name of "Lerin".

The reason why Wali hates him is because he once ordered his son, that is, Wali's father, to "persecute" Wali, make Wali run away from home, and kill Wali's father because he was too cowardly.

His mother is Lilith, who is called the mother of demons in the Bible. The combination of Lucifer and Lilith's blood makes Rizevim extremely powerful, and his strength ranks high in the world, but few people pay attention to him.

That's because Rizevim has completely lost interest in everything, and even questioned the meaning of his own existence, so he rarely appears in the world and lives in seclusion in the depths of the underworld, because he is the son of the ancestor Lucifer and has the most Because of the pure blood of Lucifer, the Old Demon King faction once looked for him, hoping that he could lead the Old Devil King faction to regain control of the devil's regime.

But Rizevim refused, because he thought it was boring and had no interest at all, so he refused, and also because of his refusal, and at the same time, the descendants of other previous demon kings of the old demon king faction were not strong enough to resist Saze of the new devil king faction All the people in X, so the New Demon King faction was able to take power.But even so, Sazeks and the others are still vigilant against Rizevim at all times, because Rizevim is very strong, super strong!

Because one thing is very important, that is Rizevim's ability!Rizevim, who inherited the blood of Lucifer, seems to be the same as his father, born to be at odds with God.

God created artifacts and let them live in the human body to exert powerful power, while Rizevim's ability is to nullify all artifacts, even the god-killing tools.

This ability to target artifacts is a headache for the demon kings.

Especially after possessing the demon chess pieces, many of the subordinates of the superior demons were transformed by humans, because they were favored with powerful artifacts, so they were reincarnated as demons.

Or some human artifacts were seized by demons and used as their own to improve their abilities. Artifacts have become an important part of the devil's combat power.

Not only demons, but also fallen angels. Many fallen angels have artifacts. The governor of fallen angels, Asachel, likes gods, likes to research and develop artifacts. He has researched and developed many artificial artifacts, even his own artifacts. They made it all by themselves, and sealed it in the artificial artifact [Flash Gun of the Fallen Dragon] made by themselves by making a contract with [Golden Dragon Lord] Fafnir among the five dragon kings.

As the use of artifacts becomes more and more widespread, the current demon king Lucifer Sazeks pays more and more attention to Rizevim. In order to prevent Rizevim from suddenly becoming bored with the world one day, he wants to To seize the position of the Demon Lord sparked a war.Sazex purposely did not accept a single person who used a divine weapon when conscripting his family members. No matter how powerful the divine weapon was, Sazeks did not take a fancy to it. The demon king Lucifer's family members were all pure ability users, not divine weapons. user.

Such an existence, basically few people know his true face, even the governor of the fallen angels and the archangel Michael, who never appeared in front of everyone, but was mentioned by the ancestor Lucifer, and only appeared in records and legends No one knows what Rizevim looks like in the movie.

For example, Cao Cao, who had just returned to the Disaster Regiment's station angrily, didn't know.

"I am indeed Cao Cao, so who are you?"

"Me? I'm the one who came to you to take over the Brigade of Disaster."

Rizevim stopped and held the wine glass in his hand, and looked at Cao Cao with a frivolous smile.

"From now on, you are under my jurisdiction."

"What is under your jurisdiction? I am the founder and leader of the Disaster Regiment!"

Cao Cao was enraged by Rizevim's words. He was taken away by Aziz Dakaha, and then escaped three times in a row under Aziz Dakaha's hands. Now Rizevim broke into him again The resident, this is suicidal!

"Wherever you are from! Now I'm pissed that you're pissing me off! So go to hell!"

The [Holy Spear of Dusk] in his hand lit up and stabbed Rizevim directly.

Facing the rushing Cao Cao, Rizevim still smiled, then stretched out his free hand, and directly blocked the tip of the holy spear with one finger, preventing Cao Cao from moving forward.


Cao Cao was very surprised that his gun was stopped.

"Don't be surprised, this kind of thing can't hurt me."

Rizevim was very natural.

"So, do you have any other moves? Just use it, I can take a look at it slowly."

Facing such a mocking Rizevim.

Cao Cao directly liberated his Holy Spear, and began to forbid the divine weapon.

Forbidden hand of [Holy Spear of Dusk]: Holy Spear of True Darkness and White Night.

This is the state where the power of the user is released.

However, after the forbidden hand, the moment Cao Cao wanted to stab Rizevim, the forbidden hand disappeared.


Cao Cao's eyes widened immediately.

"This! What did you do!"

Cao Cao immediately suspected the target on Rizevim, and the disappearance of his forbidden hand must be something done by the guy in front of him, otherwise such a situation would not have happened.

Especially when Rizevim told Cao Cao in front of Cao Cao just now to let Cao Cao try out each move one by one, he definitely did something at that time.

"Me? I'm just invalidating your artifact. Your artifact should be the god-killing tool [Holy Spear of Dusk]. That artifact that resides in the will of God is really rare. This is the strongest. artifact."

Rizevim looked at the Holy Spear in Cao Cao's hand and praised it.

"You invalidated the artifact? What a joke! How could it be possible! Who are you!"

"Does it mean that you admit to being my subordinate? My name, I will only tell my subordinates."

Rizevim shook the wine glass in his hand again, and looked at Cao Cao with a smile.

"So, do you want to be my subordinate? Your strength and momentum are good. I can give you a deputy position."

"What a joke!"

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